Out Of Reach: Disappearance

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The battle for Olympus and by extension the world had come down to the long awaited showdown between Percy Jackson and Gaea, ironically she had been awoken by his accidental wound which had healed quickly thanks to his powers from his father Poseidon.
Fallen demi-gods around him, all either dead or injured and bleeding, Gaia the person who caused this carnage was going to pay dearly for this!
He knew he could not fight her and win when she was in her element. He hoped that Zeus would forgive him for what he was about to do and permit him to fly in his domain and aid him with wind.
Gathering his strength, he created a tornado to protect himself against Gaia's attacks then summoned a massive earthquake and called the Sea to his aid in the form of a giant wave before rushing towards her as full speed. Also the power of time flowed around him increasing his momentum and freezing unfortunate monsters
The deadly combination wrenched Gaia from the source of her powers. With a surprised/struggling Primordial in his grasp, he began his ascent skyward while glowing an intense Sea green color. They fought as they went, Gaia having overcome her initial surprise.
The entire battle ceased, as combatants on both sides watched the display unable to tear their eyes away.
At 50,000 feet, the Primordial, having known the future all along begged him to end it and send her back to sleep but not before she thanked him for making her realize her mistake.
In the short conservation they had, he simply told her that he understood her anger at what humans and some gods were doing to her beloved planet, but he also reminded her that there were those who protected it as well including himself, that to see that for herself she would need to live on Earth for sometime at least before coming to a conclusion that all was indeed lost.
With that, she willingly put herself back to sleep, stating that they would meet again when she awoke again while promising to ponder on his words.
As a parting gift for him to show her genuineness that she would take his suggestion and since he had beat her fairly, she handed over her domain to him.
He already also had the domain of Time.
Himself, Annabeth, Grover, Thalia and Nico were in the Olympian throne room. The other three were nursing injuries and were too tired to fight having fought their way through endless hordes of monsters, thereby leaving only him and Annabeth to fight Kronos.
In a last desperate attempt to redeem himself, Luke was able to regain control of himself while he and Percy fought to a stalemate, he was even able to unbuckle his armor.
He tearfully asked Perseus to finish him off, but Percy could not bring himself to do that to his friend. He on Luke's behalf signalled Annabeth to give him her dagger.
Note: Riptide was already buried in Luke in his left rib and was doing it's job of holding Kronos influence back.
In the meantime while she regained her bearings and slowly made her way to them, he reminded Luke of the happy memories they all had to keep him grounded and in control.
An hour later, Luke buried the weapon in himself in his Achilles heel. At the same time Kronos essence was dispersed, his domains of Time and Harvest transferred themselves to Percy unknown to him.
In reality, the Fates noticed this, therefore they put a power block on him so that everything including the transfer would seem normal and painless. They knew something bigger was coming. Kronos scythe was disguised now merged with his camp bead necklace.
They burned shrouds immediately for him as well as numerous slain demi-gods.
Flashback End.
The Fates appeared requesting:
And Artemis
To bestow their full blessings on Percy much to his astonishment as it meant he share their domains with them. When asked why, they(I.e. the Fates) said that he would need it in time to come.
Afterwards, they spoke to Perseus privately, showing him the future.
The war had ended so the Olympians decided to reward their children.
Jason Grace became a Minor god of Lightening, Winds, Law and Justice.
Piper McLauren and Silena Boureguard became Minor goddesses of Love, Beauty, and Desire.
Thalia Grace became a Minor goddess of Lightening, Winds, Justice and Hunt.
Frank Zhang, Clarisse le rue, Reyna Ramirez and Hylia Ramirez became Minor gods of War.
Note: Reyna, Frank and Jason became immortal praetors of New Rome.
Nico di Angelo, Bianca di Angelo and Hazel Levesque became Minor gods of the Underworld.
Annabeth Chase became a Minor goddess of Architecture, design and battle strategy.
Then came the big moment when it was Percy's turn, but what Zeus did next shocked the entire council. He stated that Perseus should leave Olympus immediately after the reward ceremony, seeing that he could pose a huge threat because of his power.
Zeus was incredibly paranoid that someone who was not his own son or he could control had so much power. He also knew that Percy had charisma, was very popular/favoured with the demi-gods and majority of the council, therefore he could rally them anytime he wished to overthrow him.
Ares had the same thoughts as his father, plus he had not gotten over the fact that Percy beat him at the age of Twelve.
Athena though not as narrow minded as her father and brother, hated the fact that he was her rival's son. She was also under the misconception that he was dating her favorite daughter, so she always used that as the excuse to punish him.
Thus, in their minds, with him gone their reputations would be intact.
Flashforward End
After seeing that, Percy was convinced he had to run away, he now understood why the Fates did what they did earlier. He had the domains of those who loved him.
They summoned a few more to bless him:
Finally, his defeat of Gaea, awakened Uranus who also transferred his domain to him, hence he no longer needed Zeus's blessing.
Before leaving to start his new life he left a few requests:
The gods should claim their unclaimed children at the age of Thirteen, there should be no more unclaimed children in order to prevent the possibility of future war breaking so easily owing to neglect of the demi-gods by their parents.
The Ancient laws should be watered down to allow whoever wanted to, to interact with their children.
Thrones for Minor gods.
Cabins for the Minor gods.
Memorials for who fell in the two wars.
Uniting the two Camps permanently.
Releasing the peaceful Titans from their imprisonment.
Giving Hades and Hestia seats on the Olympian council.
Before leaving Percy left a note for Athena, explaining that he never dated Annabeth at all, rather what they had was a fake relationship meant to keep away overzealous boys who just wanted Annabeth Chase for her brains alone.
Their fake relationship ended the night he left.
Poseidon and his allies were sad to lose his son and their bosom friend, luckily since Percy was a god now he could come back whenever he wanted.
However, he knew that Percy's friends at Camp, his brothers Triton and Tyson, and most importantly his mother Sally Jackson would not take this news well especially Sally.

With that objective complete, Percy left the world of the gods to begin a new life in the Mortal world laying low quietly...., Or so he thought.

The Fates were mad at the three gods for scheming to ruin the life of such a noble, loyal and selfless hero.
They knew something about Percy which the gods themselves did not know, they had hidden this for a long time keeping it between themselves. The unwarranted actions of bias/hatred against Percy, compelled them to reveal it.
The Olympians were in for a rude awakening.

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