Chapter 6;

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{Y/N's} POV;
I thought to myself barging into Shirous room. Diving for my cloak. But he was standing infront of me, looking down at me.

At the impact I let go of the harsh grip on my towel a little, I panicked that he was going to see me naked.

"Relax," Shirou spoke in a relaxed, calm tone.

I looked up at him, my face blushing furiously.

"Easy for you to say, old man!" I barked at him, he rolled his eyes at me and handed me a t-shirt.

"Do you have a clean pair of undergarnmen-" I shoved my hand in his face to shut him up

"SHIROU SHUT UP!!" I hit him in a playful manner. But I really needed to wash my clothes, I knew that.

"My clothes are fine, thank you." I rolled my eyes, gripping my towel. Shirous eyes looked me up and down, never once stoping at my cleavage that was sitting there 'in his face'.
I knew I had larger and rounder breasts then I should have but it was out of my control.
I was waiting, for a snarky comment or something, but he simply turned around and said;

"Put the shirt on and your other clothing, Tell me when you're done."

I was shocked, never in my life had I met a man quite like him. I just said nodded and started working my arms through the t-shirt. It was quite big on me as I was only half the size of him. Then I threw on a clean pair of leggings that I had cleaned in a launderette in the human city.

"Kay' I'm done." I chirped, my hair still dripping wet.

Shirou turned around and sauntered over to me, grabbing the towel and motioned me to sit.

I obeyed the command and sat down, thinking of why he could possibly want me to sit down.

He sat behind me and I felt him gently pat my long white hair dry, he touched my hair as though it was made of glass, or as though it belonged in one of those expensive dinner sets.

Once he had finished patting my hair dry I was already yawning. My hair was quite thick so it took him awhile to make his way through all of it. Making sure he had gotten all of it dry he stood up and hung my towel up.

I smiled at the gesture, my bag laid down beside the couch.
I grabbed the blanket and threw it over me, also cuddling in close to my fathers cloak.

My collar always remained on my neck, only I could take it off, it was like it was bonded to me.

Before I knew it I was out like a light, as I drifted off into slumber.

Shirou's POV;
I looked over toward {Y/N} and she was sleeping soundly, or so I thought. It had been an hour since she fell asleep and just as I was about to doze off into my own slumber I heard faint whimpering noises coming from the direction she was in.

I got up and walked across the wooden floor boards, sitting down beside her, to check if she was alright.

"{Y/N}?.." I spoke softly as I moved the hair out of her face so I could see her better. It was clear she had been crying as I saw dried tear stains on her cheeks.

"{Y/N}.." I spoke as though I was at a funeral, even though I had only just met her, I felt as though I needed to protect her. She may very well be the last of her kind and family bloodline..

I shook my head, and a streak of light from the moon glared into the huge window. It reflected on her silky white waves. Then I found myself  starting to  play with her hair, it was just too soft not too.

Soon enough after, the sobs and whimpers stopped, but just as I was about to leave, she begun to cry again.

"{Y/N}..?!" I spoke in a concerned tone.

With that, {Y/N} slowly propped herself up and I found  her crying against me.

"Come on {Y/N}... let's get you to sleep."

"Please.. don't leave.. don't leave please.."

{Y/N} looked into my stormy blue eyes as she pleaded.

"Don't leave me like everyone else.."

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