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Fenrir didn't know how, but the damn Ministry of Magic had found his and his pack's hiding spot near the Icelandic region. He had thought no one would think Fenrir would move his pack there and would avoid it entirely. Someone must have tip them off... must have spotted him or some of his pack members roaming around and informed the Ministry of their whereabouts. They had surprised Fenrir entirely. They just popped out of no where and surrounded the pack entirely. Before any of them could fight back, most of the pack members had been disarmed and chained up. 

Now they were dragging him and some of his Betas right behind him through the Ministry. He wasn't sure what had happed with the rest of his pack, but he hoped they weren't doing anything awful to them. But knowing these wizards with how they feel about werewolves, they most likely weren't going to be the nicest to the werewolves.

There were tons of people gawking and staring like they had all done to him all his life. He was a bigger man than most with animal-like features to his face but the thing that they stared out at the most were his canines. They were what really struck fear in the hearts of all who came face to face with him. Fenrir didn't care what they thought of him and his mind wasn't even focused on what may or may not happen to him. 

It was on his pack. These people made him look like a fool when they caught him and went dragging him in the front like a weakling. He was angry at the thought that this little scene may have cause some of his people to think of Fenrir too weak of being an Alpha and were probably thinking about taking his place. I will have to remind them who's still Alpha in this pack, he growled within his head as the men shoved him in the elevator. 

He didn't know how he would escape this time since the wizards hadn't been messing around this time around, but he was sure he would play them like a fool. After all, they didn't exactly think werewolves were the smartest, which he took advantage of constantly. Fenrir turned to gaze outward with the two guards moving to his sides to make sure he was still held captive. He watched as his Betas were tossed into the elevators beside him just in time as the door shut close and it began to lower down to the court room. 

Time Skip 

Fenrir stood in front of the court of people, who were glaring at him while some even had the guts to shoot a smug look at him. What was interesting to see was Remus sat among them. Fenrir spotted him easily since Remus was not wearing the funny uniforms as the other judges. He was sure Remus was enjoying this, seeing the man who had turned him into a werewolf now about to be judged. 

Fenrir's gaze shifted from Remus when he saw Fudge moved to his seat, hitting his tiny hammer against the desk to quiet the mumbles and whispers about him. This guy is still in charge, Fenrir mumbled in the back of his mind and snickered as he remembered how Fudge basically aided in Voldemort and his side with his whole denying Voldemort was back shit he pulled. 

"Hearing of thirteen of October into offenses committed by Fenrir Greyback resident... unknown..." Fudge went on speaking about what was happening and why they were all here. Even listed most of his crimes to the jury in the room. Fenrir Greyback rolled his eyes, wanting this to be over with. He knew they were probably just going to sentence him to Azkaban where he would find some way to slip out of. However, Remus standing up brought him back to focus on the trial again. 

"Permission for the type of sentence be the maximum punishment, the death sentence." Remus suggested to Fudge and all the other juries. His eyes widen as steam flew right out of his ears. He knew he did a lot of mess up things like joining the Dark Lord, but he sure as hell did not deserve the death sentence. Nothing like what these Ministry clowns had done to people like Fenrir. 

Before anyone could even agree to the statement, a loud booming voice echoed through the room, screaming...

"Witness for the defense! Hermione Jean Granger." 

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