Da Nutcracker

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New York
        Sophie's POV
   I was walking down the streets of New York, I had just moved here, and I had an appointment to a ballet studio not to far from my new neighborhood.I did ballet back in Florida, I was the best in the group.N since I've moved and I had to look for a new ballet studio here in New York.Thank goodness I did.But I'm beyond nervous because it's like I'm starting over with meeting new people, and I can get really shy the first time meeting people.But once you get to know me , it's a whole new story.Hopefully I can make a friend or two.I hope the people are nice.

I looked up at a sign.
"Queen B Ballet dance studio...yep I'm at the right place"
I walked straight in, I had to go down a hallway and two big white doors stood tall, I could hear ballet music coming threw the doors.I took a deep breath and I slowly walked in.A group of girls and guys quickly looked my way.
"Stop the music" ! Mrs B said
A girl walked with poised towards the stereo , and she cuts the music off.Everybody glared at me.I glared at everybody and I looked away to stare at the teacher , she looks at me and smiles.We had already met a few days ago.
"Hi sweetie come on in" she says holding her arms out
"Hiiii Mrs B"
We hugged.
"Sorry I'm late"
"No sweetie were actually just warming up your fine"
She smiles at me.
"Gon ahead and put your bag down, and I'll introduce you to the kids"
I nodded and placed my bag down.
Princess POV
"We have a new gal" I said whispering and frowning
"Well I'm sure she won't be as good as us" Domoniques said
"Aye man what you think of the new chick" ? Stephan asked
"She cute" I said smiling
My friend guys laughed.
"You blushing dude, I think you think she's more than cute" Stephan said
"Yeahhhhhh he drooling" QT said
"Someone might have them a woman by the end of practice" Prince said
I hit Prince on the shoulder "shut up dude"
Mario laughs "your probably not her type" he says
"Yeah okay" I said makin a face
Princess POV
"What the hell are the boys whispering about" ? I snapped
"I don't know but their being a bunch of chatty Kathy's" Domonique said
"they better not be talking about that new gurl, a least Stephan better not, or he would know what's good for him"
"I see DJ checking her out the most tho" Angel said
"Yeah , I think him and her would be cute" Nikki said
"I don't care about this new girl, she better not get in my way" I snapped
Sophie's POV
I placed my bag on the floor.Mrs B signaled for me to come over.I smiled and walked over, she placed her arms around me.
"SO everybody this is Sophie , she will be joining our ballet team, she has moved all the way from Florida , and now she's here to continue her ballet journey , please welcome her with open arms and be respectful, remember we are a family , everybody say Hi Sophie"
"Hiiiii Sophie" everybody said
Except for one of the girls.
I smiled and waved shyly at everyone.
"Sup Sophie" ! A boy said
"Hi" I said smiling
Oh he cute I said to myself.
"So this is our ballet leader Princess"
She seizes me and smiles.
"Hey" she said
"Hi" I said smiling
I placed my hand out to shake it , but she didn't shake my hand, I quickly took my hand away.
"This is Domonique,Nikki,Angel, Caroline, Stephan, DJ, QT, Prince and Mario" Mrs B said
"Nice to meet everyone" I said smiling
"So nice to meet you" ! Caroline said
She seems like the the friendliest.
"Sophie you can stand by DJ"
I walked towards him, he smiles at me, I smiled back.
"So as everyone may know this is Christmas week, and on Christmas Eve  we will be preforming the iconic Nutcracker at the Holiday Ballet recital, their will be 3 judges , and you will be competing with 6 other ballet teams from around the U.S, as long side with the group portion, their will be a solo spot you will choose a song of your choice , and their will also be a couples potion , I will choose the couples, so the order of the competition will be the group portion, the couples portion and lastly the solo...I will choose who will get the solo,so that's the outline of this week's competition, and you will be going on break and I'll see everyone next year" !
Everybody clapped and cheered.
