chapter 22

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i rubs my eyes adjusting to the light and yawn. i see fundy next to me still asleep. i decide to let him sleep since it was a long day yesterday. i look at my phone and see it's 6 AM. it's pretty early for me but we went to sleep early.

"morning" fundy says kissing my forehead. "oh good morning" i look up from twitter. "did you sleep good?" he asks me. "yeah i slept pretty long but you slept longer and i slept in my clothes from yesterday" i giggle. "i see" he chuckles. "well im going to go put on different clothes" i open my suit case.

i grab sweatpants and a band tee the usual fit. i go into his bathroom and change. "fuck" i mutter to myself. "FUNDYYYYY!!!" i whine going back into his room. "what?" he looks at me. "i forgot my eyeliner" i pout. "aw does baby need a hug?" he spreads out his arms. "yes i do" i go give him a hug. "also i think you look gorgeous without any makeup" he kisses my lips. "really?" i look at him. "yes really silly" he rolls his eyes.

"mitch im going to go get lunch" he yells at me from the front door. "ok that's fine" i yell back at him. "just text me what you want from wendy's" he says and i hear the front door close. "perfect" i say to myself.

i go into his filming area and start a stream. it's just the start page so people don't know it's me.  "hello stream" i put it on my face. some people were asking me 'why are you on fundy's??!??¿¿' and others were just spamming 'POG'.

"ok so hi guys you all are probably wondering what im doing on fundy's" i pause to look at the chat. "you also maybe possibly saw my tweet about not being in my country that's cause im in the netherlands at fundy's apartment" i smile.

"he went to go get lunch" i answer most of the chat's question. "what should we do chat" i ask getting bored. 'minecraft' a bunch of people were saying. "okay minecraft it is then" i boot it up.

i see tubbo is on so i decide to talk to him. 'hello tubbo:)' i type in the chat. 'hi fundy' he types in the chat. 'vc?' i ask. 'why not' he replies.

"hi tubbo" i smile. "this isn't it fundy?" he says confused. "is it y/n? it sounds like y/n" he asks. "yep!" i laugh. we both start laughing. "wait why are you on fundy's stuff?" he stops laughing. "pranking him i guess im actually at his place" i say. "oh well be careful" he laughs. "i'll try. well i got to go bye talk you later" i say hearing the front door open. "bye" he says and i leave the call.

"y/n! im back with lunch" he yells. "ok in your room!" i lie. he walks up behind me. "what are you doing" he asks. "nothing" i say innocently. "really because it sure look like you are doing something" he points at the monitor. "really?" i look at where he is pointing.

"i hate you" he sets the food down and throws me over his shoulder. "FUNDY! PUT ME DOWN" i hit on his back. "nope" he says. he throws me on the couch and goes back in his filming room.

"sorry about her chat. she's an idiot" i hear him say. i roll my eyes and go up behind him. "meanie you are the idiot" i cross my arms. "well how about we go eat lunch" he suggests. "no i wanna talk to chat more" i huff. "i will let you watch rick and morty" he looks at me. "ok yay!" i smile.

"ok then bye chat talk to you in 2 days when we have minecraft championships" he waves. "bye chat love you" i blow a kiss. he ends the stream.

"let's go watch it" i pull his arm. "ok calm down" he grabs the food.

we met through your brother/// FUNDY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now