Krampus in the hood (Fan-Fiction)

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Bobbys POV
        It was Christmas Eve , and me and my family was decorating our home for Christmas.Our family will be over soon to celebrate with us.They are a pain in the ass.We usually have Christmas at my aunties house, but this year it's at my moms house.My mom and auntie doesn't get a long.N I don't get along with my cousins.
"Ugh this is gonna be a crazy Christmas once again"
My mom sighs "try and lighten up sweetie" she said to me
She was holding a plate of cookies.
"I'll try"
"have a sugar cookie to cheer you up , their freshly baked out of the oven" she said with a smile
I took two.
"Wow these are good mama" I said taking a few bites
"You know mama can throw down"
"You sure can mama"
My big brother Justice walks downstairs.
"I smell cookies" !
"Yeah here try some honey" mama said
He takes a few "oh yeah that's good" he said taking a bite
"Aye when those fools coming over" ? Justice asked
I laughed.
"Soon" mama said
The door opens , pops walks in.
"Hey pops" I said
"Sup pops" Justice said
"Hey boys"
"Hey baby" mama said
"Hey beautiful"
They smacked lips.
"Y'all I think it's a snow storm coming in..we better get the fire place ready" dad says
"Oh God, I hope Sandra and her family hurry up and get here before that happens" mama said
"Me too" dad said
"Ugh can they just turn around" ?
Justice laughs.
"No they can't do that , they will get caught in the storm" mama said
"Wouldn't you want that" ? I asked
"I can't stand my sister, but I wouldn't want that to happen to her and her family, I hope they have a safe trip here" mama said
"Where's your sister? why isn't she down here helping out these decorations up" ? Dad asked
"I think she's upstairs chatting it up with her boyfriend QT"
"Oh well she better get her butt down here, this is a family thing, Justice go get her"
"You got it pops"
Justice POV
I ran upstairs and I banged on Princess door.
Princess POV
I gasped and jumped.
"OMg who dat banging at the door" ?!
"It's Justice...big head , pops say bring ya ass down here and help put the decorations up"
"I'm on the phone with my boyfriend, I'll come down their later" !
"He said now" !
"Ughhhhhgghhhh, QT baby lemme call you back"
"Okay baby" QT said on the phone
I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.I opened the door.
"Dont bang on my door like that again" !
"Shut up and come help"
I hit Justice shoulder "ass wipe" !
"Booty hole" !
"Y'all two come on" ! mama said
Bobbys POV
"Hey Mrs QT" I said
"Bobby hush" Princess said rolling her eyes
"This is family time, no talking to boyfriends right now" dad said
"Yeah that's right" Justice said
"Oh don't get me started on that gal you was talking to earlier" ! Princess snaps
"This ain't about me" !
"It is today" !
"No talking to girlfriends and boyfriends right now, after y'all help with the decorations then y'all can do what yall wanna do until the fam come" mama said
"Fine fine fine" Princess said
"You excited for Santa to bring you some gifts" ? Justice asked me with a laugh
"Huh? Uh I don't believe in Santa anymore"
Everybody gasped.
"You don't baby" !? Mama asked
"No , I been grew out of that, it's time to move on, and besides I know mom and pops are the ones buying the gifts"
"Now who told you that" ? Dad asked
"Pops...I'm 13 years old , I know the real tea"
"Wow my son has grown up...I think I'm gonna cry" dad said
"Wow this is a little Bobby munchkin " mama said
"Maaaa don't call me munchkin" I said
She grabs my cheeks and kisses em.
"You will always be my munchkin"
I made a face "maaaaa"
Justice and Princess laughs hysterically.Pops chuckles.
+ding dong+
"Oh shit" Justice said
"Watch ya mouth" mama said
"Auntie Sandra and the crazies have arrived" Princess said
Me and Justice laughs.
"Y'all behave" dad said
"Ugghhhh whyyyyyy" I said with a pout
Mom opens the door.
Auntie Sandra, her husband Blake, and our cousins Sophie, Angel, Prince and Jaylen stood behind her.Their all two years apart.
"Hey Sandra" ! Mama said
"Hi, merry Christmas Eve"
They gave a fake hug.
"Come on in y'all"
They walked in.
"Hey my little nieces and nephews " mama said
"We aren't little , but hi auntie" Sophie said
"Sophia be nice to your auntie" Sandra says
"Sup auntie" Prince said
"Hi sweetie, you and your brother are so handsome"
"Aw thanks auntie" Prince said
"Yeah we know" Jaylen said
"Well alright then, make yourself at home"
"Hi Blake" dad said
"Hey Charles"
They gave dap.
