Chapter 9:

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Shirou happily hummed, taking in the child's features.

"What's his name..?" He grumbled, feeling a little embarrassed that he just willingly adopted a kid.

"His name is Seji." She smiled and grabbed some papers from under her arm, handing them to the both of you.

"These are their papers, just sign them and then you will both be the legal guardians of these twins."

Your heart slipped into your stomach Hearing the word "twins" I mean sure, they looked alike. But twins? How could it be that you just out of the blue both picked the twin to the other child? That was a two in 5 chance.

"I have a good feeling that you two will keep them safe from any danger." She smiled as she handed you both pens. You sighed and signed the forms that were presented infront of you. Also signing the ones Shirou had as the woman argued that she didn't want them to be splitted up by legal documents, but the real reason was because she thought that it'd save time for later when the two of you eventually got together, judging by the way the two of your cheeks flushed when you found eachother looking into the others eyes.

(( sneaky woman 🤐))

"Well I can't thank you enough for helping these two kids have a better future. I'll be off now." She smiled, and in a blink of an eye she was gone.

"Well I didn't expect to be a mom at this age." You smiled, hugging the other twin as well.

"As if Michiru wasn't enough." Shirou sighed, face planting himself as Michiru whined.

"Come on, Shirou I'm sure parenting can't be that bad!"

"Get back here!" You heard Shirou yell as Seji begun to run around beastman Co-op without a shirt on.

You couldn't contain your laughter, you were hunched over laughing like a maniac as Lilly sat on the floor playing with a stuffed animal.

"Mommy!!" Seji cried, running over toward you and hiding behind your leg. The name made you blush furiously.

"Daddy is chasing me!" He whined tugging at your shirt, almost making you spit up your water. He just called you mommy and Shirou Daddy.

Your blush across your face did no justice to your pale skin, only giving it a better colour.

Shirou whipped around the corner and came crashing into you, causing the two of you to fall over and grunt in pain.

"Ow.." you groaned, opening your eyes only to be met with shirous stormy electric eyes, which sent a shiver down your spine. "Sorry Y-Y/N.." he mumbled, getting flustered. Your orbs met his and you found your arms wrapping around his neck, as you leant in and closed your eyes.. this was it. You were going to kiss him.

"Mommy are you okay?!" Seji whailed, capturing the attention of his sister and causing you to get completely flustered and him rolling off you. Lilly  stumbled over and poked you and held you tight.

"Mommy are you okay?" She looked at you with her big golden eyes that you adored, and you nodded. "Mommy is okay, can't say much for Daddy though." You laughed and pointed over at Shirou who was as red as a beet, laying on the ground motionless as his face practically steaming.

"Dad!" Seji screeched, Lilly following close behind as they scrambled over toward Shirou and shaking him.

"I think he's dead Mommy!" He looked over at you with tears in his golden eyes as tears spilled down his cheeks. You felt your heart sink and crawled over toward Shirou. "I shall wake the prince up by giving him a true loves kiss!" You laughed, captivating the kids attention as they eagerly watched you kissing him on the lips, wanting their dad to get better.

Shirou's eyes immediately shot open at the soft touch of your plump lips brushing against his. "Play along." You whispered into his ear, only to be met with a extremely flushed Shirou, his eyes looking like electricity as they met with your e/c orbs.

"The prince has awoken!" You dramatically gasped, the kids watched you with awe.

"Mommy is magic!" Seji gasped dramatically, wiping his face.

"Of course I am." You smiled proudly and directed your thumb toward your chest, feeling full of yourself.

The kids cheered for you as Shirou looked at you in the eyes with a burning fire in his eyes. "So, princess. I believe it's only proper I give you a kiss in return." He smirked, now reversing his embattled flushing state to you.

Your eyes widened to the size of saucers, and your mouth slightly parted at his comment, giving him time to suddenly attack your lips, pushing you back into the carpet with both his elbows beside your head as the two of you shared a heated kiss.

"S-Shirou.." you mumbled and looked into his eyes with awe.

"What I'm only returning the favour, you did save me after all." He winked at you and rolled off you, grabbing Seji's shirt and placing it on his tiny body.

"We need to get them new clothes.." he mumbled and you nodded. "First, bath time you little devil!" He growled as Seji begun to giggle like a maniac, running away from Shirou.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you picked Lilly up and placed her on your hip, walking upstairs and placing her down on the bathroom stool.

"Okay little lady it's bath time!" Lilly giggled as you tickled her, blowing raspberries on her bare stomach.

"Bubbles?" She questioned as you ran some Luke-warm water so it wouldn't burn her, placing in the bubble bath liquid.

You stirred the bathtub water around with your fingertips, tying your hair up into a mid-height ponytail, securing it with a elastic hair tie.

"Time to wash up you little she-devil!" She giggled at your words squealing in laughter when you attacked her stomach with tickles, then placed her gently in the Bathtub, where she grew fond of the bubbles surrounding her.

Soon after Lilly had gotten into the bath Shirou joined you inside the bathroom with a butt-naked Seji slung over his shoulder.

You couldn't help but giggle as you had next to no trouble in getting Lilly inside the bathtub, while Seji on the other hand had other ideas for poor Shirou.

"Dad I don't wanna!!" He whined, throwing a tantrum on his shoulder.

You begun to laugh like an absolute idiot, grabbing your phone out and snapping a picture of the scene in front of you.

Shirou averted his eyes toward you, and noticed how stupidly attractive you were, sitting by the side of the bathtub with your Snow White hair done up in a messy ponytail. While he on the other hand had trouble with even holding the two-year-old on his shoulder.

Shirou rolled his eyes and placed Seji in the bathtub, where he quickly got drenched in water, due to the splashing Seji was doing.

"This is going to be a long night.." he scowled and earned a laugh from you, making his lips turn into a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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