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There's no turning back.

Eric stood in front of Sammy with his arms crossing against his chest.

"You can't just sit here in your bed all day, Sammy," Eric tells her.

"I wanted to be alone," Sammy mumbled while hugging one of her pillows.

All could Eric do is to let out a long and heavy sigh. He was already convincing Sammy to get off of the bed for almost an hour already.

"Sammy, you are literally pissing me-"

Eric was interrupted when screamings suddenly filled the house.


"Yo, where's the girl?!"

"Hoya, Sammy!"

"What are you guys doing here?" Sammy asks Haknyeon, Hyunjae, and Kevin who had just entered her room.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?!" Hyunjae screams at her.

"Why? Where are we-"

"Eric didn't tell you?" Haknyeon asks the girl.

"Didn't tell me what?" Sammy wondered.

Kevin then elbowed Eric's side. "Why didn't you tell her that we are hanging out?" he asked.

"Wait, we are hanging out?" Sammy asked, a bit surprised.

"The other guys are already downstairs," Hyunjae tells her.

"Oh, Younghoon and Chanhee's aren't coming," Sammy mumbled.

"What do you mean by that?" Hyunjae wondered.

"Alright, I get it," Kevin said after he snapped his fingers. "Because they are gays, not guys."

"That was smart," Eric said while nodding his head.

"Okay, now get out of my room," Sammy abruptly told the boys.

"W-what?" Eric stammers.

"Why are you kicking us out?" Haknyeon asked with a pout.

"Do you want to watch me change my clothes?" Sammy asks them with a teasing smile.

"No! Of course not!" the three boys responded in unison.

"If you wouldn't mind-"


"I was just kidding! Don't attack me!"

They went on the usual amusement park near the coast because some of the boys insisted on going to the mall, especially Haknyeon and Eric. The two boys were the ones who really insisted on going to the mall because of what happened a week ago with them and Hyunjoon. The other boys never knew what happened because no one dared to tell them.

While tapping his right foot on the ground, Sangyeon kept an eye on Sammy and all of the boys that seems to be enjoying themselves.

Someone suddenly stood beside Sangyeon and it was Sunwoo.

"That's why I sensed that someone is missing," Sangyeon chuckled. "You're just behind me."

Sunwoo shrugged his shoulders. "I was just looking around when I found you standing out here alone."

"Why aren't you with them?" Sangyeon asks the younger.

"Same question to you."

Sangyeon huffed before a smile of disbelief appeared on his lips.

"Anyway," he began. "Any news on what happened to Sammy and Hyunjoon? I know that you'll get some news since you are really close with Eric who is Sammy's best of friend."

Sunwoo scratched the back of his neck before letting out a sigh. "Well, an unexpected thing happened last week."

Sangyeon hummed. "Just tell me everything, I will listen to every word that you say."

The younger started to tell Sangyeon everything that he needs to know. From how Eric invited him and Haknyeon to hang out to the mall, accidentally seeing Sammy with Hyunjoon on the food court, and of course, the greatest thing that happened where they made such scene on the mall.

"So, you are definitely saying that Hyunjoon broke up with Sammy on that day?" Sangyeon asked.

"Definitely," Sunwoo responded with his head nodding slightly. "He is now back again in China. That's better for the sake of Sammy," he added.

"I think he was forced to break up with Sammy," Sangyeon said out of the blue, making Sunwoo to turn his head in him.

The younger then scoffed. "You're just having silly thoughts, Sangyeon hyung."

"I knew Hyunjoon for years already and he never acted like the way he did when he came back from China weeks ago," Sangyeon stated. "He had this reason why he broke up with Sammy, but he kept it to himself and decided on not to tell any one of us, not even Sammy."

"You think he would still come back?"

Sangyeon shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he will, or maybe not," he responded. "Anyways, you said that Eric and Hyunjoon fought on the mall last week. Why does Eric's face look fine at all?"

"Hyunjoon never laid a hand on him," Sunwoo responded while fiddling his fingers. "I was lost for the first minute when Eric pulled Hyunjoon away from my grip. I can't move from where I'm standing and I just stared at Hyunjoon being punched by Eric for a few times."

Sunwoo blinked and took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"I might not know Hyunjoon that deep, but the way he was staring at Eric while he's punching him seems so blank. There is something that he feels inside him, but he doesn't want to express it. When I realized that Eric was already out of his limits, I quickly pulled him away from Hyunjoon and exited the mall as if nothing happened. Haknyeon already took Sammy out of the mall before the scene happened."

"You're saying that Sammy knows nothing?" Sangyeon asked, a bit surprised.

"We decided to just not talk about it," Sunwoo responded with a shrug. "I just hope that she can move on as soon as possible with our help."

Sangyeon inhaled sharply before breathing out slowly. "I feel bad for her. She is too sensitive on everything, but I'm relieved that she doesn't harm herself."

Sunwoo only kept silent as his gaze were locked on Sammy who is laughing while she is playing with Eric and Hyunjae.

"Sammy doesn't need another guy to love in order to be fixed."

Sangyeon turned his head on Sunwoo with a playful smile on his lips. "Hey, what are you trying to say there?"

Sunwoo laughed slightly before shaking his head.

"She has us, all of us," Sunwoo said with a small smile.

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