"Yes Nutcracker" ! Princess said
I've always wanted to dance to the nutcracker.
Princess POV
"I'm gonna so get that solo" I said smirking
Sophie's POV
I hope I can get that solo.
"Also  the winner of the solo will get 100,000 , and a scholarship to the most famous ballet school in Paris , Twirls of Paris dance academy"
Everybody clapped and cheered.
"Oh yes yes yes" ! Princess shouts
She squeals and jumps up and down.
"Paris here I come" ! She says with confidence
"Cocky much" Caroline said
"Oh I know I'm getting and winning that solo" ! She snaps
Caroline frowns.
"Your gonna share that money with me right " ? Stephan asked
Princess made a face "in ya dreams child" !
He scoffs "Danm that's cold" he said
The other boys laughs.
"that money is going towards my shopping" Princess says
Caroline rolls her eyes and walks towards me.
"Ugh I can't stand her, she is so self centered and cocky, she swears she's getting that solo spot"
"I had a gurl just like her at my old ballet school , it's super annoying"
"It's so annoying, I don't really talk to those girls, and the boys are okay, I felt kind of alone, but since your here I feel like I have someone to talk to now"
"Awww I'm sorry you felt that way before, but I'm also happy you said that in a way, because I was hoping to make a friend"
"Yeah I can understand that, coming to a new state, a new ballet school, meeting new people, it can be pretty intimidating"
"Yeah especially when your kind of shy like me"
"I used to be super shy, but I've grown out of it"
"How did you do it" ?
"Uh well I started to be more social and active...I don't know it kind of just started to slowly go away "
I nodded and grinned "cool"
Princess walks up to me , her friends followed.
"So new gurl, I don't know what ballet school in Florida your coming from but this is my school and I'm the leader , and I'm getting that solo spot, so don't get in my way...okay"
Her friends giggled.
"How about y'all back off" Caroline snaps
Princess frowns "oh Caroline, you can't even do a pirouette yet, so don't act like your so all that in front of the new gurl , because you know I'll put you in your place within a heartbeat"
"Ha" ! Domonique says
Caroline frowns. Princess and her friends giggle and walks away.
"Mrs B was preaching about family...i don't see nothing about family"
"Ugh exactly" Caroline said rolling her eyes
I seen DJ watching me.I smiled.
"Are you checking out Mr man" ? Caroline asked
"Noooo" I said grinning
"Yes you are , and he's checking out you"
"Ok maybe"
"He's actually the nicest boy here and he is single, I think y'all would make a cute couple"
"Really" ?
"Hell yeah"
"Okay kids , I'm gonna pick everybody partners for the couples competition, and I will announce who got the solo spot tomorrow morning"
Everybody headed to their spots.
"QT and Domonique, Nikki and Mario, Prince and Angel, Stephan and Princess, DJ and Sophie, and Caroline Brandon is still under the weather but he will be your partner when he comes back"
Everybody stood next to their partners.
"I'm really glad she picked us" DJ said
"You are" ??
"Yep, are you happy she picked us too" ?
"Yes" I said smiling
"Awesome, this is gonna be fun , do you have any songs in mind" ?
"I love Swan lake"
"Oh wow me too"
"Omg really" ?
"Yep, it's my favorite piece"
"Wow mines too"
"So we will dance to that then"
"Yes" !
We laughed.
Caroline was chatting it up with Mrs B in the corner.
Princess POV
"Were doing dance of the sugar plum fairies okay"?!
"Okay" Stephan said quickly
"You better not mess this up Stephan, your dancing with the leader remember"
"I know , you know I got you"
"And remember to sharply point your toes"
"Oh I got this in the bag , you don't have to remind me"
"Actually I do have to remind you , this recital means the world to me"
"Do you think your gonna get that solo? what if Mrs B picks a boy" ?
"Oh and you think your gonna be that boy" ?
