chapter 5

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i flop on my bed and let out a huge sigh. "ugh fundy why do you have to do this to me" i speak to myself. "you make feel a way i've never have before UGH" i continue. i think maybe i can text niki she's pretty much my only girl friend and will hopefully get me.

older sister

um hi niki can you help me please?

of course y/n anything and i'll try to help

well i like fundy and *explains situation*


"hii niki" i hug my frog stuffed animal. "hi n/n" she says. niki has been calling me that forever. me and her were friends before her and wilbur ever met.

"so why do you like fundy out of all people in the entire world" she laughs. "NIKI!! there are better things to be talking about" i sigh. "sorry it's just i have know fundy a long time and no girl has willingly liked him" she continues laughing.

"well he's funny, cute, kind, and he makes me feel safe NIKI" i get shy. "aw you really do like him" she says. "well what i would do is go see him but we are so coming there in like 3 days" she murmured. "WHAT THE FUCK 3 DAYS I THOUGHT I HAD MORE TIME" i curse.

"wait will didn't tell you ugh he's so annoying" she grunts. "well n/n i suggest you just wait for 3 more days until you see him in person" she suggests. "but what about talking on the phone because i still really wanna talk to him" i note. "girl talk to him if you want" she says. "ok thanks niki love you" i sigh. "love you too" she hangs up.

niki was right all i could do was wait, but i'm mad at wilbur for not telling me. i get up from my bed and stomp into will's room. "WHAT THE FUCK" i scream in his ear. "what was that for" he holds his hand to his ear. "i was on the phone with niki and she said her and fundy were coming in 3 days" i cross my arms. "oh yeah i didn't tell you oh well they are coming" he brushes it off.

i punch him in the arm. "what the fuck" he gets up. i probably shouldn't of done that but he deserves it, but i ran because his punches hurt. i hid in the laundry room. "ohhh y/n" he says but it's muffled because he's in a different room. i stayed quiet. i heard his footsteps come closer and open the door.

"why hello n/n" he says coming closer. i stand up. "you don't wanna do this will" i put up my hands. "oh but i do" he smirks. i run past him into the living. he runs after me and tackles me. he punches me in my arm. "ow JERK" i say trying not to swear. "it's only fair" he sighs. "FAIR MY ASS im like 2 inches tall compared to you" i laugh. i sit on the couch.

"what am i supposed to do" i sigh. "what do you mean" he sits by me. "about fundy duh" i look at him obviously. "well there is only one thing you can do and it's tell him how you feel n/n" he gets up. "good luck you two would be cute together" he walks away. "HEY" i laugh.

some more great advice. well i guess i'll do just that. :D

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