~ Leaving? ~

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For the first time in a while, Jacob was with Mingan

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For the first time in a while, Jacob was with Mingan. The two were sitting at the diner Mingan used to word at. She quit too busy with the supernatural world so she promised to get another job when everything stops being heated. 

"They plan on leaving" was the first thing Jacob said as he stared at the girl he hadn't talk one on one in a long time. He was angry at the Cullens and planned to visit Charlie but only after he talked with the witch.

Mingan sat there not really understanding why he was telling her but nodded slowly as she played with her fingers. "And do you plan on leaving with them?" She asked in a soft tone because she knew he couldn't be away far away from Bella's daughter, Renesmee.

"No," Jacob said shaking his head immediately at the thought of even leaving forks. Relieved Mingan let out a small sigh as her shoulders dropped "Oh, thank god" She murmured as she looked up towards him with a smile. 

"I was worried that you came to say goodbye to me" Jacob smiled at her words happy that she still cared for him even after everything he said and did to her. "Never" Jacob lightly joked as he laughed making her laugh as well.

Once the two stopped laughing Mingan's smile was wide and bright "Well if that's the case what's your plan on having them stay?" she questioned as she moved to lean against the palm of her hand.

"About that...." 


"I think this may have been the stupidest idea he ever had," Mingan said as she stood beside Emily in the kitchen. The boys weren't there but Ivy and Bree were in the living room playing with Claire so Emily and Mingan could cook.

Mingan had just come back from the small breakfast with Jacob and Mingan was currently ranting to Emily about it. Laughing Emily nudged Mingan lightly on her side as she chopped the potatoes for the stew. 

"Give him some slack he's trying to make sure his imprint stays with him" Emily stated with a motherly tone as she turned back to cutting. "I know for a fact Embry would do anything to make sure you stayed with him." 

Mingan sighed knowing she was right but that's the thing. The young girl wouldn't even think about leaving forks when everything she cared for was right here. 

"Okay fine but still" Mingan mumbled stubbornly "Why did he have to show Chairle about the tribe's secrets? I mean he could have just said that Bella plans on leaving so the man could go to Bella and tell her fuck no" just as she finished saying that Ivy's voice from the living room was heard.

"Preach!" Ivy shouted making the two human girls laugh since they knew the two vampires were listening to the conversation. And the fact that Ivy did not like Bella one bit. 

Shaking her head Mingan turned around to lean against the counter "Come on Emily Ivy agrees with me" "I only agree about Charlie--" "Yelling!" Bree interrupted knowing Ivy was gonna swear but the Asian ignored her continuing "at Bella!"

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