Breached Walls

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*You must note. There will be countless attempts of swearing. If underage, please do not read this book

A flash of blackness. Then my vision begins to clear. Red was splattered all across my body. I stared in horror and anxiety as a soldier from Garrison carried me away. No hard feelings were tied to me, even when my mother was bitten; taken away. By a fucking Titan.

No tears streamed down my face. I held an emotionless look as I was thrown into the boat. I shrank to the corner, wiping off blood from my square glasses without taking them off. The deep red stained my fingers, and even though removed with water, the blood of my mother would have not dissapeared.

"Hey, do you have any family you can go to in Wall Maria?" A Garrison soldier pushed, looking down on me with a smug look glued to his face. I bored my eyes into the soldier's legs. He rolled his eyes at me, stomping away. I had escaped into Wall Rose.

"So, you alone?" A boy grinned as he ran to me. He looked older than me, along with his two friends.

I nodded slightly, stealing a glance at his eyes through my lens. The girl glared at me dangerously though I didn't respond. "Do you want bread?" A blonde asked. He seemed reluctant to pass the bread to me. I rejected it with a shake, and walked off.

"Wait, what's your name?" The brunette asked. I slowly turned toward him.

Pushing my glasses up my nose, my jet-black bangs fell over my eye. " Luna..." I muttered. Eren smiled back. I ignored him and walked to a corner. I stared off into space until a fight broke out.

I looked up from my sleeping position and noticed the brunette kicking a Garrison soldier. And the one that regarded me as a nuisance. I slowly walked up to them, brushing a lock of my hair back.

"It's only because us that you're here!" The soldier screamed. The brunette wasn't listening. He continued throwing kicks at the soldier. I bet the soldier couldn't take it and threw a punch at the brunette. I waltzed in, blocking the punch like it was nothing.

I shook my head vigorously. "No. Stop, please." I said. My voice didn't raise or drop. I was the same as always.

"What gives you the right to say that?"the soldier growled. I was losing patience. I grabbed the man's arm. Kicking his leg, I swung him over my shoulder. Adjusting my glasses.

"You may not know me-" I started quietly, but with confidence.

"That is enough." A clear and dignified voice rang out. I looked at the man who emerged. Glaring at him, I dragged myself to the corner again.

"Hey, how did you do that?"the brunette asked, ignoring the man. I glanced at him. "My name's Eren, this is Mikasa," he gestured to the girl. "And this is Armin." He pointed to the blonde. I said nothing. The tall blond man came to me once again.

"Are you coming or not?" The man looked down on me. I stared back, and shook just head.

"I'm still young to go to the Survey Corps. Commander Erwin, I'm not fit to do training, although I am willing to try for the three years of fucking hell." I saluted to him and returned to my normal sitting position.

"I hope you see your there, then. Do not fail me, Commander Moonlit." Erwin nodded sternly whispering the word commander and walked off.

"Wait!" I called out, louder than I expected. Erwin looked back at me, his expression never changing. I moved my hand left to righ in front of my neck twice. He sighed, his eyes tearing up with invisible tears. He walked away.

"Moonlit? Why did he call you that?"Armin asked, walking up to me while Mikasa slapped Eren as hard as she could.

"Luna means moon."I replied, returning to being silent.

"Why's he expecting you?" Armin continued questioning. I sat down, and pushed just glasses up. I didn't want to answer. I set my hand on my eyes and a slight jiggle sound was made. I opened my eyes in realization that I forgot to give Erwin the charm bracelet my mother gave me.

Of course I didn't break down at the sight of it. Although staying strong outside, all my feelings were pouring out of my protected heart into nothing. The walls surrounding my heart was breached.

I groaned slightly in annoyance. "What the hell do you freaking want?" Eren backed up.

"Sorry...we're about to go to the new place that we're going to work in." Eren stammered nervously. I blinked through my thick lens. I thanked him quietly.

"Hey, so you have an eye problem?" Mikasa questioned as we boarded the carraige. I slowly shook my head. She cocked her head in confusion but didn't continue pushing me.

I adjusted my glasses and leaned onto the wall, dozing off. "I decided!" Eren declared suddenly. Everyone on the carraige glanced at him in surprise. I lied there quietly. That fucking person, I was trying to get some peace!

"I'm gonna join the Survey Corps!" Eren smirked to himself. I rolled my eyes. I hope I can get you on my squad then. I rested my head on my legs and stared out from the crack on the blinds. Trees enveloped around us and I clearly had no sense on where we were going.

The road was getting bumpy. I adjusted my glasses whenever the horses brought the carriage to a uneven road. When I opened my eyes again, I noticed the three idiots (I decided to call Eren, Mikasa and Armin that) staring intently at me.

"Ha, I knew it! Her eyes are emerald!" Eren shouted, clearly satisfied. Armin clearly looked disappointed and Mikasa was still staring at me.

"My eyes are a pale turquoise." I corrected him silently. Armin lit up.

"Does pale blue count?" Armin grinned. I shrugged lightly. "That means I win!" Armin giggled. Misaka looked away from me but glanced back. She was breathing into a red scarf. I fingered my charm bracelet secretly.

"Want to play with us?" Eren suggested. Before I could decline, he leaned in. "Truth or dare." I blinked. Smoothing out my tattered tee-shirt and mini skirt, I shut my eyes.

"Dare." I sighed, actually showing a bit annoyance. The three idiots started discussing. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, Armin looked up at me.

"Alright, I dare you to take Mikasa's scarf. It's really precious to her, so she usually will be overprotective but she agreed." Armin nodded, looking a bit scared. I nodded.

I sat up straight. "So when are you going to do it?" Mikasa asked, a faint smile playing on her lips. I reached out and grabbed it in lightning speed. I could even feel the wind blast.

I swung the scarf in my right hand. Mikasa was glaring at me but somehow her eyes softened. I see...someone precious gave her it. I returned it to her. "Sorry." I muttered simply.

Changing topics, Eren suddenly mentioned a specific titan. "Do you remember the humongous skinless Titan that broke Wall Maria? It was so scary! Have you ever seen such a big Titan?" Eren shivered. I glanced out the crack again.

"Colossal and Armored Titan." I muttered, too low for the rest to hear. They breached the walls like it was nothing. It was a full shock; both Titans were about what, a 50-meter class? I drifted off into my thoughts until the carriage was pulled to a stop.

"What the fuck?" I murmured, standing up.

"Newbies, get the hell outta there! The commander's giving off directions!" A soldier shouted. I jumped swiftly out of the carriage, landing lightly. The children were assigned to work in the fields. Any avaible adult were forced to take back the land the Titans stole. Out of about all of the 500 adults, 0 came back. One of them was Armin's grandfather.

"I'm definitely joining the Survey Corps." Eren growled. The other two nodded in agreement. Fear was visible in there eyes. I adjusted my glasses. Welcome to the group, newbies. I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, we're taking back the walls that have been breached." I said. The three idiots stared at me in shock. "What?" I said, in my usual voice. They shook their heads.

We're coming after you, you shitty Titans!

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