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Fenrir Pov 

Fenrir had wanted to stay with Hermione a lot longer, but she claimed she should hunt Ron down and get him straighten out about all of this. He had just returned to his pack, about ready to get himself to actually start to teach the kids when a voice started to shriek out loudly for him. 

"Alpha! Alpha!" He turned his head to see a distressed River running right after him. Fenrir knew that it had to be really bad if River was disturbed by something. He walked towards her as much as possible till she reached him, puffing and huffing. 

"What is it River? What's troubling you?" Fenrir asked her. River lifted her finger up at him, trying to get her breath. 

"I need to start to exercise," River panted out before turning her head, "Alpha there was an incident." 

Fenrir moaned while rubbing his eyes, knowing this had to be about another prank that went wrong. He remembered the last time a prank went wrong, everyone had to clean up porcupine quills for a week. 

"What did you do now? Fanged Frisbee? Overload of that... that frog eggs soap? Don't tell you tried that porcupine quill prank again?" Fenrir asked her. River rolled her eyes. 

"No! I... I may have said something... to Harry..." River dragged out. Fenrir narrowed his eyes before roughly (not meaning to but he was now getting a little worried) grabbed River's shoulders. 

"What happened?" Fenrir basically growled. 

"Well... I didn't know that Harry didn't know about it..." River dragged out again. 

"River! Spill it!" Fenrir yelled out. 

"I may have told Harry about Hermione's lycanthropy... and he's on his way to her office to confront her about it." River explained to him then slammed her hands over her face for protection. Fenrir didn't waste another moment. He grabbed River by the collar of her coat and began to dragged her back into the castle. 

Hermione Pov 

"When the bloody hell were you going to tell us about your Lycanthropy!?" Harry screamed loudly as he ran through her office door. Hermione was stunned as she dashed up at Ron and Lupin who were also there. They slowly turned their attention between both Harry and Hermione before deciding on looking at Hermione. 

"You're a werewolf? That explains why you're not scared to go out in the full moon with the kids. You turn with them." Lupin asked her. Hermione bit her lip, but when she opened her mouth to say she would explain Ron cut in. 

"When the bloody hell did you turn into a werewolf?" Ron asked her. Hermione sighed before standing up from her chair. 

"First of all, it is not of any of your businesses as to if I am a werewolf or not or when I got bit. Secondly where did you get that information?" Hermione asked, fearing that Fenrir had went behind her back and told Harry. Before Harry could speak, Fenrir and River came rushing into the room. Fenrir's eyes widened before landing on Hermione. 

"I'm guessing you know River spilled?" Fenrir asked her. Hermione was going to asked when River spoke up. 

"For the millionth time, I didn't know he didn't know about Hermione's Lycanthropy. I thought they knew because they are the Golden Trio. They were supposed to be friends! How was I supposed to know they had a fallen out?" River expressed herself, which Fenrir shot a glare for her to hush up. Hermione clear her throat. 

"That's alright, River. You are not at fault." Hermione told River, who sighed in relief, "So you three now know about this. Drop it. I have complete control over it. It's my condition, so you do not get to know about it unless I want you to." 

"But..." Harry started when Hermione shot him a glare. 

"What did I just say Harry?" Hermione screamed before slammed her hands against the desk, causing Lupin and Ron to jolt a bit out of their seats. The fuss was suddenly diverted when the sound of light footsteps caught their ears. Hermione glanced over to see Jasper walking into the room. 

"Hi Jasper, did you need something?" Hermione asked him. 

"It's tea time Miss." Jasper answered. Hermione sighed in relief as she walked around her desk and picked Jasper up in her arms. 

"So it is. Meeting adjourn everyone. I will see you later." Hermione said, rushing right pass Fenrir and River, and not wanting to speak another word. 

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