chapter 9

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Almost till the end! Im working on writing the squel right now.

Cato P.O.V

When we arrived at District 2 and we walked to Victor’s Village and some girls saw me and winked at me but I ignored them. “Seems like you have a lot of admires” said Enobaria. Clove just glared at me and walked away. What is her problem? She knows I only love Glimmer. “Yea whatever.” Brutus showed me to my home and I sat down on the couch. I really miss Glimmer even though it was only for 2 hours. I heard my phone rang I went up to get it. “What!” “Well that wasn’t very nice.” I recognize this voice. Glimmer. “Glim I'm sorry I'm just having a bad day.” “Yea I get it no worries Cato.” “Why did you call me?” “Nothing I just miss you.” “Yeah me too.”  After we talked for about 20 minutes I decided to take a shower. After showering I went to Brutus’s place since he wanted to talk to me. I knocked on the door. I took a seat next to Clove since it was the only seat remaining. “Cashmere told us that for standing up to President Snow it could get you guys in a lot of trouble”.  “For what? We didn’t want to kill each other so what’s the problem with that!?” shouted Clove.  “Clove” I said trying to calm her down. “You know you and Glimmer are very alike she got mad at this situation also” said Brutus. “Don’t you ever compare me to that Barbie doll! I'm nothing like her!” shouted Clove. “Clove! Stop! And she’s not a Barbie doll!” “CATO! WHAT’S UP WITH YOU? SHE IS A BARBIE DOLL CAN’T YOU SEE? I'M NOTHING LIKE HER! I WILL NEVER BE SHE’S JUST A SLUT!” I can’t believe she just said that. “NO SHE’S NOT! YOU’RE RIGHT YOU’RE NOTHING LIKE HER, SHES WAY NICER AND CARING AND SHES NOT A SLUT! DIDN’T I TELL YOU THAT I DON’T LIKE YOU!?” I could tell that Clove was tearing up. She never cry’s. She got up and ran away. “Shit! Clove wait!” I said as I ran after her.

 Glimmer P.O.V

I quickly took a shower and put on some Nike shorts and a t shirt. I put my hair up in a bun and got into bed. I checked my phone to see any miss calls but there were none. I closed the light and went to sleep. I woke up with my alarm going off. I groaned as I turn it off. I went down stairs to find Cashmere and Gloss. Cashmere just smiled at me and Gloss smirked at me. I smiled at Cashmere and glared at Gloss. “So was up?” I asked. “Did Cato tell you yet?” That scared me a little bit. “Tell me what?” “Last night I got a call from Brutus saying that Cato’s little sister died because a peace keeper shot her.” “WHAT!? BUT WHY!?” “We think it’s President Snow who did it to you know get back at you guys as a punishment.” “But it wasn’t her fault! She did nothing!” I sat down on the couch and buried my face in my hand. “This is all my fault! I should have just let Cato win and this whole thing wouldn’t happen”. Gloss came over and rubbed my back. I shivered at his touch. “Get your damn hands away from me Gloss!” “You’re lost sweet heart.” Ha so now he changed it to sweet heart?! “Gloss don’t you ever call me that!” “Glimmer we think you should go visit Cato.” “Why? He probably hates me right now. This is my entire fault.” “Glimmer if you don’t want to visit him fine but at least call him and see if he’s alright.” “Fine.” I got up and called Cato. “Hello?” Wait was that Clove’s voice? “Clove? Can I talk to Cato?” “No. He hates you so don’t ever call him again bitch! It’s all your fault that her sister got shot. If you just had died and let Cato win than this would never happen! So are you happy now!?” Then she hanged up. I sighed so I was right he hates me. “So did you talk to him yet?” “No. Clove picked up the phone and said that Cato hates me and doesn’t want to talk to me.” Cashmere sighed. “Glimmer don’t believe Clove, she’s probably still jealous of you and Cato.” “Even if he doesn’t hate me I hate myself I should have died in the games!”

 So this is the second to last chater

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