Killer Claus & Mrs Claus

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Nikki's POV

Today was Christmas Eve and I was at the mall doing some last minute Christmas shopping.I seen this gold watch on sale at pandora that I wanted to buy for my boyfriend Mario.He loves him some watches,He would adore this watch I'm gonna get him.I walked in Pandora, a young man stood behind the jewelry table gave me a big smile.
"Hey Jaylen! I told ya I would be back" I said smiling
"Yesss I see , welcome back Nikki"
"Yeah thanks"
"So do you still want the watch" ?
"Yes" !
"Great , I had it reserved just for you"
"Aw that's sweet thanks, but I'm sure if someone else brought it before me , you would have had to sale it"
"that's true, but your one of my favorite customers"
"Oh really? I'm flattered" I said smiling
He smiled at me "so here's the watch "
"It's still on sale" ?
"Yeah for $600 , but since I like you so much ...I'll give it to ya for $490"
I gasped "are you serious" ?
"Serious as a heart attack, and plus I'm the manager I can do whatever I want"
"Wow thank you so much, this means everything"
"Your welcome Nikki, so who's getting that special watch anyways" ?
"My boyfriend"
"that's nice, he is very lucky to have a woman like you, and he is gonna love that watch"
"Aww thank you , and he sure is, he love him some watches"
"So what are you doing for Christmas" ?
"Uh i was gonna invite a few friends over, nothing major, wbu"?
"Probably go to my girlfriends parents home"
"Oh nice, have fun"
"You too , and merry Christmas Nikki"
"Merry Christmas Jaylen"
I said smiling
I paid for the watch and headed out the store.
I grabbed a few more items, and I headed out the mall , it was around 9pm, the mall was closing.I hopped in my car and headed home.I cut the radio on, because I hated pure silence.Jingle bell rock played on the radio.

