Home Alone (A Darker Tale/Fan-Fiction)

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Kobe's POV +Boston, Massachusetts+
I was chilling in my bed reading a play girl magazine.I had stole it from my big brother King.He don't know I have it.
"Danm that's a big ass"
I hear a banging at the door.I gasped and jumped.
"Uh who is it" ?!
Mama walks in.I quickly hid the magazine under my pillow.
"Kobe , ya uncle Jim and his family is on his way , come downstairs"
"Okay mama"
"And what the hell were you doing before I walked in" ?
"Uhhh I wasn't doing anything"
She closes my door.I sighed in relief and smirked.I needed something to easy my mind, because my uncle Jim and his family is coming over , because their going on a Christmas trip with me and my family to New York.Everybody annoys me man I swear.Everybody is always calling my name and getting into my space.Like can I chill ? I grabbed the play girl magazine from under my pillow and I continued looking threw it.
I hear my brother yells.
"Oh shit"
He bust threw my door.
"I knew you had my magazine"!!
He snatches it out my hands.
"Danm my bad"
"Don't be snooping threw my room" !
"I ain't snoop"
"Then how did you get it" ?
I glared at him with a guilty expression.
"yeah that's what I thought, stop taking my things" !
I rolled my eyes "whatever"
"Uncle Jim on his way, come downstairs"
"Aye" ! My middle sister Yaya runs in.
"Yer" ? King asked
"Mamas ordering pizza, she say what flavor ya want" ? Yaya said
"Tell her pepperoni" King said
"I want mushroom and sausage"
"Nobody wants that , we're getting pepperoni"
"Nigga I don't want that , I want mushroom and sausage"
"So what , we're getting pepperoni and that's final"
"And why do you get to decide" ?
"Cus I'm the big brother"
"Stop being mean King, I'll tell mama to have ya mushroom and sausage pizza" Yaya said
"Thanks sis" I said smiling
She chuckles and walks out, King looks at me , I stuck my tongue out and laughed.
"I hate mushrooms" King said
"You ain't gotta eat it my dude"
"Did you finish packing" ? He asked
He walks out the room.I slipped on my shoes and headed downstairs.Dad was drinking a whine, mama was on the phone with the pizza place, Yaya was texting and King was eating a slice of cake.
"Finally you down here" Dad said
"Hi dad" I said grinning
"this cake is so good" King said
"Dude you were supposed to save that for Christmas"
"Mama say I can get a slice now"
"I asked her earlier but she said I couldn't"
"Older sibling privileges" King said as he stuffed his face
Frosting all around his mouth.
"you wasn't gonna have cake for breakfast Kobe" Mama said to me while she took the phone from her ear
I made a face "sorry I let Wiggles get out mama"
Wiggles is our family dog , I was playing with her and I accidentally let her out of my sight and she was gone just like that , we're still looking for her til this day.Mom loved wiggles the most.I think she's still mad at me.
"Ugh I'm losing this game" Yaya snaps
"What are you playing" ? I asked
"Candy crush"
"Oh , I'm a pro at that"
"Beat this level for me then"
"Ugh what do you want" ?
"Lemme use your Xbox for a whole day"
"Beat 4 levels for me and I will let you use my Xbox , but I have to be in the room while you play, you can't go in my room while I'm not their"
"Okay deal "
We shook on it.My sister was a huge gamer, she play games religiously.It's like her medicine, she has to play a game every day.Mama gets off the phone.
"the pizza is on the way"
"Yes I'm starving" King said
"Your gonna spoil ya appetite eating that cake King" mama said
"You said I can have a piece"
"No I didn't"
She glares at him.
"You didn't" he says looking down
"Yeah I said no cake until after we eat our meals"
I laughed and pointed at King, he flicks his spoon at me , a speck of cake landed on my face.
"Hey" !!
I was about to attack him.
"Kobe stop" ! Dad yells
"He started it" !
"Well I'm finishing it" Dad snaps
King sniggers.
"King" dad snaps
I quickly stopped laughing.We suddenly hear our doorbell ring.
"Oh here comes trouble" I said sighing
"Kobe don't start" mama said
Dad walks to the door.He opens it.Uncle Jim , his wife Brenda and our cousins Caroline, Timmy and Marianna.Caroline is the oldest , Timmy is middle and Marianna is the youngest.Everybody greeted and hugged each other.Fake smiles and hugs of course.
