Chapter 7;

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Spectators POV;
{Y/N} looked up at Shirou, her eyes now a bloodshot red. She  begun to sob into his chest, then he wrapped his arms around her.

"{Y/N}...?" He looked down toward her

"Don't leave me.." she spoke between sobs, looking up at him.

Shirou hesitated, looking down at her. She looked up into his stormy blue eyes with her {E/c} eyes.

"Very well then," He spoke, this made her smile a little.

Shirou's eyes averted to her backpack, a thick old tattered book started to poke out.

"Hey {Y/N}?" He looked down at her, as he broke away from the embrace.

"Yes?" She said in reply, wiping her tears.

"What's that book over there in your bag for?" He asked her.

She looked over to the bag and noticed the book she never opened was sticking out.

"Oh that? It's just an old book I got from my old house, come to think of it I've never really opened it.." she tilted her head slightly, reaching over to collect it.

Once she had gotten it out Shirou sat beside her.

"I've never seen what's inside this book so let's try shall we?" She looked at him and gave him a little smile.

Shirou tired opening the book, but it was sealed shut.

"What the.." He mumbled under his breath.

"Let me try," {Y/N} spoke, tracing her slim fingertips across the spine of the thick book and begun to open it.

Surprisingly the book had opened,

A picture of {Y/N's} entire family was on the first page, a family photo, they all had collars on, and besides from her father, they were all white.

"Wow.." Shirou was in total shock as he watched {Y/N} trace her fingers across the photo, she felt a tear rub down her face and Smiled.

"This is my family.." she looked over to Shirou, wiping her tears.

She flipped the page, and it said;
For our beloved {Y/N} {L/N}

Shirou looked at her,
"Y'know if it's too much we don't have to look at this now,"

"No.. it's about time I read this," she smiled softly to him.

Shirou felt his cheeks redden slightly, thankfully {Y/N} didn't notice.

{Y/N} flipped the books page, a sketch of a white wolf with a purple cloak had gold embroidery on its seams.

Shirou noticed what this being was, He looked toward {Y/N} and then back to the book.

Shirou's POV;
Could she possibly be..? I thought to myself, {Y/N} looked over toward me with questioning eyes.

After hearing her voice I flinched.

I looked at her then back to the sketch.

"What is this..?"
She pointed toward the sketch.

"That's the Irene wolf, she was seen as 'Gods loyal companion'  she was sent to earth to protect the lands."
I paused, catching my breath.

"She protected humans and beastman, she existed many years before the silver wolf, in fact billions of years."

I sighed, tracing my fingertips across the page.

"What happened to her?"
{Y/N} spoke to me as she flipped the page.

"She found love, it was said that she had children of her own. She was immortal, but she had that stripped away from her."

Your POV;
I looked at Shirou with questioning eyes, waiting for him to continue.

Then I saw another sketch, it was the 'Irene wolf' being slaughtered.

I pointed to the sketch.

"It's true..? I thought that was just a conspiracy.."
Shirou was hiding something from me, and I wanted in so I hit him on the arm.

"Spill Shirou I know you're keeping something from me."
I snarled at him.

"Well you see, she died by a stake to the heart, as displayed in the picture. If you look closely the collar that was around her neck in the previous sketch is no-where to be found in the one here."

Shirou looked at my collar, and looked back toward the first sketch.

"Maybe if we read further we will know more about her collar..?"
I suggested as I flipped the page.

My eyes widened, I saw pictures of all the collars of my ancestors, they had all been morphed together, just like her mother's and fathers.

"Impossible..." I heard Shirou mutter under his breath.

I traced my fingers across my own collar, was it true that this Irene wolfs collar was morphed into mine as well as all my deceased ancestors..?

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