A big Christmas Celebration

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+New York+
Princess POV
            It was Christmas Eve , the smell of sweet baked goods and hot food filled the air, as mama, me and my siblings King, Penelope and and Kobe was cooking in the kitchen.Im the second oldest , King is the oldest , Kobe is the middle child and Penelope is the youngest, me and King is in college and Kobe and Penelope are in high school.Our dad is out right now getting some last minute Christmas decorations.My auntie, her husband and our cousins are coming over soon, their gonna be staying here until Christmas.They can be a pain in the butt.But their our family.I really hope no drama pop off and everything goes well.Because I really don't wanna have to throw hands on Christmas.
"Lemme put the cookies in the oven" I said
"They sho smell good" King said
"Yeah and you better not eat em all when their done"
He laughs "I'll try not to"
I made a face.
"Mom when is auntie Donna coming over" ?? Kobe asked
"She said she and the fam was on their way, so we gotta hurry up and finish this food and I hope your dad is on the way so we can put the rest of the Christmas decorations up"
"I wish they weren't coming" I said rolling my eyes
"Princess don't talk like that, have a positive attitude" mama said
"Ugh but you know what happened last Christmas, i can't believe your letting them come back"
"Yeah they trashed our house, it was a nightmare before Christmas" King said
Kobe and Penelope exchange eyes and laughs.
"Listen I know , but their still good people, and Donna is one of my better sisters , she's helped me a lot and you know she's always buying y'all gifts"
"Kid gifts...like sweaters and socks" ! I snapped
"Yeah mama , we want cash" ! King said
"Money ain't everything, it's the thought that counts, she makes those sweaters and socks herself"
"Oh wow congratulations, do she wants a cookie for effort" I said rolling my eyes
King looks at me and laughs , Kobe and Penelope laughs too.
Mama makes a face "be nice and be grateful"
"Yeah well they better not trash the house like last time, or they won't hear the last of me" I snapped
"Yeah or me" King chimes in
"Now y'all two better calm down, we're gonna have a great Christmas okay" ? Mama said
I sighed deeply and nodded.Mama looks at King , he nods and grins.
"Well the cookies are in the oven , imma go take a shower and put on my sexy Christmas outfit"
"No not this year" mama said
"What are you talking about" ?
"I want y'all to wear the Christmas sweaters that auntie Donna made for y'all , to show her that y'all appreciate em"
Me and my siblings gasped.
"Mama no" !
"Mom please don't make us wear those" Penelope said
"Ugh I rather die" King said
Kobe pouts  "this is a disaster"
"Please kids do it for me" mama said smiling
Me and my siblings sighed deeply as we exchanged looks.
"Okay fine" I finally said
"Fine" King said
"Thank you" mama said  smiling
Dad walks in.
"I'm backkkkkkkk" he says
He was holding a bunch of bags.
"Daddy's back" ! Penelope said
She runs and hugs him.I smiled as I walked towards him.I tried grabbing a bag , but he pulls away.
"you can't see that bag sweetie"
"Why not" ? I asked frowning
"That bag contains gifts" he said smiling
I smirked.
"I love my daddy"
"I love you more baby gurl" he said
"I better have some gifts too" Penelope said
"Of course , I brought gifts for everyone , I'm Santa remember"
We laughed.
"And I'm Mrs Claus" mama said
She kissed daddy's lips.
"Hey baby" she said smiling
"Hi my Queen" he said smiling
"Did you buy your queen something" ? She asked
"Maybeeee" he said chuckling
She giggles and kisses his lips.
"Yeah this is our cue to leave... we gotta get ready anyways" I said
"Ditto" King said
Me and my siblings walked away upstairs.

An hour had passed, and the rest of the Christmas decorations were set up beautifully around the house.Missile toe, stockings and ornaments filled the house.Our Christmas tree stood tall by the window.It was gorgeous.The platters of hot food and delicious deserts filled the table.The  plates, utensils , and cups were placed neatly in front of everyone's chair.