I nodded my head to the beat and song the lyrics.Shit I couldn't help but to dance in my seat, this was a remixed jingle bell rock.The beat drop was everything.
I get an incoming call from my boyfriend Mario.
"Hello" ?
Mario's POV
My phone in my left hand , and the right hand trying to grab the cookie pan and take it out the oven.
"Hey baby girl"
"Hey babyyyy"
"I'm missing you, where you at" ?
"I'm on my way to the house baby, and I'm missing you too"
"Ok well hurry here, I just took the cookies out the oven and they smell delicious"
"Ooh yummy, I can't wait to wrap my lips around em"
"I can't wait to wrap my lips around you"
She giggles "boy you are some else"
"I know" I said smirking
"Well I'm almost their, I'll see you in a bit"
"Okay babe, love you, see you soon"
"Love you too, see you soon"
Nikki's POV
We hung up.I continued to nod my head to the beat of the song.As I drove down the street , a man and woman stood on the side of the road waving at me, like they were trying to get my attention.They looked like they were lost or something, the woman was wearing a red mini dress , white fishnets , red fur coat , and some red platform boots , her hair was honey blonde and wavy , and the man was wearing a red T-shirt, some red pants, a black belt, a red trench coat and some big black boots. I'm a good Samaritan, so imma stop and see what's going on.I stopped the car on the side of the them and I rolled down my window, they walked towards my car.
"Oh bless your soul, me and my wife just got evicted from our home, we were in the middle of taking Christmas pictures ...and we don't have a car, and we barley have any money , but we do have some saved for a motel tonight...could you please do us a huge favor and drop us off at the motel 7 up the road" ? The young man asked
I glared at them.They looked so pitiful in the face , I couldn't turn them down.
"Please my wife is pregnant...she needs to lie down, she's been standing for too long now"
The young woman rubs her belly, she had tears falling from her face.
"Please sweetie" the young woman said
"Okay get in" I said smiling
"bless your beautiful soul miss" the young woman said
The man sits in the passenger , and the woman sits in the back.
"Thank you so much miss, what's your name " ? The man asked
"It's no problem...and I'm Nikki...what's yall names" ?
"I'm Louis and this is my wife Natalie"
"Well nice to meet you Louis and Natalie, I'm so sorry yall we're evicted from your home"
"thank you, it's been so hard the last few days, tryna scuffle, I work at McDonald's and my wife doesn't work"
"awww, well it's gonna be okay, and did you say motel 7" ?
"Yes" the man said
"wow , we really can't thank you enough, everybody's been passing us" the woman said
"well I'm a good person, some people are just plain evil and they don't care"
"that so true"
The woman grunts in pain.
"Baby you okai" ? The man asked
"Is she alright" ? I asked
"Yes I'm fine, he kicked thats all"
"Oh your having a boy, congratulations"
"thank you , we both wanted a boy"
"Aww how sweet" I said smiling
"Do you want kids" ? She asked
"Yeah, me and my boyfriend been talking about it"
"Oh that's nice, where's your boyfriend now" ?
"Hes home baking cookies, we're having a Christmas party, it would be a nice if y'all could join us, y'all shouldn't be staying at a motel on Christmas Eve"
"thanks but no thank you,we actually had some plans" the man said
"Oh I see , okay ...but are you sure" ?
"Yes it's fine, your so sweet" the man said
"Okay" I said smiling
"Wow this snow is really falling tonight" the woman said
"I know right" I said chuckling
It was a awkward silence after that.
The song cuts off and a woman begin to speak on the radio.
"breaking news the psycho path serial killer couple Stephan Henderson and Princess Joy has broke loose from New York's Prison facility, they call themselves Mr Claus and Mrs Claus , all outdoor Christmas events are canceled until further notice, please go home, lock your doors and stay safe" a woman on the radio said
I slowly glanced over at the man and woman with immediate fear , the man looked at me , and the woman looked at me in the rear view mirror.I gave them a nervous smile, the man smiled back , I knew something wasn't right.I sat their shaking in my boots.I slowly eased my hands in my pocket to dial 911.And suddenly the man slipped a knife from under his shirt, I begin to scream hysterically and uncontrollably.
He begin to stab me in the stomach numerous of times, I lost control of the wheel, I was losing blood, I was losing focus of everything around me.The woman suddenly grabs my neck from the back and slices it and I slowly took my last breath.
Stephan's POV
I opened the door , and threw Nikki out the car , and her dead body went rolling on the ground.I cackled evilly and slammed the door, I hoped in the driver's seat and took control of the wheel.My wife hops in the passenger and giggles.
"ahh how refreshing, what a great way to start the holidays, wouldn't you agree Princess" ?
"I agree highly Stephan" she said smiling
"Tonight's gonna be real chilly"
"Yeahhhhhh Nikki won't be making it home for those cookies"
Me and Princess laughs hysterically.
Princess takes her fake pregnant belly out her stomach and throws it out the window.
"Gosh that shit was itchy and now I'm all sweaty"
"I bet it was baby" I said laughing
"So where we going" ?
"Let's make a detour" I said smirking
"Where" ?
"see if you can Unlock Nikki's phone and get her address"
Princess smiles evilly "oh i see where your going with this zaddy"
"Now you know when you call me zaddy it makes me horny"
"Zaddy , zaddy zaddy" she says giggling
I laughed and Seizes her, as I bit my lip.
"Find her address" I demanded
"Okay zaddy"
Princess flips her hair.She knew how to hack phones.
"And I'm in"
"that's my girl"
"4567 East Road" she said giggling
"Alright plug it in"
She plugs the address in and we sped off down the street to the house.
Mario's POV
I was on the sofa watching the polar express.I kept looking at the door waiting for Nikki to walk threw.
"Where my baby girl at" ? I asked myself
I took a big bite out of the cookie.
"Mm that's good" I said sighing
Some crazy people are out their and my girl ain't in this house yet and it's really worrying me.I tried calling her , but she didn't answer.
"Nikki please pick up" !
The power suddenly goes out.I jumped.
"What the hell" ?!
I glared all around and I quickly cut my phone flashlight on.I went outside to check on the fusebox.
"My wires been cut, what the fuck is happening right now"
I ran back in my house like a track star and I quickly closed and lock my doors.I was scared for my life.I ran in the bathroom.I begin to hear footsteps and chatter.
"Oh shit" I whispered
+bang+ !!
The door was being busted down with an axe.
"NOOOO" !!!
A man and a woman walks in , both holding axes.
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee" !!!
Stephan's POV
"Hiiiiiiiii Marioooooooooo" I said smiling evilly
Me and Princess immediately begin to chop Mario up nonstop, his blood splattering all over the place and on us.We cackled at the sight.
His dead body slumped over to the floor.We walk in the kitchen , and grabbed some milk and cookies.
"Mm delicious" I said smiling
"that little bitch knew how to bake didn't he" ? Princess said cackling
I laughed "I guess that hoe did"
Princess POV
I glanced at Stephan.
"I like this house, it's so big"
"Yeah them bitches we're rich, we in the rich neighborhood"
"Yeah I know"
"Wanna check out the bed room" ? Stephan asked
"Sure zaddy"
He runs and picks me up, I giggled.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS ~CHRISTMAS EDITION~ 🎄❤️Where stories live. Discover now