Twenty five - what?

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Rosé POV

"Yaya, just please lock the door before you leave... because I will go shopping and Jimin will accompany me."
I said and get my bag from the couch, Yaya and the other maid just bowed and smiled to before continuing their cleaning. I then took a glance on our room because Jimin isn't done yet.

I just rolled my eyes and walks out first to head inside our car, few moments Jimin finally came and rushingly go inside.

"Sorry, it's just that dad called me... so let's go?"
He asked and smile, I just smiled to and look outside the window. Suddenly my phone beeped.

Message from Jennie.

Jennie Jen: bitch, I'm on my way, you?

Chaeyoung: yeah too..I'll see you...

After that, I put the phone back to my bag. Then, I just saw Jimin is taking glances on me. My brows furrowed but I don't care anyways.

Few moments, we reached the mall. And even if the figure is far, I knew it was Jennie patiently waiting outside while texting on her phone. I immediately go out and ran towards her and hugged her.

"Good morning bitch"
I Greeted, and she just gave me a smirk.

"Oh jennie, you have date?"
Jimin asked

"No jimin, she's coming with us.."
I said and smiled, I then saw Jimin's eyes widen.

"With us?"
He asked confused.

"Something problem with that?"
I asked raising an eyebrow

"Ah.. no no... it's fine"
He said and forcedly smile.

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go shop Chae"
Jennie said and pulled me to the Victoria's Secret stall. I smirked as I glance on Jennie staring the dresses and and the latest released clothes.

"Let's go.."
I smiled and walk around to find some dresses. Jimin is following me and also taking a looking on some dresses here. While Jennie is on the other side choosing too.

I started to get dresses and clothes I like and handed it all to Jimin. I chose to get some thick jackets and, and high heels too.

"Wait Wait Wait... I t-thought you'll just buy few?"
He's now struggling on the clothes his holding.

"Did I say? Oh I forgot..."
I said and continued handing him everything I like.. finally, I've reach the summer collection. I picked 3 pieces, one for me, one for Lisa and Jisoo...Jennie also picked one for her. Jennie smirked after seeing Jimin struggling on the clothes.

"Let's pay this Jimin.."
I said and go to the counter, he followed with his unexplainable facial expression. But nah, he deserves it..

"How much all?"
I asked, the sales lady then smiled at me before saying.

" ₩987,589 ma'am.."

Jimin suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh? I thought I'd spend one million won... Wait"
I casually said and touched Jimin's pockets, his eyes suddenly widen making him move away.

He is shocked as he is asking that.

"You're the one who will pay for this.."
I smiled innocently and get his wallet at the back portion of his pocket then got his credit card and handed it to the sales lady immediately.

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