"We really outdone ourselves this year" mama said
"I couldn't agree more baby" daddy said
"And we look like a walking disaster with these sweaters" I said
"You can wear your sexy Santa outfit tomorrow for Christmas Day, I just wanted y'all to wear the sweaters for your auntie and her family arrivals
We suddenly heard a knock at the door.
"Oh goodness their here" King said
"Everybody stand in position, I'll get the door" mama said
"What are they the Royal family or something" ?
King nudges me and sniggers.
"Behave" mama said
She opens the door.
"Hiiiiiiii Merry Christmas Eve sister" ! auntie Donna says
"Hi sister , merry Christmas Eve to you too " ! Mama says
They both hug tightly.
"Merry Christmas  Eve" ! Her husband Daniel said
"Hey man merry Christmas Eve" daddy said
They gave dap.They walked in , their kids aka our cousins followed behind, mama and daddy hugged and greeted them.
"Hey my babies" ! Auntie Donna said
She walks fast towards us.
"Heyyyy auntie" I said
"Hey auntie" King said
"Hi auntie" Kobe said
"Hello auntie" Penelope said
We hugged her , and her husband as well.
"Hey cousin" Her oldest son Justice said
"Hey Justice"! King said
"Heyyyyy y'all" her second oldest kid Domonique said
"Hey gurl" I said smiling
Her youngest kids Bobby and Sasha  spoke.
"Hey" Bobby  said
"Heyyyyy" Sasha said
Everybody hugged.
"Your house is gorgeous, it's even better than last year" auntie said
"Oh thank you sis, we tried" mama said
"Y'all make yourself at home, y'all already know where your rooms are at" daddy said
"Yep sure do : we call this our second home" auntie said
"I bet y'all do" I whispered to myself
King heard me and sniggers.
"Awwww I see y'all wearing the sweaters" ! Auntie said
"Yeahhhh" I said smiling
"Y'all look adorable , I got y'all some more gifts , y'all gonna love it, I can't wait to exchange gifts tomorrow" auntie said
"Me too" I said with no enthusiasm
"So sister Queen I was thinking we take the kids to go ice skating tonight for Christmas Eve"
I glanced at King.
"Oh sure that sounds like a great idea, that sounds fun, don't you think kids" ?
"Sure" I said grinning
"Ooh yeah let's do it" Kobe said
"I don't know how to Ice skate" Penelope said
"It's okay I'll teach you cousin" Sasha said
She smiles and nods.
"Well what what time should we go " ? Daddy asked
"Let's go right now, why wait" ? Auntie said
"Ugh she is so bossy" I whispered to King
"I'm a pro ice skater" Domonique said
"Cool" I said sarcastically
She grins and looks away.
"Well let's go ice skating everyone" Daniel said
Everybody clapped and cheered.
"Let's get bundled up and head out" mama said
We grabbed our coats and bags and headed out the house.
Everybody was in their cars.
"I can't wait to eat tomorrow" King said
"Me too, I wonder what we're gonna eat tonight tho"
"Mama what are we eating tonight? Because I know we can't eat the dinner until Christmas" King said
"Well it's this Italian restaurant by the rink, we can maybe check out"
"Oh I heard they got good food" daddy said
"Okay cool, we should definitely check them out then" King said
"Sounds good to me" I said smiling
"Me too" Kobe said
We arrived to the ice skating rink.Everybody parked their cars , we paid for some ice skating shoes and everybody stepped into the icy cold rink.
"Whoa" Penelope said
She wobbles. "I got you cousin" Sasha said
Domonique was already showing off her skating skills .
"Look at me people" ! She says
"Wow, she really is good"
She grabs my arms "skate with me"
She pulls me , and I flew around the rink with her almost about to trip
"Oh my God"
She laughs "your doing great"
I tried holding up my balance , I wobbled a bit , but I stood up.King and Justice was laughing and skating together, Kobe and Bobby was skating together, Sasha and Penelope was skating and the parents were showing out and laughing.
+crash+ !!
"Ah" !!!
Daddy falls down on his butt , everybody gasped and dies of laughter.
"Daddy are you okay" ?! I asked
He laughs as Daniel helps him up.
"I'm alright, hurt my ass a bit , but I'm good"
Mama and auntie was holding their stomachs.
"My poor husband"! Mama said
"Poor daddy" Penelope said
"Daddy's gonna go sit down now"
We laughed and continued to skate.
Penelope POV
"Yo I think I'm getting the hang of this"
"Your doing great cousin" Sasha smiles
"Thanks for helping me out"
"No problem"
"When did you learn how to ice skate" ?
"Tbh....a year ago"
She laughs
"Wow really" ?
"Yep, I kept falling , but I never gave up"
"that's good gurl"
Kings POV
Me and Justice took a break to drink some water.
"So how's school" ? Justice asked
"It's been good, assignments are crazy, but it's been alright"
"Yeah I start college next year . I'm nervous"
"Well that's normal, but don't be, just be yourself, stay focused and stay motivated"
"Well thanks for the advice"
"Don't mention it"
Kobe's POV
"So I heard you made the baseball team" Bobby says to me
"Yeah I sure did"
