Thirty - Unit pt.2

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Jimin's POV

"Hoseok hyung.. I'm so so sorry.."
I apologize to them.

"What the hell you haven't told us about it?"
Taehyung said holding his stomach.

"Since when did she know how to do taewondo??!"
Namjoon hyung then followed.

"Ahh, I'll never trust you again Jimin, your wife is so violent!!"
Hoseok Hyung then groaned in pain.. he's the one who was being pushed my rosé to the floor..

"That's why I'm saying sorry, and, I've told you that be careful right? I didn't know she would act like that..."
I said, sincerity is overflowing.

"Rosé is unbelievable, she almost killed us with that fucking knife!"
Jungkook complained and put some ice pack on his face. I run my hands through my hair, they all look so busted.

"I'm sorry, it's just my only plan to take rosé away without any suspects from her... and, you all agreed!"

"Except Yoongi.. he didn't come of course"
Jin said..

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to surprise her, and my dad told me that she brought rosé to my con— WHAT THE FUCK? in my condo?!"
I exclaimed in shock ness as I've remembered something.

"Wowow, Wait... don't tell me you didn't clean your condo when we left there??"
Jin asked eyes widen. I just nod, and frustration is filling me up. Jungkook and namjoon laughed on me.

"I even lose my phone there.. I don't know where is it, but it's fine.. I can buy a lot though"
Taehyung said and get the ice pack from Jungkook and press it to his own swollen arms.

"Wait... I have to go...!"
I yelled and run inside the house to call Chaeyoung's dad.

"Papa, I'm leaving....."
I said, he just nod his head and smile while still working on his plan, so I leave and immediately drive to my condo..

The hell, we made a mess there and I forgot to clean that fucking mess!! How come I forgot cleaning my own condo unit? Fuck! I don't know what does my condo unit looks like but I'm sure it's a total mess.. WE even fucked girls there and... Ahh! Jimin! You're so dumb!

"Now, I'm sure she's mad at me.... oh no please!"
I said and sighed.


Rosé's POV

I just let my self starve and just sit on the couch reading some magazines, because luckily I found a Normal magazine among those magazine with an almost naked woman. I swear, I hate Jimin!

Few moments I heard the door opened and it showed Jimin, how did he knew the pass— oh of course he's the owner.

"Oh, good thing you've called a maid to clean the mess, I'm sorry, I forgot to clean here before leaving.."
He said and smiled so I rolled the magazine in circle and hit it to his head hard.

"You such a careless and nasty man! How could you leave your condo like that?!"
I yelled

"I said I forgot, I would clean this right away if I just remembered.. and beside, you've called a maid to clean this, don't be mad.."
He said in a soft voice making my blood boil. So I hit him again.

"You bastard! I'm the one who clean this trash bin or what do you call condo unit of yours! You even left Used condoms here and your boxers all around! And the fuck, your condo unit smells bleach because of your freaking sperm here! eww! Yuck!"
I yelled and throw the magazine to his chest and go to his room.

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