Six - 2 am

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Chaeyoung POV

few chits chats with Jennie and the girls...We finally reach our favorite bar. I immediately hop outside and run to the counter.

"One chivas regal, please."
    I ordered and other girls did their own.

"So, hows the night with Jimin?"
      Jisoo teasingly ask, then they laughed

"I'm sure this bitch-love already felt that 'ohhhhh heaven'.."
         Lisa said with a moan-like tone while her hands seemingly roamed her body, then laughed.

To Jimin? Never! eww!

"Hey what happened?"
     It's Jennie asked with a teasing smile.

"Nothing happened, he may be a playboy but, we never did it....."
     I bluntly said with rolling eyes.

    They said in chorus.. followed with a teasing laugh...

Are they even my friends?

Ugh? Seriously? They're teasing me now... because of that Jimin!

     I corrected and finally the drink came up.. I immediately drink it and then a guy just showed up in front of me.

He's so handsome and hot.. his eyes says lust.. well, he's cute too...

minutes of eye contact, we are already sharing a kiss.

I heard the bitches laughs and left to mind their own business as I'm minding my own business too..

"Let's go to a room.."
     The guy pulled me but I never let him.

"Sorry, i don't date cheap guys"
     I said with a smirk and ordered another drink.

He tried pursuing me but I pushed him and rolled my eyes so, He left with an annoyed face and it was so funny. I just keep drinking here while looking at the girls who seems to be like a crazy bitches dancing.

I'll dance later.......

Jimin POV

    I called out as I opened the locked door

"She's not here?"
    I mumbled when I saw nothing..

Maybe she already left. I just go to our room to change my clothes but before it, I took a shower then after all.. i go back to living room to wait for her. It's already 9pm so I'll just wait for her.

Why am I even waiting?

I've decided to watch Netflix on the TV and find some good movie to watch. Good to watch movies while I wait.

What should I watch though?

Should I watch porn?

Ahhh... no......

The vow?

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