Twenty four - jealous

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Rosé POV

I checked my Instagram account if there's something important had came but, there is none. It's just the thousands likes of my photos and complementing comments to it. No message.

I was about to turn it off when suddenly I've received a message. Then my eyes suddenly widen after reading the name.

*오빠_Kai wants to send a message*

오빠_Kai: I know it was you..
오빠_Kai: Anyways, Good day...
오빠_Kai: I can't get you out of my mind.. 

My brows furrowed as well as my heart are beating fast. My CRusH!! I just decided to reply to him

Roses_are_rosie: Ah, good day too... mind if you explain what you're saying?

I don't really know what he's talking about and, why he can't get me out of his mind? OMG, is this destiny? Are we meant to be? Ahh, I think is the start of my love life.

오빠_Kai: you kissed me at the bar last night.... and someone suddenly punch me and pulls you away, I didn't saw his face because things went fast....... is that your boyfriend?

Oh my god! So......... he's the random guy? Oh gosh I haven't saw his face... I kissed him!

What I'm gonna answer to this?

I was about to type some freaking reason when someone suddenly grabbed my phone from behind. I turn to see and guess who it was.

"This bullsh*t will have some good day if I'll see him again."
"Can't get you out of his mind? Is he crazy?"
"Oh he's the fucking guy last night?"
          He commented whilst reading the convo.

"Hey Jimin give me that!"

"No! Wait.. let me give this fucking man some ass."
    He said and type something, I tried to get my phone back but he will turn his back for me, blocking me and he's a fast writer.

Oh hell.

"Here... I love you rosé"
      He said then handed me my phone and smile then walks out.

I immediately read the message he sent and i just mentally faced palmed reading it.

Oh damn..

Roses_are_rosie: Yes, he is my really fucking hot and handsome boyfriend.. so please, if you don't mind, just leave me alone and don't chat to me ever again....

Roses_are_rosie: oh!...and.. I don't like the way you kiss... it's very lousy..

                       *You blocked 오빠_Kai*

my crush.... he must have been embarrassed right now.. ahh, Jimin!

I just throw my phone away, I can't respond to him and unblock him and say sorry to him because if I do, he'll think I'm crazy, and he will ask who the heck replied to him like that, and if I say it's Jimin, then he'll ask why I'm with Jimin!! And I don't want him to tell that I'm married with Jimin Duh! .. Oh hell. Am I gonna lose my destiny with kai?

"I hate you park jiminnnnn!!!"
    I yelled in frustration.. I then saw he opened the door from the bathroom.

    He asked with a teasing face on him. I just gave him a rolling eyes before I stump my feet at the floor and go downstairs.

"Hey, I just hate that guy!! You can't blame me! It's the part of my duty to get your trust!"
     He said almost shouting.

"Wow? Getting trust by invading privacy?"
     I sarcastically said and just go to my baby plant. I need more plants here..


I didn't talked to Jimin for the whole day, I'm mad at him because I just lost my crush! It's my time to talk to him and arhhh! He interfered!

After I cooked for our dinner, we started eating since he's patiently waiting for me to finish. We ate quietly until we finished. After that we fixed ourselves and ready for bed, I didn't bother looking at him and acted like I'm just living alone in this house.

Until he pulled me.

"Hey rosé, don't act like that.."
     He said with begging eyes. His eyes are so cute, but no...

"Can you please stop Jimin? Go leave me here and fuck girls and just come home if you're tired fucking them all.. mind your own business while I mind my own.."
     I said and pulled back my wrist.

"You don't understand us men, Chaeyoung..."
      He said in a calm voice.

"Of course I do! All you just know is to fuck and fuck girls and ruining someone's life and leave them hanging in place, or get their hearts and stepped it.. then cheat and fuck again.. I don't give a fuck Jimin..!!"
      I yelled.

"I hate you all men!"
    I said and lay to bed, few minutes I felt his hands around my waist them pull me closer to him.

"I'm sorry"
     He whispered to my ear. I just ignored him and get my phone then go to photos to watch our old pics before I sleep. Then I saw my BP..

"I will prove that I'm trustworthy, I may be a playboy but, not all playboys are like what you think.. I'm different"
    He said, Suddenly a brilliant idea comes up to my head. I face him and smile.

"Different? I've heard thousand words exactly like that..... but anyways, Jimin, can we go shopping tomorrow??"
    I asked smiling, I saw his brows furrowed but then he nodded.

"Sure... for you"

"Thank you so much, I just wanted to buy some new clothes because I just heard Victoria's Secret brand just released their new summer collection and I wanted to be one of the lucky who'll purchase those limited edition!.."
    I smiled and turn my back again. Then reach my phone and texted Jennie-bitch something we would like. Surely...

"Ahhh sure.... but, Uhmm... you won't buy a lot right?"
    He asked

"Of course, I won't"

I smiled as I composed how could be tomorrow looks like. I will buy my new clothes and bags and I will be with Jennie unnie. After that I will go to furniture shop too, and flower shop because I want more plants here.

I secretly texted Jennie unnie about my plan for tomorrow. And luckily she agreed immediately... this is the good thing having a bitchy best friend, she'll never say 'no' when it comes to like this.

Jimin, let's test that words from you, let's see how far you'll go to get my trust. Though I trusted you enough but that's not enough to get my fragile heart. I hate men because they're flirty cheaters. Well, except my dad, he's amazing because he gives what I want.

Let's try you Jimin.... let's try...

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