Princess Snow & Jack Frost (a love story)

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Princess Snow POV

        It was around 9am , the cold breeze on my skin felt like heaven, snowflakes falling down from the sky

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It was around 9am , the cold breeze on my skin felt like heaven, snowflakes falling down from the sky.I was ice skating across a ice rink, it was my favorite ice rink , I come here whenever I'm stressed or just wanna be alone and free , away from the responsibilities, rules and regulations.It's not easy being a Princess...and living in a huge castle having to follow your parents strict rules.I mean just imagine your parents being the Queen and King.It's so much pressure that comes with being born in royalty.I just wanna be myself and have fun , but instead I have to be this proper, lady like Princess, and do dainty girly things, and talk in a proper manner...but I don't wanna do all that , i wanna be adventurous and explore the world.I wanna get dirty and do crazy things, risky thing, I wanna be wild young and free, but instead I have to follow the Royal rules and do what a Princess should do, I have to wear these ugly clothes, I can't show any skin, I can't commit any type of sins, I have to stay a Virgin until marriage...and the worst of all I have to marry the Prince.Even if I don't love him, I have to marry him, it's Royal rules.And I hate it so much.It's horrible to marry someone you don't love.My parents always think they knows what's best for me, but they don't.I'm 18 now and I know what's best for me and what I do know is that I shouldn't be marrying someone I don't love.I should be marrying someone I love.And Prince Stephan can be a huge asshole and he thinks he is a lady's man , all of the woman in the kingdom wants him, but he wants me so bad , he can't wait to marry me, but me on the other hand, I hate that I have to.And once we become married we will be the new King and Queen, ruler of Icy Kingdom.I really don't want that huge responsibility on my hand,it's too much to take on.I really don't think I could handle so many duties like that.I don't underhand how my mama did it all these years.But back to the marriage thing...I'm getting married to Prince Stephan tomorrow morning.Gosh I wish I could just run away and start a new life, but I couldn't do that, I could get in serious trouble.My kingdom wouldn't even own me anymore, I would be banned and never heard from again.But this isn't right, I should have a say so on who I marry, of course I should , I'm an adult, no one should choose who I's just not right.I finished ice skating for the day , I slipped on my white fluffy boots and I header back to the castle.I walked towards the front door, the guards greeted me and opened the doors for me.
"Thank you" I said smiling
"The King and Queen are waiting for you, your late for dinner"
"Oh man"I said hitting my forehead
I walked into the kitchen.Mama, daddy and my Li sister Christina was sitting at the table.I sat at the table, glaring at my plate of food that was already fixed.
"Oh Princess Snow where have you been, your late for dinner" Queen Polly says
"I'm so sorry mama , I was out ice skating, I must have lost track of time"
"A Princess should never be late, being on time is very important" King Robert says
"I know daddy, it won't happen again"
"It better not, we can't have mistakes like that , you are about to become the new Queen" King Robert says
"I know daddy,I'm really sorry"
"Prince Stephan was asking about you Snow" Christina said
+Princess Christina+

"Oh Princess Snow where have you been, your late for dinner" Queen Polly says "I'm so sorry mama , I was out ice skating, I must have lost track of time" "A Princess should never be late, being on time is very important" King Robert says "I know d...

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