"The place looks nice, it's not as good as my house ...but it will do" auntie Sandra says
"Excuse me Sandra? Me and my family put in a lot of effort on our home, my bad that we don't have a big fancy home like y'all, but your gonna have to deal with this"
"Sorry for stepping on ya toes sis, I just say what I'm thinking" auntie Sandra says
"That shit will lead you in the hospital fast" Princess said
Everybody gasped.
"What you say young lady" ? Auntie Sandra says
"Dont talk to my mama like that" Sophie says
"Y'all were rude to my mama , so shut the  fuck up"?
"Make me" !
"Oh gurl this ain't Beverly Hills , this the hood, I'll make you shut up alright"
"Aye aye aye" !! Dad shouts
"Y'all stop"! Mama shouts
"Y'all grown folks ain't no better mama" Justice said
"They just walked in and it's already drama...ugh" I said rolling my eyes
"And we have the whole weekend with them" Princess said
"Ohh how fun" ! Angel said in sarcasm
Sophie, Prince and Jaylen laughs.
"Ha ha ha" Justice said
"Oh shut up Justice , and btw aren't you in a gang" ? Prince asked
"What about a gang" ? Mama asked
"No! and thats none of your business, you better stay yo upright boujee salad dressing eating ass out my business before I buss this pistol upside ya head" ! Justice said
Me and Princess laughs hysterically.
"I like to see you try" ! Prince said
"Yeah you ain't finna do nothing to my brother" Jaylen said
"And what you gon do JAYLEN"  ?! Princess snaps
"KIDS STOP" ! Mama shouts
"Danm" ! Auntie Sandra shouts
"Its time to eat , so come on to the table" mama shouts
"Oh this Outta be interesting" Blake says
"I'm saying, we just came and everybody already at each other throats" dad says
"this is a fucking disaster" I whispered to Princess
"Ugh yes" she whispers back
We all sat around the table.
"Ugh I hate I'm the youngest at the table"
"Deal with it" Sophie snaps
Angel laughs.
I rolled my eyes.
"Wanna see my high heel shoe up ya ass"? Princess asked
"Do it"Sophie snaps
"Girls" ! Auntie Sandra snaps
Mama fixed everybody plates.
"Wow , I hope it taste as good as it looks" Auntie Sandra says
"Sandra stop" Blake says
"My mama food is good" ! I snapped
"Your food ain't all that auntie Sandra, I remember tasting that dry ass dressing and hot dog water tasting Turkey" Justice said
Auntie Sandra gasps.Our cousins gave us a mean look,
Me and Princess dies of laughter.
"Kidsssss" mama said
"Now that's mean" dad said
"Well it's the truth, even ya kids think it" Justice said
"Y'all think my dressing and Turkey nasty" ? She asked
"Kind of ...sorry mama" Sophie says
"Yeah sorry mama" Angel says
Prince and Jaylen sniggers.
"But ya peach cobbler is good tho" I said smiling
"Well thanks nephew" she said smiling
"And I can't lie, but auntie Karlas sweet potatoe pie be delicious" Prince said
"Thank youuuu" mama said smiling
"Wait ? Are we bonding" ? Princess asked with a eye roll
Everybody looked around at each other.
"Ill say the prayer and we can eat"
Mama said the prayer and everybody begin to eat.
"Soooooo Bobby" ? Jaylen asked
"Yes Jaylen" ?
"You still believe in Santa" ? He asked
"No" !
He laughs "oh really? because yesterday  , I seen on your Instagram page that you posted a pic of Santa saying I wonder what gifts he getting me this year , and after a whole load of back lash and laughter in the comments you deleted it.I glared at them.
"Bobby I thought you told us earlier you didn't believe in Santa anymore" Mama asked
"I don't...I mean I did..,but now I don't" !
Prince and Jaylen laughs.Sophie and Angel sniggers.
"Your too big anyways" Prince said
"Yeah aren't you like 12 or something" ? Jaylen says
"13 ! But whatever ...FUCK YOU BOTH" !! I screamed
Everybody gasped.I hopped out the chair and ran away upstairs crying.
