How the Grinch stole Christmas (Fan-Fiction)

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Domonique Who's POV
Me, Laura Who , Brandon Who and Bryce Who was playing on top of of the mountains not to far from who ville, we were busy throwing snow balls at one another.
"Ah" !
Brandon who throws a snow ball at me
He laughs "got chu" !
I threw a snowball back , he ducked and fell to the ground.We bust out laughing.
Bryce Who throws a snowball at Laura Who.She squeals and ducks.Brandon Who nudges Bryce Who, Bryce Who nods and smirks, both boys grab two big snow balls.They were ready to attack.
Me and Laura Who screamed and ran as fast as we could, Brandon Who and Bryce Who was chasing us , they threw the balls and hits us upside our heads.They laughed so hard.
"Ugh" !
"We're gonna so get y'all back" ! Laura who yells
"Okay get us back then" Brandon yells
Brandon Who wasn't saying anything, he looked startled in the face.
"Brandon are you okay" ? I asked
"Uh Domonique...Laura , turn around"
Bryce looks up and gasps.
Me and Laura Slowly turns around.We gasped and backed up off the ground.
"Oh no it's the grinch's lair" !
"We have to get out of here" Laura says
"I have an idea" Brandon says
"What kind of idea dude"  ? Bryce says
"I dare you Domonique to Knock on the door" Brandon says
"No way! And why I gotta do it"
"Because it's a dare"
"Uh Uhhhh, no way"
"Oh your scared" ? Brandon asked
"No" !
Bryce sniggers.
"It's not funny, don't make her do that, you know the grinch is mean..." Laura says
"Yeah and besides we shouldn't even be up here anyways"
"Come on do it Domonique" Brandon says
"You knock on the door Brandon, I double dare you"
"Fine" !
He laughs and slowly walks to the door.
"His house is so creepy " Laura says
Before Brandon could knock on the door , I said boo, everybody jumped.
"Ugh why you did that Domo" ? Brandon says
I laughed "you were so scared, you thought the grinch was coming to get you"
He shakes his head , and knocks on the door.We gasped.The door suddenly opens.
"GET OFF MY PROPERTY" !!! Grinch screams
We screamed hysterically and uncontrollably and we ran all the way back down the mountains and back to who ville.
"Omg he is so scary" !
"He is terrifying" ! Laura says
"I'm never going back up their again" ! Bryce says
"I can't believe you made me do that" ! Brandon said
"You made me  knuckle head"!
I shoved him in the snow.We had made it back to who ville, huffing and puffing.
"Let's get home, it's getting late"
"Okay see you tomorrow for Christmas Eve" Laura says
"See you Laura, Knuckle head and Bryce" !
"Byeeeeee bestie" ! Laura says
"See ya" ! Brandon says
"Later" ! Bryce says
Everybody ran off in different directions.I made it home and I ran in , still huffing and puffing.My family looked at me like I was crazy.They were sitting at the table eating dinner.
"Are you okay Domonique" ? My mom Betty Who asked
"Yes" I said nodding quickly
I didn't wanna tell them i went up to the mountains near the grinch.
"You went up in the mountains didn't you" Marianna Lou Who says
I scoffed "No, why would you think that"  ?
"Because I heard you talking on the phone with Laura Who  , and I quote "let's go to the moun-
"Shut up" !
She giggles.
"I told you to stay away from their" my dad Stu who says
"I'm sorry dad" I said looking down
"You know the grinch is mean and dangerous , I don't want you girls nowhere up in those mountains" Mom says
"Well maybe he is the way is he because he's all alone up in that little house" Marianna Lou who says
"Are you seriously taking up for the grinch little sis" ?
"No...I'm just saying , you really can't judge a book by its cover"
"He is a mean person, and he hates Christmas" Dad says
"But how do you really know that" ? Marianna lou asked
"We just know ...and besides you heard the rumors Marianna Lou" I snapped
She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Well enough about the grinch, let's eat dinner" mom says
Everybody nodded and smiled.
"Are we doing our last minute Christmas shopping tomorrow morning mama" ? Marianna Lou asked
"Yes sweetie" mama says
"Yay" she claps her hands happily
I grinned and stuffed my mouth with mac n cheese.
Grinch POV

Grinch POV

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