"Thanks, we have a game after the  holidays ; you should come"
"Okay cool I'll be their, is your team good" ?
"Are we good? Dude we fire"
He grins "thats wassup"
Princess POV
"So like how come you never text me like that" ? Domonique asked
"Oh well sometimes I be busy with school n stuff"
"Yeah I understand, but sometimes you can say hey or how you been"
"You can text me too tho"
"Well yeah that's true, but sometimes I don't bother because I don't wanna make it seem like I'm bothering you or anything"
"No it's okay, I'll text you back"
"I wish we could be text buddies"
"Well we can ...I guess we just gotta get closer"
"alright kids, time to go, let's go eat" mama said
Everybody returned their ice skates.
"Ooh I know this delicious sushi place just down the street" auntie said
"Auntie ...nobody wants sushi" I said
Mama looks at me.
"What" ? I said looking around
"I love sushi" Domonique said
"We were gonna go to the Italian restaurant just across the rink" King said
"Oh well let's do that" Daniel said
"Oh but I really had a taste for some sushi" auntie said
I frowned "nobody wants sushi on Christmas Eve" I snapped
"Princess" mama said
King nudges me.
"Well I think we should let our guest pick the place anyways" mama said
"Mama" I said pouting
"Princess that's enough"
I fold my arms.
Everybody in their cars , and we headed to the sushi place.
"Auntie Donna is taking over" !
"Yeah like nobody wants sushi" King said
"I kind of wanna try it" Kobe said
"Ew" Penelope said
"As long as it cooked , I think it would be good " daddy said
As we drove to the sushi bar , Christmas carolers were walking down the street singing we wish you a merry Christmas.
"Oh I hate Christmas carolers"
"Aw sweetie, get in the Christmas spirit " daddy said
I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window.
We arrived to the sushi bar.
"Ugh it smells like fish in here "
"Well that's kind of what it is" Domonique said
I gagged "I wanted some pasta and bread"
"Let's just eat this and get it over with" King said
"Nobody's Gonna make me eat anything"
"Just make auntie happy" King said
"Are you becoming a traitor" ?
"I'm trying to behave like mama said"
I sighed deeply "fine"
We ordered some hot sushi and sat around a round red table.Christmas music played in the background.More family's were coming in here.
"See more people like eating sushi on Christmas Eve Princess" auntie said
I glared at her "well maybe their crazy too"
King kicks my leg.
"Crazy" ? Justice asked
"Princess come here for a second" mama said
I rolled my eyes and hopped up.
We walked away from the table.
"Please try and act right...I really wanted this to be a good night"
"Mama I'm trying but Auntie Donna is annoying, she  is being bossy and making plans for us"
"Shes our guest"
"She is not our guest, none of them are, your acting like this the first time meeting them or something"
"Listen Christmas only comes once year..its not like you have to deal with them every day and after tomorrow their gonna be gone back to Washington " "yeah I know"
"So please stop being so mean, it's Christmas; and I really wanted this weekend to be fun without drama, so can you please do this for me"
I glared at her "yes mama, I'm sorry "
"Thank you, but I think you owe your auntie an apology"
I sighed "okay"
I walked over to the table.
"Auntie" ?
"Yes baby" ?
"I'm sorry for the way I've been acting.i don't wanna seem like the negative person of the group"
"Oh baby it's okay, auntie will always love you, and we can ditch this place and go get that pasta you wanted"
"No auntie it's okay , I'll eat the sushi"
She smiles at me "okay baby"
Everybody smiled at me.In an hour everybody finished eating.
"Wow that was actually delicious"
"I'm so glad you like it" auntie said
"Told ya it was good cousin" Domonique said
"How about we go see the Christmas parade, I think it's about to start" King said
"Oh yeah let's do it" Justice said
"Ooh I'm down" Sasha said
"Sounds fun to me, let's go" auntie said
We headed down the street.Marching bands, majorette dancers and floaties were coming down the street , the streets were packed with people watching and recording.It was so much fun to watch.
"Ayeeeeeeee" ! King said
Me and Domonique was dancing and giggling.
"Y'all I think Santa is about to come threw" Sasha said
"Omg lemme get my camera ready . I don't wanna miss him" Penelope said
Santa was making his way threw and everybody was clapping and cheering.Beautiful green and red lights were flashing, it was so pretty, Santa was smiling and waving at everybody.Everybody was waving beck.Cameras were flashing nonstop.
"Heyyyyyyy Santa" ! I shouted
"Hey Santaaaaaaa" ! Domonique shouts
"Sup homie" ! Kobe shouts
"Don't forget my gifts dude" ! Bobby shouts
Santa heard his comment and throws the thumbs up.
"Ayeeeeeee he noticed me" Bobby says
We laughed.
The parade was over and everybody departed and we   Headed home.