Princess POV
"Lemme go get my gun" ! Justice said
"You ass holes" ! I snapped
Justice hops out his chair.Daddy and Blake had to grab him, cus he was finna go get his gun, he was getting held back.Everybody was gasping and getting up from their seats.Jaylen and Prince was backing up with fear in their eyes, they didn't actually think he had a gun.Sophie and Angel was covering their mouths in disbelief.
"Son calm down" ! Daddy says
"They fuckin wit my Li brother, ion play bout him" !
"I know son, but you gotta calm down" !
"Plz calm down Justice , we know you angry, me and your auntie will discipline them" Blake says
"that's the problem, y'all don't never discipline them" mama says
"Karla"! Auntie Sandra says
"Imma go check on my brother" !
I punched Jaylen so hard on the shoulder as I past by.
"OW"!! He screamed
Justice POV
I was huffing and puffing, tryna calm myself down.
"You good son" ?
"Yeah pops I'm alright"
"It's not worth it, it's Christmas Eve, let's just try and keep the peace"
"That nigga need to keep his mouth closed , cuz if he say one more thing slick , it won't be a peaceful Christmas"!
"My son is crazy, you better control ya kids Sandra"
"Y'all need to apologize to Bobby" ! Sandra says
"Okay okay we will" ! Jaylen says
"I need to go smoke some weed"
I grabbed my plate of food and stormed off to the den.
Princess POV
I was on the bed comforting Bobby.
"I didn't wanna tell y'all I still believed in Santa, but when everybody kept making fun of me, I had to delete that post"
"Fuck those mean comments Bobby, believe in what you believe, that's the fun of it"
"Yeah but I don't believe in Santa anyone, I don't care about Santa, and I don't care about Christmas, I just wish everybody and everything will go away, I hate Christmas, I hate just leave me alone ok"
"Bobby I'm not the bad guy here, I'm on your side"
"I'm upset and I want to be alone, just get out"
I sighed deeply "ok...I'll leave..and let you cool down"
Bobbys POV
I sobbed uncontrollably and I threw all my Santa Claus decorations on the floor.
"Fuck this! Fuck that I hate Christmas, I hate everything, I just wish it all goes away" !!!!
I was huffing and puffing, I threw all my Santa decorations out the window.
"Out of sight , out of mind, it's all trash" !
I glared at the full moon in the sky.
Princess POV
My stupid cousins was sitting on the sofa drinking hot chocolate.I glared a them in the most mean way.Mama, Daddy , auntie Sandra and Blake was in the kitchen drinking whine.
"Who tf gave y'all assess some hot chocolate"??
"Our mom fixed it for us" Sophie said
"Y'all make my brother cry and she rewards y'all with hot chocolate" ?!
"She's not rewarding us with anything, it's cold" Angel said
"Freeze bitch tf" I snapped
"Me and Prince is gonna apologize to Bobby,where is he" ? Jaylen said
"He is upstairs, he doesn't wanna be bothered right now, I left him to cool down"
"Well when he comes down , we will apologize" Jaylen said
"as y'all should and where is Justice " ?
"In the den" Prince said
I walked away to the den.
"Yo" I said grinning
He was smoking a blunt.
"I had to smoke a blunt to cool my nerves, I can't stand our cousins"
"Ugh same, and Bobby is upstairs cooling off"
"He needs a blunt"
"Fr, I need a blunt too, Lemme hit" I said laughing
He hands me the blunt.I took it and inhaled it.
"that's some good shit"
20 mins later , we were high as fuck.
"Danm...I want some cake" Justice said
I laughed "shit me too , let's go get some"
we walked out the den and into the kitchen.
Bobbys POV
I sighed deeply and walked downstairs, everybody was glaring at me.
"Hey Bobby , me and Prince wanted to apologize for making fun of u about the whole Santa situation" Jaylen said
"Yeah we sorry about all that Li dude" Prince said
"Whatever, it's fine" I said halfway looking at them
"Are we cool " ? Jaylen asked
I shrugged my shoulders "sure"
"Cool, uh...your auntie made some hot chocolate , you can go get you some" Jaylen said
I walked in the kitchen.
"Heyyyy" Princess said
"Sup Li bro , you good"?
"Sure" I said grinning
"Here go some hot chocolate sweetie, did my kids apologize"? Auntie Sandra says
"Ok and yes"
She hands me a cup , and I took a sip.
