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Hermione Pov 

"And that was how I found my office when I came back. Covered head to toe in numerous flowers. I'm telling you it looked like a garden." Hermione went telling the boys how she had went to her office and found about a trillion vases of flowers consuming her office. The boys went chuckling at her story. 

"That would be River. She has a thing whenever she gets into trouble, she gets the person flowers. I remember the time she filled her sister's whole tent with flowers, Emma couldn't get out of the tent until maybe an hour or two of clearing them away." Fenrir explained to her. Scabior nodded in agreement. 

"If there's one thing you should know is River does mean it when she is sorry. I mean it, she can get over her head, but she does feel it when she does something wrong." Scabior agreed with Fenrir. Hermione couldn't explain it but there was a sudden feel of tense between Fenrir and Scabior. She felt it the moment she sat down and they sat right beside her, slightly starting to flirt with her. Hermione could sense their wolves sides were inches of being exposed and about to rip into the other for whatever reason. 

"River is indeed sweet. She taught me and the other students how to make a dye bomb. Which we tested on Mr. Lupin." Jasper claimed to Hermione. Hermione chuckled while she crossed her arms. 

"So that's why Remus was covered in purple dye." Hermione said, having a hard time holding in her laughter. Jasper slowly moved lower in his seat while shaking his head that he was not responsible for what had happened to Remus. They chuckled at Jasper's cute nature. Everything seemed to start to go back to normal where there was no sense of chaos or any pain... until a loud booming voice screamed out...

"Sectumsempra!" Hermione had no time to turn around to see who shouted it when Fenrir went down onto the ground, growling in agony. Hermione jumped out of her seat quickly as she glances over her shoulder to see Ron rushing over to them. 

"Ron what are you doing!?" She screamed before she dashed over to Fenrir's side. She could see cuts start to form all over Fenrir's skin, which was because Ron had used one of Snape's spells he created. Scabior stood up, pushing Jasper right behind him as he held out his arm with his wand at Ron. 

"I'm tired of you being with these sons of bitches! They are nothing but evil and you are enabling them by freeing them from what they rightfully deserve! Tormented and then death!" Ron called out. He was about to use another spell when Scabior shot quicker. 

"Expelliarmus!" Scabior screamed, which caused Ron to lose his wand to the side somewhere. Ron growled while holding his hands up. 

"I'll fight with my hands if need be." Ron warned them. Hermione quickly attempted to get out some herbs to help heal the wounds when Fenrir pushed himself off of his back and stood up. Fenrir motioned for Scabior to stand down before turning to stare at Ron. 

"If that's what you want, boy, then you'll get it!" Fenrir growled while motioning for Ron to come at him. However, before Ron could try anything, Ron was shoved down to the ground by none other than Jasper himself. Jasper then crawled on top of Ron, his knees digging into Ron's chest. 

"You leave Alpha Hermione alone!" Jasper demanded Ron as he started to punch him. Hermione went to grab Jasper off of Ron when Fenrir grabbed hold of Hermione. 

"No, no, let Jasper fight!" Fenrir told her and smirk draping his face as the pup went kicking Ron's head into the ground. Hermione shot a heated glare at him. 

"Are you insane? Jasper will get hurt!" Hermione cried out and attempted to escape, but Fenrir was holding too tightly for her to leave. 

"That's what happens when you fight! You've been to war, you seen what happens. Backhand him, Jasper!" Fenrir ordered Jasper. Without flinching, Jasper backhanded Ron before going back to punching him. Fenrir and Scabior went on cheering for Jasper to fight, which thankfully caused Fenrir to loosen his grip on Hermione. She dashed over towards Jasper and picked him up, kicking and screaming at Ron, and moved him away. As she went dragging Jasper towards Scabior, she bent down to Jasper's eye level. 

"Calm down this moment! We do not settle this through fights." Hermione told him. When Hermione stood up and turned around, her face was sling to the side violently. It took her a moment to realized that Ron had slapped her. Slowly turned her head towards Ron, she took a deep breath. 

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Hermione screamed in his face. 

"You are! You choosing to be with this man, and choosing to fuck with him, then I learn you didn't tell me shit about you being a werewolf and still refused! I realize you are nothing but a lying, filthy tramp!" Ron screamed. She could hear Scabior curse under his breath right behind her at what Ron had just said. Hermione didn't waste a minute till she slammed her fist into Ron's face and shoved him down against the ground. 

"I'm the lying filthy tramp? Who the bloody hell was it I caught sleeping around with another woman? Who the bloody hell lied and say I do not drink, Hermione? You kept trying to tell me how to run my life..." Hermione kept yelling as she kept slinging her fists at Ron and in between she slammed his head against the ground. 

She could hear Fenrir and Scabior cheering her on, but the words were blurred because of how enrage she was with Ron. It was that moment, all of her anger, her sorrow, her pain, her heart ache, and every other negative emotion slipped from her body and slammed itself against Ron. She could have gone for hours beating the hell out of Ron if it wasn't for Fenrir and Scabior pulling her off of him. 

"Okay, you got him good, lass. You got him good!" Scabior told her as they lightly sat her down in her seat. Hermione still felt anger burning right under her skin as she screamed as loud as she can. 

"Ron you're fired! I never want to see you around Hogwarts again! If I do, I'll kill you! Do you hear me?" Hermione shouted. Ron didn't open his trap to reply. Instead he turned his back against her and walked away. Once she saw him fade away from her, Hermione burst into tears. 

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