"Well I should be , I'm just as good as you"
"that's slightly true, but the solo spot is determined by who impresses Mrs B the most today"
Sophie's POV
Me and DJ was easily coming up with our dance routine.He was so good, and I was good too, we were so in sync , we were literally perfect together.I seen some people watching us.
Princess POV
"Wow Sophie is good"
"No she's not , I'm way better than her"
"Yes but she's just as good tbh"
"Ugh, we have to win that couples competition"
"We are" Stephan said
"We better, now let's dance" ! I snapped
Stephan grips my waist and I twirled.
Domoniques POV
"Ow you stepped on my toes T"
"I'm sorry, I got nervous"
"Well get un nervous and get with the program"
Angels POV
I jumped in Prince arms and he lifted me up.
"Don't you dare drop me Prince"
"No I got you" !
He wobbles and I nearly fell out his arms, he quickly caught me.I pushed him.
"Let's try again"
Nikki's POV
I did a spin and Mario skipped towards me to grab me.I struck a pose and he did a pose.
"Alright I think our routine is coming together"Mario said
"Uh barely, we have more steps and variations to complete before we get the final product"
"I know"
Caroline's POV
Someone walks in.
"Brandon your here" !
I ran and jumped in his arms.
"Whoa" he said with a chuckle
"Oh I'm sorry, I missed you, are you feeling better " ?
"I'm alright, but not all the way , but I know I needed to come in, because I couldn't miss our last recital for the year"
"that's very thoughtful, I'm just glad your feeling better that's the most important"
"Yes thanks"
Everybody was waving and greeting Brandon.
"We are so happy your feeling better and here honey" Mrs B said
"Me too" Brandon said
"Welcome back homie" Stephan said
"Thanks man" he said giving him dap
"Oh Brandon this is our new dance member Sophie"
"Sup Sophie" Brandon said
"Hey Brandon, nice to meet you" Sophie said
"Nice to meet you too" he said
"Well I have a song in mind, let's get started"
Brandon nodded and grinned.
"Imma give y'all 5 more minutes to work on your couples routine and then we will work on the group competition"
Sophie's POV
I did a few spins , DJ did a few spins, we were so in sync , our bodies were softly colliding together with sharp poise.
"Alright thats enough , get in positions, it's time to work on the group competition" !
Everybody hurried in their positions.
"Aye good job, your amazing" DJ said
"Thanks! So are you" !
"Thanks" !
Mrs B begin to teach the steps for the nutcracker.And an hour later practice was done and my feet were on fire.Everybody was grabbing their bags and water bottles and heading out the door.
Princess POV
I walked up to Mrs B.
"Mrs B have you decided who you will be picking for the solo competition" ?
She looks up at me.
"I have, and I will announce who it is tomorrow " ?
"Is it me" ? I asked with excitement
"You will just have to wait and see honey "
I smirked and walked away.
Sophie's POV
"Let's go get some subway" ! Stephan said
"Yeah I'm hungry" Prince said
"Same and I'm exhausted" Angel said
"Omg Fr, I'm like so beat right now" Nikki said
"Yeah y'all come on" Princess said
Princess looks back at me rolling her eyes as she takes Stephan by the hand.
Caroline and Brandon walks up to me.
"We're gonna go get some soul food from mamas kitchen , wanna come " ? Caroline asked
"Yessssss" I said smiling
DJ walks up to me.
"Heyyyy partner"
"Hi partner, Caroline just invited me out to eat at mamas kitchen, wanna come" ?
"Sure" !
"Okay great"
"Aye DJ you coming man"?! Stephan yells
"Nah I'll pass , I'm going to mamas kitchen with Sophie, Caroline and Brandon"
"Whatever, suit yourself" Stephan said
Everybody headed out the building and we walked to mamas kitchen.Its all about walking when you come to New York.Everything is walking distance, it's much different than Florida, and it's so many people on these streets and it's much much colder.Florida never got this cold, but I guess I'll get used to it.

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