chapter 5

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There is going to be some Clato in furture chapters but dont worry its still going to bee mainly Glato.

Cato P.O.V

I sat next to the fire with Clove and Marvel. Marvel just glares at me probably because I threaten him earlier for calling me an idiot. It was getting darker and darker. We had the district 3 boy to take the watch right now. Marvel came up to me and said “You should share the tent with Glimmer”. “And why? Don’t you know I hate her?”. “Yea everyone could tell but I could also tell that you like her and plus she needs to talk to you”. “I don’t like her!” “Okay but she still need to talk to you and I need to talk to Clove so”. “Alright but if you do anything to Clove you’ll regret it got it 1?” “Okay”. I got into Glimmers tent and she was asleep. She’s really pretty in her sleep. Snap out of it Cato. I walked next to her and shook her gently. “What is it now Cato? I'm not in the mood of fighting”. “You’re the one who wanted to talk to me”. “Says who?” “Your boyfriend”. “Look he’s not my boyfriend so stop calling him that!” She seemed angry when I called Marvel his boyfriend. So was that good? She didn’t like him. “Um you still there?” Oh I zooned out. “Yea, what did you want to talk about?” “Why did you save me?” “Excuse me?” “Why did you save me from the Tracker Jackers?” Shit I should have thought about what to say. “Because um you’re in my alliance and your I don’t know useful?”  She laughed. “It’s pretty obvious that you’re lying. And plus we all know that you wouldn’t save on of your alliances. Oh and also I'm not useful so that’s another lie”. Shoot I'm stuck. “What’s the real reason Cato? So you could kill me yourself?” She just smiled. I can’t take it anymore I can’t hide my feelings from her. I went up to her and kissed her.

Glimmer P.O.V

Omg Cato just kissed me. He pulled away first and lend his head against mines. “I saved you because I like you”. I smiled at that. “I have to tell you something”. “What is it?” “I liked you from the very beginning, and I know you liked Clove so I stopped trying. I try to get you out of my mind but I can’t. I guess you can say I'm jealous of you and Clove”. He just smiled and said “There’s nothing to be jealous about”. I hugged him tightly and I wish he would never let go. I fell asleep in his arms. I smiled at him and tried not to wake him up but I failed. “Hey sorry if I woke you”. “Its fine don’t worry about it”. We both got up and walked outside but I stopped him. “Wait what about Clove? I don’t want her to be mad at us”. “Its fine I’ll handle her okay?” “Okay” I said softly. He kissed me on my forehead. I walked outside to find Marvel and Clove sitting next to each other holding hands. “Cato look”. He looked and has a slight confused look on his face but I couldn’t really tell his emotions are always hidden. “Why are they holding hands?” “Wait Marvel has a crush on her”. “He does?” “Yeah he told me or I should say I figured it out”. We walked up to them but they didn’t notice. I purposely stepped on a branch. “Oh hey Glimmer, Cato”.  “Cato I'm sorry but I can’t be with you anymore I like Marvel”. “Its fine I was going to talk to you about Glim”. “Glim?” I laughed. “Glim is my nickname for you”. “You two a thing now?” asked Clove. “Yeah” said Cato while lacing his hand in mines. “Finally Glimmer!” Me and Cato were hunting for food. “Hey Cato?” “Yeah?” “If it was the two of us left would you kill me?”  He turned and looked at me. “No I’ll just have to kill myself”. My eyes widened. He can’t die! I need to! “No! You can’t! You have to kill me!”. “Why would I Glim? Even though we just meet I love you”.  I hugged him. “You can’t you have a family to go back to, I don’t. And if you die than I have no one that I would care about. But for you; you have a family to care about. So you can’t die! I'm the one that have to die”. “Glim look if you die then I can’t live anymore, you’re the only girl I would want to be with”. “You’ll find someone else Cato”. He pulled away. “NO you’re the only girl I want to be with there’s no one out there like you”. “I know but if you die than I would be dead because the only other person I cared and loved is gone but you have your family your sister to go back to!” He pulled me into a tight hug. “Promise me you won’t die”. “I can’t Cato and you know it”.  Just than a knife came towards us. I pushed him away and closed my eyes. I'm going to die now; Cato is going to go home. I should be dead now. I open my eyes and didn’t see anything. Wait what? Just then I saw an arrow hitting the person who threw the sword. Yep he’s dead alright. I turn to see Katniss and Peeta. Wait what did the knife hit than? Just when I was thinking Cato attacked me into a hug. “You could have died! Why did you push me out of the way?”. “I I’m sorry but you can’t die your more important to me than I am”.  “You’re so stupid!” and then he kissed me. After he pulled away he saw Katniss and Peeta. When he was about to kill them I stopped him. “Cato don’t! They saved me!”  He sighed and puts his sword down. “Sorry”. “It’s alright”.

Cato  kissed Glimmer!? Marvel and Clove is together? Glimmer almosted died? Next chapter is going to be out today or tomorrow  just love writing this story right now. I will get alittle lazy just a warning. Thanks for reading Bye!

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