Chapter 4;

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Shirou's POV;
What the..? I thought to myself, I couldn't believe what was infront of my eyes... did that wolf seriously beat those two criminals to a pulp with no difficulty? And they were white too... I thought white wolves died off awhile ago..

I shook my head, Michiru looked up toward me.
"Shirou?" She tilted her head at me,
"It's nothing, Michiru." I walked over to the wolf beastman,
"Excuse me, but do you have any idea what has happened here?"
I asked tapping them on the shoulder.
The wolf turned stood up, they were quite small for a male, I thought to myself, but then I quickly realised it was a she, as if the clothes weren't enough of a give away to that, Shirou. I thought to myself, giving myself a facepalm.

The woman looked at me, searching for an answer in my eyes, I stared into hers. The smell of pine trees and lavender welcomed my nose as I got a whiff of her scent. to my surprise her {E/c} was {F/c}Just another rare trait about her.. I thought to myself, Then she spoke.

"Those two bastards were planning on selling these kids off." She bent down to the ground placing the little girl on her hip, she dug her face into the woman's thick mane of her chest.
"I got here around 10-15 minutes ago. It wasn't that hard to deal with them as they weren't a threat to me." She chuckled.
I noticed the kids and how badly they had been beaten.
"Michiru call the police and inform them."
Michiru nodded and pulled out her phone, dialling the number.

"I'll take the kids to a medical centre with..?" I looked toward the woman with questioning eyes.
"{Y/N}." She smiled slightly, then I noticed that she had a collar just like I did.
Maybe it's just a coincidence. I told myself and shrugged it off. She's probably only wearing it as a fashion state. I told myself, and picked up the other two kids.

I watched {Y/N} pick up her cloak and tuck the child under the fabric.
"Michiru tie those scums up and meet us at the medical centre." I motioned for {Y/N} to follow me, as I ran off with the children into the streets of Anima City.

Your POV;
I nodded toward the man, and quickly grabbed my backpack, swinging it over my shoulders under my cloak and re-adjusting the child, then snapping my fathers black gloves onto my paws.
The kid was beginning to become limp, so I pushed myself to run faster, almost running ahead of the other wolf.

"This way." He said to me and I quickly followed beside him.

The wolf male and I continued to share glances as we fastened our speed, it was like a race who could reach the medical centre the fastest.

As I didn't know where on earth I was going I had a major disadvantage. So I ended up arriving a few steps after he did, I smiled at him and turned into my human form, and so did he. We both had the children clinging to us as we walked in together through the medical centres doors.

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