"Yum" I said smiling
Karlas POV
"I'm so used to seeing him more excited" I whispered to my husband Charles
"I know, and plus Christmas has always been his favorite holiday" Charles say
Princess POV
"Mom , can I go to QTs house...I wanted to check up on him"
"Uhhhh...Ok , but come back before the storm gets worse" Mom says
"Thanks mama"
"Your just gonna let her go just like that" daddy says
"Daddy I'm 17,  I will be okay, QT doesn't live that far"
"I know your 17 ...but your my baby gurl ...
"Please daddy" I made the puppy dog face
"Ok daddy's baby gurl...but don't stay too long"
"I won't daddy" I said smiling
"I'm serious, I heard that storm is  gonna be crazy, I don't want you caught up in that"
"I know daddyyyyyy"
"Alright good"
"Ugh don't leave me sis" Bobby says
I grinned.
"Aw Bobby I'll be back soon, I just really wanna see my boyfriend"
"Okay" he said sighing
I grabbed my white coat and headed out the door.It was pretty windy , not gonna lie.It was snowing pretty harsh too.
"Ugh all this snow" !
As I was walking I begin to hear some bells ringing from behind.
"the hell" ?
I looked back , but didn't see anything.
I heard the ringing again.I jumped.
"Ok who tf their" ?
I looked back , and nobody was their.N suddenly I seen a big huge monster man jumping from house to house on the rooftops , it looked like Santa , but way bigger and ugly.It's like he was following me with every jump, I screamed hysterically and uncontrollably.N I ran for my life.
Suddenly I tripped.I whimpered in fear.I hear growling and giant footsteps.A truck was near , I quickly hid underneath.
"OMg what the fuck was that" ? I whispered
Big black boots walked past the car.My eyes stretched as I watched his every move.I didn't see the boots anymore, I didn't hear the footsteps, everything was quiet.Suddenly I felt my body being dragged from under the truck.
I felt my legs being ripped apart , blood splattered all over the snow,I looked back and seen that same big monster Santa Claus man , his beard was grey and black, he wore a red fur coat and red pants, he was growling and laughing at me, I felt my body being ate and chewed up , I took my last breath.
Bobbys POV
An hour had passed.I was sitting on the sofa eating some cookies.
"I think Princess should be back by now"
"She's probably getting it in with her boyfriend" Prince said
"Oh shut up" I snapped
Mom walks in the living room.
"Princess ain't back yet" ? She asked
"Nope" Justice said
He looks at me.
"Well she needs to come on back, that storm is starting to hit" mom said
"Yeah I told her to be back before it got worst, now she being hardheaded" dad said
"Let's just hope she's okay" I said
"Of course she is okay, i said she is getting it on wit her boyfriend" Prince said
"Don't say that in front of my parents stupid" Justice said
"My bad" Prince said rolling his eyes
"Lemme call her" mama said
Mom calls her.
"She ain't answering her phone"
"Getting it on" Prince mouth the words in slow motion
Justice hits his shoulder.
"Oh lord , call QT" mama said
"I'll call him" Justice said
Justice calls QT.
My phone suddenly rings.I was in the middle of watching how the  grinch who stole Christmas with my Li sister.
"Hello" ?
"Sup Qt"
"Hey Justice wassupp"?
"I was calling because I was wondering was Princess still at your house" ?
"Still at my house? she's not at my house at all"
"Huh? what you talking about" ?!
"She ain't here man"
"Did she tell you she was coming" ?
"Yep, but she's not here yet"
Justice POV
"Oh my God" mama said
I had the phone on speaker .Mama was getting ready to panic.
"Danm ...can you call me when she show"
"Sure, is everything alright" ?
"I don't know, she left the house like an hour ago...she should have been to your house by now and back"
"Oh what the hell...that's weird , and plus I don't live far , because it doesn't take an hour to get to my house"
"Yeah I know"
"Dont worry..she probably went by her friend Melanie house first or something...but I will call y'all once she shows"
"She ain't say nothing but Melanie ...but okay man"
I hung up.
"Oh God...plz be okay" mama said
"She's okay Karla, don't panic" dad says
Bobbys POV
I had worry on my face.
"I really hope she's okay"
"I hope Krampus didn't get her" Sophie said
"You don't know who Krampus is" ? Angel asked
"No, who is that" ?
"It's just some stupid urban legend of a demon Santa , it's so stupid" Justice said
"Demon Santa" ? I asked
"Yeah..he's the bad Santa if you gave up on Christmas and lost your Christmas spirit, then he will come and kill you and your entire family, and you all will rot in his hell for all eternity" Sophie said
I had the look of fear on my face.Prince and Jaylen laughs.
