Chapter 5;

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Spectators POV;
Shirou and {Y/N} entered the facility and walked up to the front desk. The medical centre was quiet of a night to the only loud sound was the sound of {Y/N's} Boots clicking on the marble floor.

Shirou clicked the bell in the front desk, tapping his foot on the ground growing impatient. A nurse eyed at him and this made {Y/N} uncomfortable.

"Madame, there are 3 kids here who need medical attention. They were beaten to a pulp."

The nurse eyed at Shirou again glancing at the two boys in his arm. She raised a brow looking for the third child when {Y/N} moved her cloak to reveal the little girl who was limp in her arms.

This made the nurses eyes widen and she picked up the front desks phone and requested for doctors at the lobby ASAP.
"They're on their way, just hand them over to me."
Shirou handed the two boys over to her, and then looked over to {Y/N}.

"You can follow me, miss. We won't be a moment, Mr. Ogami."
The nurses flirtatious attitude toward Shirou drove him on edge, so he just nodded and waited outside with Michiru.

Time skip
{Y/N} came outside a little after, she brushed herself off and looked toward them.
"Well I guess this is goodbye."
She smiled at them, as she was about to leave Shirou spoke.
"{Y/N} do you have a place to stay?"
"No, I just arrived here last night, so as far as my living state here goes I'll probably just  find a nice quiet alley way to sleep in."
Shirou looked at her, and chuckled.
"You really think I'm going to let you sleep in an alley way? What sort of beastman would I be?"
In one swift motion he threw {Y/N} over his shoulder. She was surprised by this gesture and squirmed around a little, but he continued walking as he held Michirus hand to cross roads.

"I can walk by myself yknow you grumpy old man!"
"I'm sure you can, but you'll just slow us down. Besides we're already here."

Shirou placed her down, and Michiru let go of his hand, running into the building only to receive a hug from Melissa as soon as she made eye contact with her. This made {Y/N} flinch, she reminded her of her own mother... she sighed and the annoyed but happy smiled turned into a sad grim one.

Shirou noticed this and raised an eye brow, perhaps she just doesn't like physical touch or affection? He thought to himself.

[Melissa]: "hurry up you two, you'll catch a cold out there!!"
{Y/N} smiled slightly and stepped inside, shortly after Shirou followed.

"Oh who is this?"
She looked at the woman with her cloak on.

{Y/N} noticed this and quickly took off her hood, revealing her wavy silky white locks of hair. She also noticed how long it was, perhaps down below her hips? She grabbed at her hair and tied it up into a loose pony tail, which somewhat did the trick.

"I am {Y/N} {L/N}. I come here in peace and prosperity in hopes for a place to stay."

Shirou's eyes widened
She's a {L/N}? He thought
This girl is full of surprises, I thought they had been all wiped out..? That explains the white fur then. He hummed thoughtfully.

"Oh of course! We welcome any beastman in need." She smiled. "But you will need to stay in someone else's room, I'd let you stay in michirus although it is extremely cramped. So your best bet is to sleep on the fold out couch in shirous room, if that's okay with you, Shirou?"

Shirou was taken aback by this,
Why me? He thought. Then he realised all eyes in the room were on him.

[Shirou]: "I don't see any problem with it.."

Melissa nodded thoughtfully.
"Thank you, shirou. {Y/N} your room will be ready tomorrow in the afternoon." Melissa smiled as she looked over toward them.
"You kids go get some rest. You'll need it tomorrow to go to city hall and fill out some forms to apply to be a citizen here, {Y/N}." Melissa looked over toward her.

"Oh of course, thanks so much for your hospitality." She bowed and followed Shirou upstairs..
What a day, She thought.

Your POV;
Shirou opened his door, and a black chunky raven landed on your head. This made you smile and let a small giggle escape your lips.
"Kuro." Shirou spoke in a firm manner, making his companion fly to him and land on his shoulder.

"You will sleep here." He pulled out the couch and walked toward a wardrobe, throwing a pillow and blanket onto the couch.
"The bathroom is just next door, go shower then get some rest." Shirou eyed at the door for you to go freshen up.

You nodded and took your cloak off, placing it on the pullout couch, going to the bathroom to freshen up.

Shirou's POV;
I wonder if.. I looked over toward the cloak. Once I had heard the bathroom door lock I transformed into my beastman form, picking the blood red and black cloak off the couch, smelling it to see visions of the past..

In the vision
{Y/N} came home from school, threw her bag on the floor and changed into her beastman form, he saw her walk upstairs and find her mother laying on the ground, and that was as much as the vision showed.
Something wasn't right about her... he thought to himself, placing the cloak down. It's almost as if something is blocking me from seeing more.. he sighed, changing his clothes into something more suitable for bed wear.

Skip toward 15 minutes.

{Y/N's} POV;
{Y/N} had just remembered she forgot her clothes, she didn't have any clean ones to put on.
Oh god why me..?! She thought to herself, firmly wrapping the towel around her body as her white hair dropped onto the floorboards.

Okay {Y/N}. All you need to do is run into Shirou's room, grab your cloak and then ask for clothes okay? Okay. I was talking to myself,

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