Chapter 7: Building up - Part 2

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The next morning, I woke up full of energy before the garbage men and before my alarm! Impressive right? Well to be honest, I was only one minute before the garbage men but it still counts as before. Right?

Today was a big day as I had planned to write my CV to look professional and to prepare my interview. In one word I was busy and I liked it. At ten minus one, I was pushing the door of Caffe Millo convinced that this would become an habit, ready to conquer the world. Nothing could stop me.

With a bright smile, I introduced myself to the man behind the counter and presented him my CV. He seemed happy with myself and invited me to sit around one of the restaurant's tables. The interview went well, my lack of experience in the domain did not seem to be problem as long as I promised to stay during the whole summer, to smile and be energetic.

The man finally looked at my CV, nodding all the time before asking one last question that I should have prepared but could not.

'So why is there a gap of one year in your CV? Did you take some holidays? Melinda (the waitress I had met the previous day) told me you had just gotten married, were you on a pre-honey moon?'

Shocked went through my body. I did not want to talk about my coma.

After a long minute of silence during which the man grew very suspicious I managed to mumble a 'not really. I hum... was having... some... familial and personal issues... But they are now...solved.'

He seemed very doubtful about my answer and I feared to see my independence fly away because of my stupid answer. So I added quickly:

'Hence the new job, I aim at a fresh start. Turn the page of that sad past. Well not that sad, it also brought me my husband.' I chuckle, hoping to look happy and head over hills for him. Even if the truth was, I had no clue of where he was...

The man smiled, he seemed to bide my answer.

'Well then, thank you for coming Eva and for your interest in Caffe Millo. I will call you soon to inform you on my decision. Since then take care.'

'You too and thank you for your time'.

As soon as I had left the restaurant, my smile instantly faded away. How could have I been so stupid? How could have I failed so miserably my summer waitress interview?!? How could I fail for one question? One question that would pursue me, for sure! I felt desperate and without knowing it, my feet brought me to Oosterpark.

There I felt on the ground, under a tree and zoned out, my head in my hands. While I was a desperately thinking about what I did in my life that made it become hell, an old grand mother interrupted me.

'Na na na. Young people nowadays, they underestimate the strength of the human being! How can such a beautiful young lady like you be desperate to the point of siting in such an uncomfortable way? Tell me young lady, what happened to you?'

I looked at that old lady. Again: an unknown person. Did, could I trust her?

'There we are!' she exclaimed after seing that she would not get any answer from me.

'Nowadays, young people are no longer able to trust another sibling. You certainly will trust your google when you need an answer, which is, by the way, nothing else than a human made software but you cannot trust a person. What have human beings do to one another that stop a young person to talk with a 78 years old grandmother? Does I look like I could harass you? Does I look strong enough for that? Come on! I barely manage to walk on my two legs! I tell you that, this lack of trust, this lack of love for one another, this will be the end of us, and by us, I mean our humanity. But maybe you do not care, after all, what is a civilisation by comparison with an individual. What does it represent in comparison with our own self, our own navel?'. She had said all of this without shouting, as if it was a simple conclusion, but her way of stressing each word and her way of frowning showed her deep concerned for our society, and somehow, for me. I feel touched by her but could not reply. My head was still facing a big storm that her monologue did not really appeased.

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