The polar express in the hood(fan-fiction)

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             Timmy's POV
    I was in my bed laid back on the bed smoking some weed, it was Christmas Eve,my parents were sleep.I wasn't sleepy tho, I was wide awake.It was snowing outside , it was around 9pm or something.Outta nowhere I hear a loud ass train horn.I jumped.
"Uh what the hell" ?
I looked out the window and I seen a big ole train pulling up on the side of my house.
"I'm high as hell , Cuz I know it ain't no train in front of my yard, we ain't got no train tracks" !
I rubbed my eyes , that train was still their, the loud horn blasted.
"Lemme go out here and see what's going on, this weird"
I walked outside , and a older boy was hopping off the train.
"Uh hello" ?
"Merry Christmas Eve "
"Uh yeah thanks I guess"
"Why you look sad"?
"I'm just high and confused to why I'm looking at a train , we ain't got no tracks in the hood"
He laughs.
"Dude this is magical train"
"Yep I'm definitely high"
"Nope your not high, this is really a magical train , and I've come to pick you up"
"Oh nah you ain't finna kidnap me, I don't go nowhere with strangers"
"Nah this is harmless, this train is call the polar express , I'm picking up other older teens like me and we're making a trip to the North Pole to this club call so icy to party with Santa, he's throwing a huge Christmas bash for all the teens"
"Well shit that sounds lit as hell, do I have to pay" ?
"Nah it's free man, free entry and free bottle service"
"Say what, oh I'm in man,this sounds fun"
"Yeah man , and it's a all teen event, no grown folks allowed"
"Well that sounds like my type of party" !
"Well all aboard, and welcome to the polar express"
He hands me a ticket with my name on it.
"Uh how did you know my name? I never told you"
"Magic" he said waving his hands
"You a magician or som, you probably looked me up before you came"
"Actually no , I've been going to people homes by random, I don't know anybody , nor did I look anyone up"
"dude that's weird tho"
"You wanna go to the so icy party or what" ?
"Well then come on and stop whining"
"Wait a min what's your name" ?
"It's Brandon"
"Oh alright , nice to meet you Brandon"
"Nice to meet you too Timmy, now let's go" !
He pulls my hand and we hopped on the train.
"Btw I think your my last stop for tonight"
"Really" ?
"Yes I think so ..but anyways get comfortable and get cozy, a waiter will be right out to assist you"
Brandon walks away humming.Other older teens just like me filled the seats , everybody was gossiping , laughing and taking pictures.I found a seat.I was glaring at everybody.While I was playing on my phone, I noticed a girl looking at me in the corner of my eye.I glanced over.She was smiling and glaring at me all cute.I glared back, she was seizing me too.It was kind of awkward, Cuz she wasn't saying nothing.
"Hey" she finally said
She flipped her hair in the process.
"Wassup" ?
"I'm Princess, what's ya name"?
"Nice to meet you Timmy, you ready to party with Santa" ?
"Uh I guess"
"Just to give you a heads up, I heard the guy that's gonna be portraying Santa is really a stripper at the so icy club"
"Oh word" ? I asked chuckling
"Word, he fine too"
"You fine too"
"Who me" ?
She gets out her seat and plops down next to me.
"Oh hello" I said smiling
She laughs.
Two girls look back at us.
"You always talking to some boy Princess"
Princess POV
"Domonique shut up" !
"Well it's the truth" ! She snapped
"Y'all know each other" ? Timmy asked
"Unfortunately she's my cousin, and the girl next to her is her bestie"
"I'm Sophieeeeee" she said popping some gum
"Hi Domonique and Sophie" Timmy said
"Whatever" Domonique said
"Yeah whatever" Sophie said
"Ugh" I said rolling my eyes
"They nice" Timmy said sarcastically
I giggled "you can say that again"
Timmy's POV
Some guy walks threw, he glances at me.
"Jordan" ?!
"Timmy" ?!
"Whoa what's going on" ? Princess asked
"We used to be neighbors like a year ago"
"Sup man" !
Jordan gave me dap.
"Dude what's uppppp"?
"gettin woman and money, you know the vibes"
Domonique and Sophie was looking back and being nosy.
"Getting woman? Ha" ! Domonique said
"I bet I can bag you" Jordan says
"Yeah okay" Domonique said rolling her eyes
He licks his tongue out at her, she makes a face.
"Ugh as If" She says
"Domonique shut up, this ain't clueless " Princess says
"Yo man I was real skeptical bout this train...cuz we ain't got no tracks...since when we got some" ?
"they saying this shit magical that's why...I don't know"
"Well I'm high as hell, so maybe I fell sleep and I'm dreaming"
"Nah man this is real, your ass is here fr"
"Oh lord"
"But don't worry , we here to have fun, get some drinks , eat some food, and plus is Christmas Eve, we gotta get lit"
"Yeah you right man , you right"
Brandon walks out.
"We actually have one more stop , sorry y'all"
Princess groans.
"I'm so ready to get to the North Pole"
"The North Pole ain't real mama"
"The Icy club is on North Pole street"
"I ain't never heard of this until now"
"Because it's a magical place, that only teens are allowed to go to for Christmas"
"Why everybody keep talking about this magic stuff" ?
"Cuz it's magical, and if you believe ...then it become real, do you understand" ?
"I'm high as alright"
Princess laughs.
A waiter comes out to my seat.
"Hi I'm Mario Martinez, I will be your waiter , what can I get you Timmy" ?
"You know my name too li nigga" ?
"Mhm, now what ya want" ?
"Oh um where da menu" ?
"Whatever you want , you will get it" ?
"Magic" Princess whispers
"Uhhhh...okayyy..I want some bacon and cheddar pizza , some nachos and cheese , 3 cheese burgers and 2 slices of strawberry cheesecake"
"Coming right up"
Mario walks out.
"The hell" !
Princess laughs.
"Just have fun Tim" !
Domonique turns around.
"I bet by the end of the night y'all gonna be kissing" she says
"Oh your just jealous cuz you won't have a man to kiss on Christmas" !
The train suddenly stops in front of a home.I glared outside the window.
"Oh we still in the hood"
Princess laughs.
"I never been on this side of the neighborhood" she says
"Me neither"
A older boy walks out.
"Oh he fine" Domonique says
"And you say I was boy crazy" ? Princess says
"Hush" she says quickly
Brandon was talking to him, and then he gets escorted on.
"Everybody this is King Cooper" !
"Hey King " ! Domonique says
"Sup" he says with no emotion
He glares around at everybody.He sits next to Jordan.
"Sup man, I'm Jordan"
They gave dap.
"Heyyyyy, I m Princess"
"Hi" he says
I did a quick wave, "I'm Timmy"
he gave me a head nod and a grin.
"Hey cute ass, im Domonique" she flips her hair
"Hi, nice to meet you" he says with a grin
"Helloooo , I'm Sophie" ! She pops her gum
King gets on his phone and sits back.
"So King " ! Domonique says
He jumps and looks up at Domonique.
"Yeah" ?
"You excited for this party" ?
"I guess"
"What chu mean I guess" ?
"I was sleeping good until I heard that train, I thought I was tripping until I woke up"
"Oh so you mad cus the train messed up your beauty rest" Princess says
Me and Jordan laughs.
King looks at Princess.
"Basically" he says with a attitude
"Well were not here to sleep , were hear to have some fun, so lose the attitude and get lit wit us"
He rolls his eyes and gets on his phone.
Mario the waiter comes back with trays of food, and a gang of the other waiters were walking out behind him with other people trays of foods.The waiters sat our food and drinks down.
"Aye Lemme play a tune while we eat" ! Princess says
She plays some music on her phone.

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