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Fenrir couldn't believe his eyes at the sight of Hermione Granger. Sure it had been years since he had seen her last time, but he could recognize her as Hermione... but she sure as hell changed a lot! 

She went from being a scared, doe-eyed little girl to a fully grown adult woman, who Fenrir wouldn't have recognize if her face hadn't stayed the same. Hermione was wearing a pair of sapphire heels that clicked against the tile floorboard with an oversize pearl-white fur coat that wrapped her entire form except for her legs and head. Her lips were painted with a scarlet lipstick as her dazzling eyes were under black eyeliner and her brown hair was pulled back in a tight bun. 

Fenrir then took noticed how the heated glares moved from him to her without wasting a minute. Why are they mad she's here, Fenrir thought to himself, she's on their side after all. 
He kept looking between Hermione, Fudge and Remus to try and find some sort of hint as to what was going on between the three of them. 

"I see you got the message that the time of the hearing had been changed." Fudge mumbled under his breath, sounding angry, while shooting a gaze to Remus, who shook his head and held his hands in defense. Fenrir was slightly confused with what was happening but kept his mouth shut and watched the show before him, hoping he could figure out what was going on between them. 

"Actually sir, I did not know that... which is strange indeed since I know Remus, who is a good friend of mine, would have told me that information," she paused before shooting a glare to Remus. Remus kept quiet, but kept his glare on her, before Hermione turned her gaze on Fudge.

"But as my mother always taught me, 'Always be there an hour or so before the time'. So I was here three hours before the meeting just in case of traffic." Hermione shot at the Minister before removing her coat and tossing it against one of the stands. 

Fenrir had to bite his bottom lip after seeing what she had underneath. Hermione was wearing a tight pearl-white dress that reached a little above her knees had a long v-neck that reached mid-section of her stomach. The long sleeves were see-through and showed off her flawless skin that begged to be touched. Fenrir could barely hold himself as he felt himself ready to buckle at the sight of her. He watched as she walked until she was standing a few feet before him. 

"Sentence, sir?" She asked, in an almost mocking tone, which deeply upset Fudge. A grin crawled up against Fenrir's lips while Fudge cleared his throat and tried to get the trial back on track. 

"Sentence for Fenrir Greyback for his crimes against his fellow peers by serving the Dark Lord is to be sentenced to death..." Fudge started when Hermione cut in. 

"Permission to change sentence, sir." She demanded. That was when everyone, even Fenrir himself, was left in silence. Fenrir couldn't understand why Hermione was pleading for his life to be spare after what he had done to her. After all, he almost turned them into the Dark Lord and threatened to turn her into a werewolf himself. Fenrir shifted his gaze to Fudge, wondering what he was going to do about this. Finally Fudge forced himself to speak, even though it was clear he did not want to talk with Hermione after that. 

"What do you have in mind for Fenrir?" he asked her. 

"I would like him to teach at Hogwarts." She answered him. Fenrir couldn't help but tilt his head in confusion as to why she was wanting him to teach at school. Fudge and everyone else was now mumbling about how crazy Hermione had suggested such a thing. 

"If I may, Hermione..." Remus started to talk with Hermione, probably hoping that maybe he could reason her, but she spoke up first. 

"No, If I may, as  the New Headmistress of Hogwarts, we now have recently accepted more children with lycanthropy. Of course, there is little to no knowledge about werewolves at all." Hermione stated before Fudge cut in. 

"That's not true. We have plenty of research and studies..." Fudge started to say with a proud smirk as if he had found a stab at Hermione's argument. However, like Hermione always does, she dodge it and gave her own blow. 

"Those researches and studies are done on people like Remus, who do not want to be werewolves. I'm talking about the other side of it. The people who embrace lycanthropy. My students deserve the right to know the different sides of being a werewolf and better understand lycanthropy. It also will give us a better chance for those, without lycanthropy, to understand them as well. It may even stop us from judging them as nothing more than brutes." Hermione told him. Fudge tapped his fingers against the surface, trying to figure out something to change her mind.

"Well Miss Granger..." Fudge started when Hermione cut him off. 

"Sir, he will be fully watched at all times. I just request he help teach the younger students about the way he and his people live and his own knowledge of lycanthropy. His pack can live in the Forbidden Forest right outside of Hogwarts and will be watched and cared for." Hermione suggested to them. Fudge glances over to Remus, who tried to hide his disapproval but failed, as Fudge sighed. 

"But Miss Granger..." Fudge tried again but yet again, Hermione spoke again. 

"Are you really going to deny children a better education to aid themselves? They are in fact going through transformation that is scary enough but with a lack of understanding and knowledge of what to do to get through that just increases the fear of it." Hermione declared to them. Fenrir gazed over to Fudge and Remus, as well as the juries surrounding them, knowing that they had been corner. Without wasting another minute. Fudge grabbed his hammer. 

"Sentence to stay under the watchful eyes of Hermione Granger." Fudge said before he slammed his hammer. 

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