Incomplete chapter 4

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Incomplete: Four.

     Lyssa was quiet, and eventually i resumed typing. But not being able to really look at her as i was, i soon lost all inspiration. I closed the Mac and locked my hands together on my lap, staring at it.
     The silence seemed to soak up every vibe of relaxation formerly consuming the whole room. All i could feel was the tension growing around us, making the air thick. It was making it unbelievably hard to breathe, but for some reason i couldn't make a move. I couldn't break through it.
     Lyssa stood up. My head snapped, and my eyes locked with hers.
     "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Just say so." Her voice was even. It gave away nothing.
     "I'm sorry," was all i could respond.
     "Auden..." she sighed, and i felt a tingle in my chest. My breathing became just a bit easier.
     "I'm sorry," I repeated, still staring into her eyes. I just wanted to find some kind of clue in there. Was there a reason this girl enchanted me so much? And so easily, at that?
     "I don't want to pry," she looked so sad, "but i feel like it's something you should definitely be talking about with someone. And i don't think you are...or you wouldn't look so hurt."
     Did i look hurt? If i did, it was more because she looked so upset. She looked so broken up. Was this my fault?
     I stood up and walked over to her. Her eyes showed nothing but pain.
     "I'm sorry if i made you sad, Lyssa." I hugged her tight.
     Her arms wrapped around me, and she rested her head on my shoulder. "You didn't make me sad, Auden," she assured me.
     I didn't want her to pull away, but she did - she did all too soon.
     "You're the one that's sad," her hands were grasping my shoulders firmly. "I just want to be here for you."
     "I barely know you." I was becoming defensive, for some reason. This feeling of unease was settling in my stomach. "Why would you care so much? You're just here to be my inspiration, isn't that right?"
     She looked guiltily at the floor.
     "Right?" I repeated, even louder.
     "So...maybe i had some ulterior motives..." she trailed off, looking nervously at the floor. My heart skipped a beat.
     What the hell was going on?
     Before i could find out, i heard a car door slam. A wave of panic passed, and i grabbed Lyssa's wrist, yanking her towards the back door.
     "What's going on?" She yelled at me, clearly in shock.
     "You need to leave. Like, now." I threw the door open and pushed her out, me right behind her. Then i closed the door, grabbed her wrist again, and started running towards the woods.
     "Auden, where are we going?" She demanded, stopping in her tracks. I lost my grip and her hand slid right through mine.
     I felt like i lost something.
     Why was i running, anyway? I thought my intention was to throw her out and then face them myself? As though nothing had happened?
     I knew i would be in trouble. I left my Mac back at the house. They would surely go through my files, and know i hadn't finished.
     "Auden?" Her hand was on my back.
     "Lyssa." I looked her in the eyes. Then i sighed, grabbed my face with my hands, looked at the sky, and flopped my arms pathetically at my sides. And i admitted, "I have absolutey no idea where we're going. Or what we're doing." I looked at her with this sad smile. "I'm sorry."
     She walked over to me, seeming quite unsure of herself. And then she pulled me into another hug.
     I started crying. I didn't even know i wanted to cry.
     "I think you should go back home...and i'll do the same," she pulled away and smiled at me.
     "Huh? But why?" I asked.
     "Because you're running from something. And you need to stop." She smiled again, and my heart skipped a beat. "We go to the same school, you know...i've seen you around before. I'll be at your locker come Monday morning. This isn't goodbye." Then why did it feel like i was losing something? Letting it slip right through my fingers?
     I forced a smile back at her, then turned to the direction of my house.
     "Bye, Lyssa...see you Monday." The words wouldn't come easily. I didn't want to leave her. Especially not like this.
     She waved at me with her fingers more than her hand, with this big smile on her face. "Bye, Auden. See you Monday."
     Why was it so hard to leave this girl?
     Come to think of it...why did she even approach me in the first place?
     No use worrying now. It's not like i regret having had met her.
     All these thoughts circled in my head as i ran back home, taking a loud lecture from my parents asking where i had gone, why my assignment wasn't done, and ending with a solid grounding over the weekend. They stayed in my head when i fell asleep that night, and they stayed in my head when i woke up the next morning, which was Sunday.
     She never left my head.

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