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Fenrir Pov 

Fenrir ran down the pathway towards the tents with River running right after him while repeatedly calling him out and saying how sorry she was with this whole mess and how she didn't mean for any of this to even happen. Fenrir kept silent, knowing he would probably say something he would regret and get in trouble with Emma. He knew that it wasn't River's fault. How was she supposed to know that the boys didn't know about Hermione's secret of being a werewolf. Fenrir ducked right into his tent, which thankful got into River's head of he did not want to be bothered anymore. He rubbed his forehead, trying to think of what he could do when a familiar voice shot up. 

"Trouble, boss?" Fenrir tossed his head to the side to see Scabior sitting in a chair with a bright smirk. At first, he couldn't believe what he was seeing until Fenrir couldn't help but laugh while rushing over to Scabior's side and picked him. 

"Where the hell had you gotten off to pup? I thought you were six feet by now!" Fenrir stated while he hugged Scabior tightly to him. Scabior turned the favor and chuckled before they released each other. 

"No sir, just been hiding. You guys were hard to track. I finally found where the pack was after it was printed in the newspaper." Scabior claimed to him, shaking his head, "I bloody hell can't believe you were allowed to come to Hogwarts after the war." 

"Hermione actually got my ass out of a death sentence. I owe her a lot. Do you want something to drink?" Fenrir confirmed while heading over to a hiding place where he kept his special blend of rum. Scabior's mouth dropped as he nodded that he would like some. 

"The girly we caught and dragged to Malfoy Manor? Boy, she must have made a big bargain to get your ass out of that." Scabior said, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"She got me out because she believed I would be an excellent teacher to teach the kids here how to handle their lycanthropy." Fenrir declared to him as he grabbed two glasses. Scabior gasped. 

"There are kids here with lycanthropy? Did not see that coming. I wouldn't have guess it." 

"It's because Hermione has Lycanthropy herself." Fenrir explained while pouring the glasses. 

"Hermione? A werewolf? When did that happened?" Scabior asked. Fenrir handed Scabior his glass before explaining the whole story from when she was bit to how Ron, Harry and Lupin had just found out about the secret just moments ago. Scabior couldn't believe most of what Fenrir was saying but spoke up when Fenrir mentioned how Ron was the most angry with Fenrir for being there. 

"He still has beef with you about the war?" Scabior asked him. Fenrir chuckled. 

"More like, I stole Hermione from him. He really did not like it when he learned I did not in fact raped her, but she gave herself willingly." Fenrir told him. Scabior laughed. 

"No she didn't." Scabior said. Fenrir licked his lips. 

"Oh yes she did." Fenrir repeated himself. Scabior took a sip of his drink before shaking his head. 

"I believe the part about her letting kids with lycanthropy in the school, I believe she even has lycanthropy herself. But to sleep with her own enemy, now that's too hard to believe." Scabior declared to him. Fenrir set his drink down and motioned for him to come closer to him. 

"Smell me." Fenrir ordered him. 

"What?" Scabior asked him. 

"You know as well I that werewolves have higher sense of smell then people. If I'm lying, you would not smell Hermione on me. Bet you do smell her on me though." Fenrir mocked Scabior. Scabior set his drink down before standing up towards Fenrir. Scabior bent his head down by Fenrir's neck and took a deep breath. He paused a moment then Scabior's eyes widened before digging his nose deeper into Fenrir's neck and took multiple sniffs till he was sure he smelt correctly. 

"Bloody hell how did you get her into your bed?" Scabior questioned while taking a seat. 

"Actually it was the full moon and we did it out in a clearing." Fenrir expressed with a chuckle. Scabior sighed. 

"Oh to mess around in the mud under the full moon. Mm... best way to do it in my opinion. Extra pumped up when it's a full moon." Scabior explained. Fenrir started to laugh when suddenly Jackal popped his head through the opening.

"Alpha, Hermione has come to see you." Jackal told Fenrir. Fenrir motioned for Jackal to let Hermione come in. 

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