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Note: You may be confused by the following events, but please try to understand lmao. There are grammatical errors and typos present on this chapte (for one, I'm updating this using my iPad so bear with me okay).

REMINDER (YES IT IS AN IMPORTANT ONE, NOT THOSE REMINDERS I ALWAYS SAY IMPORTANT WHEN IT'S REALLY NOT BUT IT'S IN A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF IMPORTANT SO READ THIS): Jongin is the one with black hair and Kai has silver or like, whitish hair (his hair in overdose was silver/white right I can't really tell but it's not blonde for sure.. or is it?)


Jongin's POV

After everything that has happened to me in the past two weeks, I can say that this is, by far, the most unnerving situation I've been in. I've dealt with drunken guys confessing their deepest, darkest, secrets to me (and I'd rather not talk about it) although I can vaguely remember his face. But today, it seems like the stars above me are mocking, taunting me.

What I'm really going to say is, I'm beside D.O for Calculus.

I've heard that he sleeps around all the time. But it has been said that he is a relatively great guy and is not hated by both men and women attending the university. So to speak, he is quite the social butterfly. Also, someone told me that this guy doesn't really say yes to everyone. He only sleeps with the people he likes.. or liked in the past (or someone he's lusting for at the moment). A lot of people are really talking about him these days, including my brother. It's appalling how he talks about D.O's thighs as if his own hands had already touched them (did he, though?). He talks about him with much amusement, rainbows, and sparkly shit that I don't even know he's capable of doing so. My brother has never been this gay until D.O came along.

I sit at the far corner of my desk, glancing wearily at my seatmate who continues on ignoring me. I don't expect him to grab my thighs and all, but a lot can happen in an hour, considering that his hormones are somewhat.. always excited and that we are sitting at the back of the lecture. It's kind of weird that I kept expecting something to happen when he's just innocently staring at the front. Me and my dirty thoughts. I must have inherited this from Kai. That bastard.

Everything is going fine until he suddenly looks at me. Then, his eyes became the size of saucers. His face flushed a bright shade of red as he tries to hide his face with his hands. That's kind of cute. So, I decided to talk to him.

"Hi." I said. A hello would be nice but I think it's too friendly. And a hey would be indicating that I'm flirting with him, I guess. It takes a beat too fast for his head to snap back up again. He looks at me.


Our professor is almost wrapping up the discussion. So far, I haven't learned anything because of D.O. "D.O, right?"

His eyes widen again and before he could answer, I extended my hand for a shake. "I'm Jongin. I'm kind of new here."

"I can tell," He mutters. I look at him in confusion and then he shakes his head, smiling. He has a nice smile.

"So, see you tomorrow?"

"Sure. But Jongin, I'm not.." The rest of his sentence got lost in the shuffling of feet as the students stand up. The class already ended. I smiled at him before picking up my bag. "Got to go now. Nice talking to you, D.O!"

"Wait, Jongin!" D.O calls. I turned around and looked at him.


"Call me Kyungsoo." He says.

I nod and smiled at him. I stood up and walk away, finding my way to the cafeteria. I'll call him Kyungsoo, then.


It wasn't until late afternoon that something happens. I was sitting at the back of the room when someone sat beside me. It was Kyungsoo again, or what he told me to call him as. He doesn't seem to see me at first, so I kept silent and tried to listen to what our professor was babbling about. I wasn't sure if he's going to greet my presence at all until the middle of the discussion.

Then I realized that this is probably his way of saying hi. I let out a shaky breath when a hand caress my thighs. Holy shit, what is happening?

"Hey," He purrs. He's so, so close to my ear and I wonder how did that happened. Just this morning, he was all shy and cute! Does his personality gets too intimate every afternoon?

"D.O, this isn't right.." I whispered half-heartedly because his hand is dangerously creeping higher. Oh, I forgot that he told me to call him Kyungsoo.

"Just this morning I gave you more than this but you weren't even complaining." He pouts. "Wait, why is your hair brown? Just this morning it was silver.."

Just this morning?

His fingers dances over my arousal and I froze. He smirks. "Stop acting that you don't like it, Kai."

Kai. So the guy with me earlier was Kyungsoo and this is.. shit. So, my brother really fucked D.O and what he was talking about was real and not made up by his own lustfilled mind. Fuck.

"So, you've met my twin." I said, standing up despite the increasing pain between my thighs. Fucking D.O and Kyungsoo being twins.

How can I not know that?

I didn't wait for his reaction and instead raced towards the door, not minding what the others might think. How can I possibly care about what they think with this thing poking in my pants courtesy of a certain doe eyed male whose teenage hormones are raising higher than the Empire State Building. I ran towards the bathroom when my brother suddenly shows up. He looks at my reddening face and disheveled hair before looking south and he smirks. Fuck.

"Enjoying your day, I presume?"

I walk past him and enter a cubicle, minding my own business. I hear a chuckle from the other side of the door. "So you've met D.O."

He knows.

"I'm enjoying my last class as well with little Kyungsoo. See you later, bro."

My face suddenly turned pale. My blood seemingly being drained out of my face. My hands turned cold and I froze as a little thought pesters my mind.

Shit. What did he do to Kyungsoo?

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