"Why are y'all scaring Bobby , y'all know that shit ain't true" Justice said
"But what if it is" Angel said
"Hell no , Bobby don't believe that bs" Justice said
"Well didn't you lose your Christmas spirit Bobby "? Sophie asked
"Yeah I kind of did actually, I'm just not feeling it anymore"
Sophie looks at Angel.
"Well thats what Krampus loves...he can see and hear everything and now ....he just might...come and ....
Sophie looks all around .
"KILL YOUUUUUUU"'!!! She screams
I screamed, jumped and ran in the kitchen.
Justice POV
Sophie, Angel, Prince and Jaylen bust out with laughter.
"Seriously" ?!
"I'm sorry, i was only teasing little Bobby" Sophie said
"that wasn't funny, you really scared him" !
"Oh lighten up Justice , it's Christmas...and besides you can't tell me it wasn't funny" Sophie said
"It was mean"
I walked away.I could hear some sniggering as I walked away.I walked into the den.
"You ok dude " ?
"Was that story's Krampus really gonna come and kill me and my family" ?
"No , they were just fucking wit ya, that's only a urban legend"
"Are you sure" ?
"Of course I'm sure"
I wrapped my arms around him.
"It's gonna be okay...but did you really lose your Christmas spirit" ?
I nodded slowly "yes"
I sighed and glared at him.
"Well that's no fun" I said to him
He shrugged his shoulders.
Sophie's POV
Me and Angel was taking selfie's, and Prince and Jaylen was eating some gingerbread cookies.Suddenly we heard a big ass thump topple upon the rooftop.Everybody gasped and jumped.
"the hell was that" ? Prince said
"Probably squirrels" Jaylen said
"Giant squirrels"?! Prince said
Bobbys POV
"Did you hear that "?
"Yeah..let's go back to the living room" Justice said
we walked in the living room.
"Y'all heard that noise too" ? Sophie asked
"Yeah , what was that" ? I asked
"We have no idea" Angel said
Bobbys POV
"Where's our parents" ? I asked
"In the den drinking whine" Sophie said
"Yo we all out of gingerbread cookies" Jaylen said
"I think it's a whole other batch in the kitchen, Imma go get some" Prince said
"Aight bro" Jaylen said
Prince walks in the kitchen.
"Imma go use the bathroom" Sophie said
"So we're just gonna ignore that random ass noise" ? Bobby asked
Sophie's POV
"It was probably just a bunch of branches falling or something" Angel said
"Yeah chill li Bobby " I said grinning
I walked away to the bathroom, but on my way to the bathroom , I heard some bells ringing , it sounded like it was coming from the basement.I frowned and wondered my way into the basement.I slowly opened the basement door and I walked in.
A load of gifts were stacked on top of each other , and last time I checked all of the gifts were under the tree.So where the hell these gifts come from.Suddenly I hear a small tune, which sounded like a Jack and the box.I glanced over.
"What the hell? who still plays with Jack and the boxes" ?
The handle was moving by itself.
"How is it doing that on its own"?
Suddenly the Jack and the box stop, and boom it pops open.I jumped.
"Ugh ,so stupid"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha "
I hear a faint giggle behind me , I slowly turned around.
Bobbys POV
We hear Sophie screaming.
"Omg" !!!
"Yo what the hell" ?! Justice shouts
Prince randomly runs out screaming for his life.
"Why is everybody screaming"?! Angel shouts
"Killer gingerbread cookies"'!!! He screams
We seen little gingerbread cookies running behind Prince with knives.
"WTF"'!!! I screamed
Prince falls on the ground, quickly gets up and flys past us.
"HELPPPPPP" !!! We hear Sophie screams again
"We're just gonna ignore and leave Prince with the psycho gingerbread cookies " ?! I asked
"We gotta help someone first, so let's just go see what's the tea with Sophie and fly back and help Prince" ! Angel shouts
Me, Justice , Jaylen and Angel ran down the hall, we heard the screaming coming from the basement.We ran in and a big ass Bratz doll was attacking and clawing at Sophie's face.
"GET IT OFF GET IT OFF" !! She screams
Suddenly a whole bunch of crazy toys begin to come alive and attack her.
"OMG"'!!! I screamed
"HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE"'!! Justice shouts
"WTFFFF" !! Angel shouts
All of the toys were eating her alive.Blood was splattering.We were screaming and crying.
