Chapter 3;

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Your POV;
As I walked into the city, I could hear faint screams in the distance.
I muttered under my breath. Rolling my eyes I decided I should check it out, so I turned into my beastman form.

My white fur was covered by the cloak, only my nose and feet were showing. I closed my eyes and knelt down, looking for any clues from where the scream was located.

Suddenly the wiff of fresh blood entered through my nose. It was strong so there must be multiple beastman bleeding.
Awh come on, I only just got here and now I'm getting myself into trouble? I whined, following the scent, making my way through the city ending up at an abandoned car crushing facility.

(???): "We should be able to make good money off them."
I heard one voice say, as I was growing closer to the crime scene. I dumped my backpack somewhere unnoticed, and stood still in the shadows, listening in to the conversation.

(????): "Yeah, afterall kid slaves are the thing now aren't they?" The other man laughed.

My pupils dilated, hearing the word kid and slave in the same sentence lit up a fire in my body, I could feel it spreading across my body.. the disgusting act enraged me.

I looked around the corner from where I was standing, there I saw three children tied up, they had cuts and scratches all over their body. There was one in particular I noticed whom was beaten to a pulp.
Then it hit me, the one they had beaten to a pulp was a little girl. The two males were in a better condition then she was.

(Fem kid): "p-please just let us go..-!"
She was interrupted to a wooden bat about to swing at her.

I quickly emerged from the shadows I was hiding in, grabbing the wooden bat, and using it as my own weapon.

Spectators POV;
{Y/N} bared her fangs, throwing the cloak off her body. Her snow-white fur glistened under the moonlight.
"Didn't your mother teach you to respect women?" She snarled at them and in one swift movement sliced them into pieces.
"How would you like it if I beat you to a pulp with a wooden bat? HUH YOU BASTARDS?!" She yelled, enraged by the act of cruelty.

{Y/N} Slammed the bat over one of the criminals stomach, hearing their ribs crack as she continued to beat him. Then switched to the other, larger man who was a warthog. She grinned and clawed at his throat, letting her claws sink in and then rip the flesh off the criminals neck the continents of the flesh and blood came oozing out. There was no saving him.

She then looked over to the other criminal, a deer.
"You don't deserve your antlers for what you have just done, in fact you can't even call yourself a beastman!" {Y/N} laughed like a maniac, pouncing ontop of the deer,
"NOT THE ANTLERS!!" He screamed
putting pressure on his horns she snapped them off.
The deer passed out from blood loss and the stress from loosing his precious antlers.

{Y/N} rolled her eyes and dragged the two beastman so they were leaning against eachother, leaving one deceased and one knocked out.

Then she looked over at the children who had their eyes shut from listening to their kidnappers screams and begs.

{Y/N} carefully walked up to the children.
"You can open your eyes now." She smirked covering the three cold children with her cloak as she untied them.
They huddled up to her, taking in all the warmth they possibly could. This was when a certain grey wolf arrived with a Tanuki by his side...

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