6~~ Komaru Naegi

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Makoto was abruptly awoken by his phone going off. He hazily reached over and picked up his phone. Apparently someone was calling him.

"Who is it?" Makoto thought as he squinted at the bright screen. "Komaru?"

He answered the phone and put it up to his ear. "Hello?"

"MAKOTO WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU WENT FOR A TEST DRIVE AND YOU NEVER CAME BACK?!!" Komaru whined which shook her older brother awake. 

Makoto had realized he never told his sister that he got in such a crazy mess. He wondered how he was going to explain to her that he crashed his new car, became a servant for some arrogant rich guy, slept with him, and came face to face with a serial killer at Walmart. The only way he could think of was to just be honest and tell her everything. Well besides the sleeping part.

"Umm... so you know how I went for a drive."


"I got into an accident and now I'm sort of working off a debt."


"Yeah that's sort of my luck."


"Ummm... because they'd get mad?"

"Oh my god, just get back home."

"Ok I'll ask him if I can go."

"Who's him?"

"The guy I'm working for, I'm his servant you know."


"Ok bye."


Makoto hung up on his little sister and sat up straight. He looked towards his sleeping friend, Byakuya and wondered if he'd let him go back home. He glanced at the time on his phone, it was seven in the morning and it was starting to get bright.

The luckster had thought about how worried his sister might've been so he should probably go home as soon as possible. He shook Togami awake from his deep sleep, hoping he wouldn't get mad.

Sure enough Byakuya did get mad. Apparently he wasn't much of a morning person. Makoto explained to him that he needed to go back home and accompany his sister.


"Byakuya please!" Makoto begged. "I have to go back, just for a little!"



"Because you're my servant, you must always be there to assist me." Byakuya chuckled to himself. "No taking breaks until you pay off all your debt." 

Makoto pouted and went a little too close to the heir's face. "Please I'll work extra and you can come with too!"

Togami felt his face turn slightly pink as he gently pushed his friend away. "Fine I'll come, but you're working an extra month."

Naegi's face beamed. "Thanks Byakuya-kun!"

"Whatever, and stop calling me that."

The two put on their winter jackets and went to go Makoto's neighborhood. Byakuya was wondering what kind of background Naegi had come from. He couldn't deny that he was a little excited to finally know a little more about the guy who seemingly became his friend overnight.

It was another miserable drive for Makoto, it occurred to him that Byakuya was quite the impatient person when it came to being on the road.

It wasn't too long of a drive, but the two friends made it to a nice, suburban, neighborhood, coated in snow. A couple of people gathered around the shiny expensive car that pulled up on the side of the road. 

Togami got his lanky figure out of his car and looked around like he was a tourist in a foreign country. "Why are these houses so small? Do children live here?"

"Huh?" Makoto got out of the car. "These houses are pretty normal, some are even considered on the bigger side."

The shorter boy giggled. "Someone's been sheltered."

"Whatever, I don't want to even step foot in one of those sad excuses of homes." The progeny scoffed.

"Aww don't be so moody!" Makoto grabbed Byakuya's arm and rushed to his home which was a couple houses away, waving at all his neighbors who were outside with a bright smile.

It wasn't long before the two had made it to The Naegi Household. It was a small, two story, home with a flat roof. It wasn't much, but it had a charming presence to it.

Makoto walked up to the front door with Byakuya close by and reached for his keys in his pants pocket.

"Huh?" He turned all his pockets inside out, revealing that he had nothing besides the car keys  that were Togami's.

"Looking for this?" As if on cue, the blonde dangled a set of keys which belonged to the brunette who had forgotten them. "I found these lying on the floor, you should be more responsible, child."

"Oh thanks." Makoto embarrassingly replied as he took the keys from Byakuya's soft hands and gently opened the door to a surprise.

"MAKOTO!!" Komaru came rushing from upstairs and trapped her older brother in a one-sided hug. "Where have you BEEN, you said you became a slave to some random creepy stranger, don't you know that's really dangerous?! Like 99% of strangers are like serial killers or something!"

"Where did you get that from?" Makoto asked as his incredibly gullible sister.

"Facebook duh!" The luckster internally face palmed, Komaru was not the most educated when it came to internet and how untrustworthy some sources were.

"Anyways I hope that guy burns in hell a million times, he's such an awful-"

"Excuse me?" Byakuya gave her a sharp, intimidating, glare which made stunned Komaru like some sort of megaphone hacking gun.

"I-I'm so sorry sir!" Komaru shakily apologized. She pushed Makoto out of the away as she ran back inside. 

Makoto tripped and accidentally fell into Byakuya's chest. The blonde shamefully shoved him off  with his cheeks bright red. The brunette was also embarrassed. It was another instance of his bad luck.

But in a way it kinda felt like good luck. He got to be a little closer his friend...

"Sorry about my sister, she's a bit of a nut job." Makoto apologized on her behalf. "Wanna meet all my neighbors?"

"Umm... sure."

And so the two went to meet all of Makoto's neighbors. The luckster was on friendly terms with everyone, and everybody was glad to meet Byakuya. 

In the distance a long-blue haired girl who had a physique of a model was jogging towards the duo.

"Hi Makoto!"

"Oh hi! Byakuya meet my friend Sayaka Maizono."

Servant Of An Affluent Progeny // A Naegami Fic // Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now