"SOPHIEEEEEEEEE" !!!! Angel screams
Sophie was all bloody and dismantled , she laid dead on the floor, the toys glanced at us and was now ready to chase and attack us.
"RUNNNNNN" !! I screamed
Me,Justice , Jaylen and Angel ran like track stars out the basement.
Prince POV
The gingerbread cookies were chasing me , while throwing knifes at me, I was screaming, running and ducking.I ran in the bathroom to hide.I was huffing and puffing.
"OMG O.M.G."!
I quickly closed and locked the door.I was hearing tiny screaming and banging at the door.
"Gingerbread cookies wanna eat meeeeeeee" !!!
Suddenly I didn't hear anything anymore.I guess their gone.I slowly eased open the door, and I slowly peeped my head around the door.I eased my way out.
"THEIR HE GO , CHARGEEEEEEE"'!! The lead gingerbread cookie shouts
I ran all the way down the hallway, Bobby ,Justice , Angel and Jaylen was running down the hallway too, i ran past them, and I went busting and crashing threw the window, trying to get away from the gingerbread cookies, glass was shattering uncontrollably.I was screaming hysterically, as I went flying to my death.
Bobbys POV
"PRINCEEEEEE" !! Angel shouts
"OH NO" !!! I shouted
"BROOOOO" !! Jaylen shouts
"Oh Fuck"!! Justice shouts
We begin to grab all those ginger bread cookies and throw them outside the window, they was screaming and crumbling on the ground.
"WHERE ARE OUR PARENTS" ?! Justice shouts
We ran into the den,blood was splattered all over the place, we screamed hysterically and uncontrollably, because all of our parents stomachs were gutted to death and they were hung up across the den with lights wrapped around their necks, like they were Christmas decorations.
"MOMMMMMM" !! I screamed
"POPPPPSSSSSS" !! Justice shouts
"MAMAAAAA" !! Jaylen shouts
"DADYYYYYYY"!! Angel shouts
"this is Krampus doing" ! Angel shouts
"Oh no this is all my fault"!!!
"You shouldn't have gave up on Christmas Bobby ...Krampus wouldn't have never came" ! Justice said
"I thought you said the legend wasn't true" ?!
"I thought so at first , but now I know it's real" ! He said
"You lost your Christmas spirit and because of that , we now all have to pay the price"! Jaylen said
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" !
"It's too late for that now, we're all gonna die"! Angel shouts
"NOOOO" !!
Suddenly we heard some growling.
"Now what's that noise" ?! Jaylen asked
We ran into the living room.
"OH MY GOD" !! I screamed
The Christmas tree was alive, it had legs and arms and it was growling and running towards us.
We all ran threw the house like track stars.
Jaylens POV
The Christmas tree was grabbing me.
Bobby , Justice and Angel was tryna grab me and pull me forwards , but the tree kept pulling me backwards, it was so much stronger , and I felt myself flying inside the Christmas tree mouth.
Bobbys POV
"NOOOOO" !! We screamed
Jaylen was gone, the Christmas tree literally ate him up.Blood covered the tree.The tree continued to growl and run after us.
"Imma go get my gun" !
Justice runs upstairs to get his gun, we were running all over the house, Justice flys back downstairs, he aims the gun at the tree.
Justice begin to shoot at the tree , it screeched and fell to the floor.
"thank God you had that gun" !!
"RIGHT , but we gotta get out this house" !! Justice shouts
"But the storm" !! Angel shouts
"Fuck that storm! we have to take a chance and go, our parents cars are parked outside" !!
"We need the keys" !! I shouted
"Where are the keys"?! Angel shouts
"in pops pocket" Justice said
"Oh gosh" !
Justice ran like a cheetah in the den to get the keys.
"Hurry Justice " !! I shouted
Justice POV
I quickly flew towards my dad.It was so horrible.I quickly grabbed his keys out his pocket and ran back in the living room.
"GOT EM"!!
"Thank goodness" !! Bobby shouts
We all ran outside , it was hella windy , and the snow was taking over.
"Ugh " !! I screamed
Suddenly we seen a big ass monstrous Santa Claus jump down from the roof top.
"KRAMPUS" !! I screamed
"OMG JUSTICE OPEN THE CAR" !! Angel shouts
"I'm trying! I can barely see with all the snow and my hands are freezing and shaking" !!
Krampus growls and laughs at us.
