The girl

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Many years ago, the Phantom Troupe murdered a whole clan for their scarlet red eyes. Kurapika is rumored to be the only survivor.... But what if there was one more. A girl, a few years older than Kurapika.
This girl was kept hidden from the world, along with being hidden from the majority of the Kurta Clan. With very little warning a younge couple asked their very young daughter to head to a special place in the woods to gather some spices for dinner that night. She left quietly as she always did and headed to that spot. Upon returning home she saw a young blonde boy standing in the middle of the village with everyone else dead and their eyes carved out of their head. To scared to move, but filled with rage her eyes turned red. Filled with grief and sadness her eyes never changed back.
Her parents knew she'd be extremely powerful and already had a strong aura by the time she was 5 years old. They knew she'd be in danger if anyone found out so they trained her on the basics so she could control herself. Being left alone she continued her training in the woods. She eventually became fascinated with mushrooms and forest plants. She had so many fantasy dreams she wanted to share them with everyone. One day she decided to travel, and found a cute little quiet town.
A man accompanied by two women stopped her and asked her name. She couldn't remember, it had been so long since she spoke to anyone she didn't see the need to remember something so simple as a name her parents called her. He gave her the name of Kinoko, meaning mushroom. She instantly loved the name and asked if it would be okay if stayed with them. He said yes. He trained the girl and kept her quiet from the rest of the Troupe.
He asked her how powerful she wanted to be. She said as powerful as I can be, she then made her vows.

-Her powers can only be used under a contract
-She can't use them for herself unless her contract states otherwise
-She can only use it on up to 10 people per contract
-The person who made the contract with her has to be completed before a new one can start

He made sure every contract he made with her that her life would come first despite the rule of the Phantom Troupe. He knew her power was irraplacable and having her would be a great benefit later down the road.
This is Kinoko, a young girl from the Kurta clan that no one ever knew.

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