Chapter 10

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Last chapter!!

This is after six weeks and the start of the Victory Tour…

Glimmer P.O.V

Six weeks has passed since Cato had broken up with me. Today was my last day before the Victory Tour. Me and Marvel got into to the train and I just sat quietly on the couch. “Hey you alright?” Marvel asks me. “No.” “Aww Glimmer it’s alright.” He gave me a hug. I saw Gloss came in. I just glared at him. Yesterday he tried to kiss me but thank god when I call for help Cashmere came. I went to my room and took a shower. I just threw on some lazy clothes. I went outside and sat on the couch next to Marvel. “Were almost in district 2.” “Please don’t remind me.” I said not wanting to see Cato. “Glimmer were here” said Cashmere. I just sighed and buried my head in a pillow. It’s for the best if Cato can’t see me because it would just be painful to look him and it would be awkward. I heard footsteps coming onto the train and I knew Cato was here. Marvel took the pillow out of my face. “Fuck you Marvel why did you do that.” Marvel just got up and gave Clove a hug. I could see her glaring at me. I just ignored her. I saw Cato looking at me. I shot him a small smile and he smiled back. I miss his smile, his blue eyes, and his blonde hair. I saw Brutus and Enobaria come in and they both smiled at me. I have to admit Enobaria teeth scare the hell out of me. I got up and went into my room. I sat on my bed and cried. I hate things between me and Cato right now. I wanted things to go back the way it was. I miss hanging out with Cato and cuddling with him. I just remembered that Katniss and Peeta were coming. I need a person to talk to and hopefully Katniss would listen. We’ve became best friends over the six weeks. I dried my face and tied my hair up. I went into the room where everyone was and took at seat next to the window. I looked out the window and I could tell were in district four. After about one hour were finally in district 12. I saw Katniss and Peeta walk in and I quickly ran to them and gave both of them a hug. I whispered something into Katniss’s ear. “Can you come to my room? I need a person to talk to”. She nodded. Me and Katniss went into our room. I locked the door and hopefully no one would be able to hear. I sat on my bed and buried my face in a pillow. It’s a habit now. “Aww Glimmer I'm so sorry about you and Cato”. “It’s fine.” “I swear I will shoot an arrow through his head.” I just laughed at that. After we talked about what happening during those few weeks we had to go to dinner. I told a seat between Marvel and Katniss. Katniss kept whispering things in my ear and I couldn’t help but laugh. I whispered things in her ear also and she started to laugh. I could tell that everyone was looking at us weird.  After dinner I went into my room. I heard a knock on the door but I just ignored it. Than another knock. “Go away! I'm not in talking mode! I'm in sleeping mode!” The door opened. Shit I forgot to lock it and I saw Gloss coming in. “What do you want?! I already told you I'm not in talking mode I'm in sleeping mode!” “Oh sweet heart I could tell why Cato liked you”. Just by him saying Cato’s name gave me shivers. “Get out!” “You’re not easy aren’t you?” “OMG GLOSS! GET THE FUCK OUT!” He came up to me and started to kiss me. I screamed and he pushed me against the wall hard and it hurt. “HELP SOMEONE HELP! CASHMERE!!!! CATO! I did not mean to say his name but I don’t why but I just blurted it out. “Sweet heart no one is going to hear you.” He started to take my shirt off but then someone pulled him away. I saw that it was Cato. He punched him “Don’t you ever dare try to hurt Glimmer!” “Why does she need her boyfriend’s protection?” Cato started to punch him again and threw him out the door. I just sat there crying. Cato came to me and I hugged me. “It’s okay Glim he’s gone now.” I started to cry harder. He helped me up and carried me to my bed. I sat down and cried into his shirt. After about an hour or so I stopped crying and he told me in his arms. “You okay Glim?” I nodded. Then out of nowhere I asked the question that was stuck in my mind forever. “Cato why did you break up with me?” I said it before I could stop it.  “I don’t know I guess I was sad about my sister’s death and didn’t want to be with anyone but breaking up with you was the stupidest thing I have ever done.” We both stared at each other until he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away and laid my head on his chest. We stayed like that for a while until we heard a knock. I groaned and opened the door and standing there was an angry Clove.

Cato P.O.V

I saw Clove in the door way. She pushed Glimmer away and stormed up to me. “YOU IDIOT WHY DID YOU HURT GLOSS? YOU KNOW YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN IN TROUBLE?!” I shouted back “WELL HE WAS HURTING GLIMMER WHAT WAS I SUPPOSE TO DO?!” I told her to get out and she stormed away. I could tell that Glimmer was startled. I buried my face in my hand and muttered sorry to Glimmer. She sat down next to me. “It’s okay. And I'm sorry for making you fight with Clove.” “Wasn’t your fault anyways. She needs to learn that I don’t like her.” The next day me and Glimmer went to eat breakfast. I saw Gloss and glared at him. I took Glimmer’s hand and pulled her to the other side. I whispered something in her ear. “I don’t that like Gloss guy you know?” Glimmer just smiled and said “Well it’s pretty obvious Cato.” Katniss saw us holding hands and pulled Glimmer. I could hear them whispering. “Are you guys together again?” “Yep.” “Finally! See I told you Peeta.” After finishing breakfast I sat on the couch with Glimmer, Peeta, Katniss, and Marvel. She laid her head on my shoulders. We were going to be arriving in district 11. I could tell that Marvel felt guilty because he killed Rue. After the speech and some other boring things we got into the train again. We went into Glimmers room and lay down on her bed. “Gods am I tried” I said. I could hear Glimmer laugh. “Well get your lazy ass up we still have to do a speech in district 10 today.” I groaned why did we have to go on a tour? I went to my room and founded my District 10 outfit. I was a grey suit. I hated suits. I took a quick shower and got into the suit. I knocked on Glimmers door and she opened it. She wore a lacey navy dress. “Cmon Glim we have to go now.” “Okay okay just let me braid my hair.” I waited outside with the rest. She came out with her signature fishtail braid. I saw Gloss winking at her and I wanted to snap his neck.

Glimmer P.O.V

After the rest of the tour went by we had our last tour in the capitol. I hated President Snow! Someday we will die and there won’t be any more Hunger Games. I was forced to wear I yellow dress that was floor length and they left my hair down just the way it is. I saw Cato and I went up to him. “Hey.” “Hey.” He took my hand and we walked to the place where the rest of the people are. “These people make me sick” I could hear Cato mutter under his breath. I laughed “I'm with you.” The rest of the night was boring until the President came out. “Welcome to the Presidential Party! Congratulation to the Victors of the 74th Hunger Games.” He said some other things but I zooned out. I saw Snow glared at us and probably because we stood him up and might cause a rebellion. After the party President Snow told me to come see him. “Giving up your life for true love huh? That was very touching Miss.Rambin. But I am afraid the world doesn’t quite believe it like I do.” “What do you mean?” “If you don’t want your districts to be like district 13 you have to convince the people that you are in love with the young man Cato.” “How I convince them if I’m already in love with him?” “Miss.Rambin you will figure that out yourself.” After that talk it gave me nightmares. I woke up in the middle of the night screaming. Cato came in and holds me tight in his arms. “It’s okay I'm here now Glim.” Now I realize how much I loved Cato. He was everything to me. “I love you so much Cato.” “I love you too Glimmer don’t forget it.”

This is the end! Not really. I will create a sequel of this called Glimmer and Cato; The Third Quarter Quell.


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