"HOHOHO"'!!! He growls
His voice sounded like thunder, we fell to the ground.He walks towards us , his feet stomping the ground , we quickly hopped back up as he approached us.
"JUSTICE HES COMING" ! I screamed and Justice finally manages to open the car.
Angels POV
Justice hops in the drivers seat , Bobby hops in the passenger, and Before I could hop in the backseat, I felt myself getting snatched away by Krampus.
Bobbys POV
Me and Justice screams hysterically.Krampus throws Angels body threw the snow and inside the ground, her blood spatters everywhere , it's like her body disappeared into the earth.N she was never seen again, he looks up at us and growls.
"JUSTICE GO" !! I screamed
He cranks up the car , but it wouldn't crank up all the way because of the snow.
"NOOOO" !! I screamed
"FUCKKK" !! Justice shouts
Suddenly a gang of evil elf fools came running towards the car , they jumped on the car.
The evil elf's were hitting the car, busting the window open, glass was shattering , they were trying to turn it over , when suddenly the car toppled to the side, me and Justice was screaming to the top of our lungs.
"We gotta crawl out" ! Justice shouts
I wiggled and maneuvered my way out the car and I was free, Justice did the same.
"AHHHHHH" !! Justice screams
He was being taken by the evil elf's.
They laughed and begin to rip his body apart.
I ran away like the wind screaming and crying.Krampus was jumping from house to house tryna get me.I seen a body that was split in half in the snow , blood was everywhere, and I cried out , because I realized it was Princess.I ran all the way to QTs house.His door was wide open.
"HELP" !!
I ran all around the house, but nobody was their, everybody was dead.
"NOOOO" !!!
Suddenly I hear bells ringing.
"Oh no" !!
I ran out the back door , and I ran like the wind threw the snow.
"Please" !!
Krampus suddenly tackles me, I fell to the ground, his weight was crushing me.I found myself wheezing for air.We were face to face, he was glaring at me in the eyes , I was glaring back at him.
"Please ...I'm sorry, I'm sorry for losing my Christmas spirit, I'm sorry for everything I said , I love Christmas, I want it all back, I want my family back, I'm so sorry for giving up and losing hope, please I beg of you , don't kill me, I'll do better, I'll do better, I promise, plz Krampus"
Tears fell uncontrollably down my cheeks.
He glares at me , I swear he was looking into my soul.Suddenly he chokes me.
"AGGHH" !!!
I tried fighting him off , but he was too strong.
"P l e
I was about to take my last breath.

I suddenly woke up gasping , drenched in sweat.
"Omg" !!!
My heart was beating so fast , but it begin to slow down once I realized it was all just a nightmare.It was morning outside, the weather was normal.Just some light snow.Nothing major.I sighed in relief.N I I walked downstairs, all of my family was sitting around the sofa exchanging gifts.Everybody looked at me with a big smile.
"Merry Christmas" !! Everybody Shouts
"Merry Christmas everyone" ! I said glaring
"You okay baby" ? Mama asked
"I had a crazy nightmare, but I'm okay now...I'm so happy to see you all" !
I hugged everybody tightly.
"I love y'all so much, and I love Christmas" !
"We love you too Li bro" ! Justice said glaring at me
"Awww I love you too boo , now that's the Christmas spirit...we are so happy to see you happy" Princess said
"We're glad your feeling better" Pops said
"Me too" !
Jaylen looks at me with a vulnerable expression.
"Hey Li cousin , I just wanted to say I'm sorry about teasing you yesterday...Princess told me you went to bed before I could apologize" Jaylen said
"Yeah I'm sorry too Li Dude, we shouldn't have made fun and tease you" Prince said
"Yeah and we're sorry for co signing" Sophie said
"Yeah , we hope you can forgive us" Angel said
"It's okay cousins, I love y'all always"!
"Aw we love you too Li Dude" Jaylen said
I hugged my cousins tightly.
"alright well we already started opening gifts , here's a bunch for you munchkin" mama said
"Okay"! I said smiling
"Dude you got a whole bunch of gifts" Princess said
"Fr , his Li spoiled self" Justice said
Everybody chuckled.I glared at everybody with smiles, and I opened my gifts , everybody else continued to open their gifts, drink hot chocolate and eat cookies and cake.I love my family so much, And I will never lose my Christmas spirit again, Christmas will forever be my favorite holiday.Merry Christmas!!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS ~CHRISTMAS EDITION~ 🎄❤️Where stories live. Discover now