"Wow we are finally back home after a long night"
"I had so much fun tonight" King said
"Tonight was lit" Bobby says
"Yeah we ice skated, ate sushi , and seen a parade" Penelope said
"Sounds like a successful Christmas Eve to me" Sasha says
"How about we watch some Christmas movies until we fall asleep" daddy said
"Sounds like a good idea" mama said
"Yeah I love me some home alone" auntie said
"That's my favorite movie auntie" I said
"me too baby" ! She said with excitement
Mama and daddy smiles.
"I'll fix everybody my famous hot chocolate with marshmallows" Daniel said
"And I'll get the blankets" King said
Daniel fixed the hot chocolate, King grabbed the blankets and everybody sat around the sofa bundled up to watch home alone.

+Christmas Day+
It was finally Christmas, the house smelled delicious, and it was snowing outside.Everybody took their showers ,and got dressed , I slipped on my sexy Santa dress and black boots , and I did my makeup,I applied some cherry red lipstick on my lips.I smacked my lips and did the kissy face in the mirror,I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in"
Domonique walks in.
"Oh wow look at you Princess"
I did a lil twirl."you like it" ?
"I love it , you look beautiful"
"Thank you , and Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas cousin"
We hugged and giggled.Everybody headed downstairs.
"Merry Christmas family" ! Daddy said
"Merry Christmas" ! Everybody said
We all hugged each other and sat around the table.
"Let's eat" ! Auntie said
"I'll say the blessing" ! Daddy said
Mama smiled.Daddy said the prayer and we all said amen.
"Wow this food looks delicious, and smell good too" Daniel said
"Oh well you know me and the kids be throwing down in the kitchen"   Mama said
We laughed "yes sa" ! King said
"Mmmm it's delicious, just like last year , plz tell me y'all secret" auntie said
"Well it wouldn't be a secret now would it" ? Mama said
She pouts "that's true"
"Oh wait I wanna make a speech"
Everybody looked up at me.
"Uh well I just wanna start off by saying Merry Christmas to everybody, and I know I wasn't being the best sport in the beginning,, but I realized Christmas is just about spending time wit your family, that it doesn't matter what you do or how you do it , because the only thing that matters is doing it with the people you love and care about. And I just wanna say thank you auntie Donna and Daniel for all the love and support you give and the wonderful and thoughtful gifts, I really appreciate it , this has been a great Christmas, I love you all and again merry Christmas"
Everybody clapped and cheered.
"We love you too and merry Christmas" ! Everybody said to me
"that was beautiful baby, I love you forever " auntie said
"Thanks auntie, I love you more"
We continued to eat and chat, and afterwards we danced to Christmas songs and took pictures
"Okay time to open the gifts. Lemme cut the fire place on" ! Mama said
Everybody quickly headed towards the couch.
"Y'all open mines first" auntie said with  excitement
Kobe opens his gift first.
"Whoa auntie, you got me a new baseball bat" !
"Yep I sure did,your mom was telling me how you wanted some"
"Aw thanks auntie, this is really sweet"
Penelope opens her gift.
"Awww auntie you got me the newest Bratz Doll" !
"I know how much you love Bratz" !
"Thank you Sm , I love her , she's beautiful "
"I'm so happy you love her"
King opens his gift "auntie you got me a watch" !
"I sure did boy , it's a 24k rolex"
"Wow I love it , this is everything, thank you"
I lastly opened my gift, auntie was smiling hard at me.
"It's not a sweater" she said grinning
I giggled and opened the gift.I gasped it was a diamond necklace with my baby picture inside.
"Omg" I said softly
"It's the first baby picture you ever took"
"Auntie I don't know what to say , this is beautiful, I love it"
A tear fell from my cheek.I quickly wiped it.
"Oh sweetie" auntie said
I hugged her tightly.
Everybody said awwwwww.
Our cousins opened their gifts from our parents.Justice got a Gucci T-shirt, Domonique got a makeup kit, Sasha got some Burberry sandals and Bobby got a pair of blue air pods.Our parents exchanged their gifts to one another, it was just clothes, gifts cards, body care  and jewelry.
"Wow this was a beautiful Christmas everyone" I said
"It was magical" Domonique said
"How about we go outside and build some snow mans" ! Bobby said
"Let's do it" ! I said
We clapped , cheered and ran outside.

•The End•

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