Haikyuu: Asanoya

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Sick:Asahi | Caretaker:Noya


Asahi's POV: When I woke up this morning I could tell something was wrong. It was boiling in just my shorts and tank top, somehow I was shaking, when i got up from my bed everything started spinning, but i brushed it off as we have a practice game against Fukurodani today so I can't miss today. I got ready despite the dizziness I felt, and started walking to school. After what felt like 5 minutes I heard my good friend, Daichi call out for me. I stopped and turned around and saw both Suga and Daichi, You can't find them apart for a second. They finally catch up to me and we start walking to school. After a while I notice Suga staring at me,"W-What, what is it", I say with my rough voice. He says,"You're shaking but you're sweating a ton...you're sick, aren't you." I start panicking and say,"N-No I'm p-perfectly fine S-Suga." I can tell they don't believe me, but they don't get pushy until it's really serious like passing out(I don't throw up unless its something gross or nervousness).

Time-skip by a very dizzy Asahi~                                                                                                                                            ___________________________________________________________

Noya's POV: As I was headed to Asahi's classroom I started thinking about how off he was at morning practice, I was able to dig up ALL of his serves! That never happens so I started to worry. When I arrived I found him staring at his book, eyes almost closed, about to fall over his desk, I ran to him and shook him a little."Asahi-san are you okay?" He looks at me and smiles with one I knew too well, the "I'm not sick smile". He says "Yeah Nishi I'm okay let's go get ready for our practice match against Fukurodani." As he gets up I notice how he swayed slightly and I put my hand on his shoulder. He looks at me confused, I just say,"Nothin' Nothin'."

Time-skip to the start of the match~                                                                                                                             ____________________________________________________________

Daichi's POV: I already knew Asahi was sick but its Suga who can get him to admit it. We get into position and start playing that's when things went south.

Asahi's POV: As the game started I started to give in. My spikes weren't even that powerful right now. It was at about 13:12, we were winning slightly as Daichi and Nishi were able to recover for my mistakes. Thats when my body gave out. I closed my eyes then I couldn't open them.

Daichi's POV: I received a spike and I looked behind me as I reset and Asahi's eyes were closed. I ran over to him just as he fell to the ground. "Shitshitshit",I curse to myself as I call Suga and Tanaka over to help. We get him to the bench and we lay him down he's still unconscious so we offer to finish the game in 1 set and Bokuto agrees worried for his friend and fellow ace.

Bokuto's POV: We start the game but...as I look over at Asabro I see he looks sickly and as he might pass out any second. A few minutes later, I spike but Daibro digs it up and then everyone looks at Asahi and he passes out?!?! why did he come if he was sick??? Is he that stubborn???

Suga's POV: As we set Asahi on the bench, they put Tsukishima in for him. I go to the water fountain and wet a towel to put on his neck because his forehead doesn't get warm so his neck is his give away. As I go over and put my hand under his neck I realise how bad his fever is?! Why was he so stubborn?! Well I can't really talk but, I'm not THAT stubborn! I set the towel on his neck and let him lay there.

30 minutes later after the game(Karasuno won) ;)                                                                                                        ___________________________________________________________

Noya's POV: As we finished the game Asahi has woken up and we are going home. Suga and Daichi want me to take care of him and I say yes eagerly. As we were walking home Asahi started swaying again so I steadied him by letting him lean against me. Soon we arrive at his house and as we went upstairs, he immediately plopped on his bed. "You can get comfortable" he mumbled but it was more like "You cn gt cmftble" I smiled at that. I checked his temperature and it was at 97 degrees Fahrenheit(36 degrees Celsius)"good, its down to normal he must be tired then" I whispered to myself. I put the thermometer down  and snuggled next to my boyfriend kissing him softly.

The End! 

This is my first story hope you enjoyed I take requests as well just comment the sick person and the ship 


(a/n sorry couldn't put any pictures I write this on a computer)

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