"So what's for dinner" ? Uncle Jim asked
"I ordered pizza" mama said
"Even better , I'm starved" He said
Mama laughs "I miss you brother"
"I missed you too sis"
"Do you see ya nephews and niece tho"
"Y'all gotten so bigger it's crazy" ! Uncle Jim said
Me, King and Yaya smiles.
"You still play football King" ? He asked
"Yeah unc I sure do" !
"Good" !
"You still running track Yaya" ?
"You know it Unc"
"And what you been up too" ? Uncle Jim looks at me
"You ain't unto anything like ya siblings" ?
Ugh I can't stand uncle Jim, he loves to compare me to my siblings and put them on a pedestal.
"I Uh...I might join a club"
"What kind of club" ?
"The ...pottery club"
He glares at me "that's kind of girly but okay"
"Jim" ! Mama says
King busts out with laughter.Dad shakes his head.I gave uncle Jim the meanest expression.
"Listen I'm just saying , the kid should be in some sort of sport like his brother, make you some big money Kayla"
"Leave my child alone okay Jim" ?!
"Okay okay"
He laughs and backs up.I rolled my eyes.
"Your son is gay" I burst out
Everybody looked at me with a frown.
"I ain't gay" Timmy snaps
"Oh yeah right, we all know it" !
"Kobe stop , that was a reality uncalled for and disrespectful thing to randomly say" mama said
"Oh come on, we all know it's true...it's so obvious"
"Kobe that's enough" dad says
"Uncle Jim was rude to me tho"
"He was teasing you boy" dad said
I frowned.
"Now I don't wanna hear another out burst from you again, do you understand" ? Mama asked
I nodded and looked down.Timmy was seizing me.
"Ugh when is this pizza coming" ? Caroline asked
"Gurl it better come on, I'm so hungry" Marianna says
"Take a impatient pill" Yaya says
"Take a shut up pill" Caroline says
Yaya rolls her eyes.
+ding dong+
"I'll get it" !
Timmy runs and open the door.
"Pizza delivery" a man said
"Yeppppp" Timmy said
Mama goes to the door and hands the man some money.
"Thank you sir" she says
Timmy holds onto the pizza .
"The pizza is here you guys"
"We can see that" I said
He looks at me.
"It smells delicious" Ya ya says
"Yeah let's dig in" King said
Everybody grabbed some paper plates and cups.Mama poured everybody cups with some fruit punch.Their were two boxes, one with pepperoni and the other with my mushroom and sausage.I was tryna make my way to the pizza, but everybody was shoving me and getting in front, everybody was grabbing 3 slices.
I was getting ignored, everybody was gobbling down the slices.
"Where is my mushroom and sausage...that was specifically for me" !
"It was for everybody" Mama said
"But mom I didn't get any" !
"theirs not any left" ?
"No! I didn't get any slices"!
"Calm down, I'm sure someone will donate"
"Ugh, and last time I checked you didn't like mushroom and sausage KING"!!
He laughs and burps.
"It looked delicious I couldn't resist a few slices"
"A FEW ?! A FEW"?!
"Kobe stop screaming" ! Uncle Jim says
"Shut up" ! I snaps
"Aye now, dont talk to your uncle like that" ! Mama said
"But I didn't get any pizza, and I'm hungry" !
"Calm down" Marianna says
"You doing the most" Caroline said
"I'm upset" !!!
"You being so extra and loud Kobe, like it's two days before Christmas , let's keep the peace , stop all that crap"
! Yaya says
"Nobody's never on my side"'!
"Because your acting like a complete crazy person" !Timmy says
King was looking at me and laughing.I was fuming, I ran towards him, I snatched his plate and I threw it down on the floor, his two mushroom and sausage slices fell to the floor and the plate shatters, everybody gasped and jumped.
"You little asshole" ! King shouts
"Kobe go to your room" ! Mama says
"You are out of control young man" ! Dad says
"No buts , that's ridiculous to be acting that way over some danm pizza, go to your room child"!
"Ugh I wish you go away, you never be on my side, I hate you" !
She gasps "you don't mean that" ?!
"But I do, I hate you" !
"Problem child" ! Uncle Jim says
"Go to hell JIMMY" ! I snapped
Everybody gasps.
Mama grabs me.
"Ahhhhhh" ! I screamed
"Forget the room, your gonna stay in the basement until the morning , you need to think about your actions, and remember they have consequences" !
"No I don't wanna go to the basement, it's everybody fault"!
"No it's your fault , now get in" !
She pushes me in the basement, slams and locks the door.I sobbed like a baby and screamed.
I threw everything at the wall, and screamed until I wore myself out, I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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