time to go

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It's been an hour since the news of the attack came on the news. The students were not calm per day but calmer than before and less afraid thanks to Tamiko's little pep talk they got with Eri and zu helping. A portal seemed to open one exactly like what the girls came through two men stepped out one was tall with deep red hair which seemed to spike like bakugo's and crystal blue eyes like tamiko the other was about 2 inches shorter with black hair just above the shoulders with blue tips and red eyes. "Zu come let's go back home " The shorter male said bending down to pick up the girl. The other just stood there stairing when he spoke " Hey sho just want you to know be careful and take care see you later " With that a smile came on shoto's face. "T-Touya ?" Before any thing else could be said all four left through the portal and it closed.

Everything related to Tamiko and Ritorūzzu was erased from everyone's mind including the LOV . As all was scilent denki broke it " Guys let's stay calm and study to change the topic, who with me? " " Yea let's do that " Sato said . Both classes got their supplies and began a few small fights broke out between kedo and momo about the answers on a practice test bakugo prepared.

( le next week cuz me lazy 🤪)

Kirishima POV:
It's been a week and well todobroski is better and things are back to normal. I'm in the car with my mom when I hear a gun loading in the distance. "Mom duck and activate your quirk " I screamed blocking a bullet. "Ejiro what the hell!? " I pushed her into the backseat taking the wheel. Made a uturn into the forest good thing we were near my area. Opened the back door and pushed mom out " Keep running straight till you see a small house and knok and scream I'm unbreakable. " I said hiding behind the car " Bu-" "No time now go go go! "

Ei mom POV:

I ran the way ei told me what did he mean? who were those people? When did he know to drive? Wth is going on? I came to the house and screamed "I'M UNBREAKABLE" A man opend the door and lead me inside. He looked at me up and down picked up a phone and said "it's the boss's mother should I let her in yes I get that but- fine " He motioned me to follow him we went deeper inside to an elevator. When I got in everything looked so much like an office building whatdid he mean by boss was ei their leader or something no that can't be right? " Ma'ma can you please tell me what happened and why and how you got here? " "Me and my son were in our car when a gun fired my son took the wheel and stopped in front of the forest and well now I'm here I honestly don't know what happened " He typed something into his phone outside I could hear footsteps running with heavy boots.

The lift stopped and the doors opened to show an office it was well kept and clean . " Please sit here and wait if you need anything or want to ask about something press the button " With that I sat in the big chair of the office and looked around the desk it had papers , two books, a pen stand and picture frames on it one of them was of me and ei was this all his? I rang the bell out of curious intentions a lady in a suit with what looked like a keychain hanging out through a hole the poket of her blazer. "What do you need ma'ma? " " I actually have a few questions " " I will answer any question you have but please don't go too deep, ok? " I nodded and she sat down in front of me and I asked
( mom= ei mom  wm= ei assistant)
Mom - what is this place called?
Wm- this place is called the fourth kingdom or unbreakable
Mom-what does my son have to do with this place?
Wm-he runs this place basically our king
Mom- wait so this all belongs to ei?
Wm- well not really your son was made leader of this place and independent he has to work alongside 3 others I'm not sure who they are but they have a strong bond between them
Just when I was about to ask another question I felt a needle in my neck then it all went dark.

( hi guys hope you enjoyed this and I'm full of ideas now so just wait and read ahead people) ♡

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