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Hermione pov 

She had to tighten her lips against each other as she glared at the boys. Hermione knew that Ron and Harry were ticked because one they had heard the fact that Fenrir was indeed coming to Hogwarts from Lupin and two because she didn't even bother to talk to them about. She was going to tell the boys, right after Fenrir had moved in and there was no way they could change her mind. Then of course, Lupin was ticked because he had fully shown to everyone that he had wanted Fenrir put down like he was nothing more than a common dog and now had to share Hogwarts with his sworn enemy. 

However, they wouldn't understand why she was so determine to make sure her little pups had a full education towards both magic and their werewolf side. 

"Hermione, can we talk?" Ron asked her. Hermione shot him a heated glare at how he just called her 'Hermione' and after what he had done to her on the night they were supposed to be wed. Harry and Lupin suddenly had a look of discomfort as Lupin lightly hit Ron's shoulder. Ron cleared his throat again. 

"I mean... Headmistress, may we have a talk?" Ron corrected himself. 

"It will wait until I have Fenrir settled, Ron." Hermione stated and without waiting another moment, Fenrir and her fled into the castle without gazing back. 

Harry pov 

"She is still angry with you." Harry couldn't help but point out. It may have been five years, but Hermione still holds the grudge of what Ron had done to her. Of course no one could blame her since Ron was caught sleeping around with another girl, which caused Hermione to run off to Iceland. A couple of months passed and they all started to get worried about her. Then when she returned, it wasn't fully their Hermione. It was a new version of Hermione that had came back with a bunch of kids following right behind her. It was what caused an increase in kids with Lycanthropy to enter Hogwarts. Even though they all wanted to ask why this became so important to her, no one dared ask (most of all Ron).   

"I tried to say I'm sorry to her but she still treats me like a dog." Ron spat at Harry. 

"Ron that's because you acted like a dog to her. I still can't believe you slept with another woman." Lupin growled at Ron. Ron rolled his eyes. 

"I was drunk." Ron tried to defend himself. 

"You shouldn't have been drinking!" Lupin yelled at him. 

"I agree with Lupin, if you hadn't drank and slept with that girl, we wouldn't be dealing with the fact that Fenrir is now at Hogwarts probably planning on trying to take over." Harry shot at Ron before he headed into the school, curious as to what it was going to be around here with Fenrir lurking around the corner. 

Fenrir Pov 

"...And dinner is at 6:00 pm. Is there any questions you have?" Hermione asked him while they walked down towards the training grounds near where Hagrid live. Fenrir shook his head that he had not a single question since he had excellent memory. However, he did have his focus on one thing. 

Her scent. 

There was something about it that was driving him insane, so much so that it was hard not to pounce on her and take her across the grass with everyone watching. As they were walking down the pathway, Fenrir spotted that all of the pack's tents were all set up and people were busy making it back to normal as possible. Of course it was slightly hard with all the new pups wandering about asking questions about the way the pack behaves and such and on top of that Hagrid himself was talking to Jackal about something. 

Suddenly a question did pop up. 

"What exactly are you going to do when it's the full moon? I believe it actually is tonight that it will be a full moon. After all, my pack will turn into wolves and they may hurt one of your students." Fenrir asked. Hermione shrugged her shoulders. 

"I will have to tell the student they will have to stay inside from now on. The teachers will lock the doors as well as patrol the halls in case someone tries something." Hermione answered him. Fenrir shot her a bewildered glance. 

"You mean to tell me you allow your students to be out when the full moon is?" 

"Well they are just puppy werewolves. They don't do any harm to any of the students." 

"Yeah but soon they will get bigger and hell may spill over." 

"Wouldn't they then be used to the students by that time?" Hermione asked him, her lips twisted in a smug grin. Fenrir chuckled, knowing Hermione had just shot him down with her wisdom. 

"You were always my favorite out of the trio." Fenrir claimed to her. He suddenly felt a shift in the air as he gaze over to see her smug grin lowered to a frown. 

"It's not much of a trio now." Hermione mumbled under her breath. Before Fenrir could ask what she meant, Jasper and a little girl rushed right in front of them. 

"Headmistress! Fenrir!" They cried out. Before Hermione could speak, Fenrir decided to try out his teaching. 

"That's Headmistress and Alpha." He spoke up. It earn a gaze to Hermione. 

"I thought your name was Fenrir?" The girl asked him. Fenrir gaze over to Jasper. 

"Jasper, you remember this. Why is it proper to call me Alpha than by my name?" Fenrir asked Jasper. 

"Because you're the leader of the pack." Jasper answered. 

"That's right. Everyone in the pack calls me Alpha to show their respect. Like you call Miss Granger Headmistress out of respect." Fenrir explained to them. 

"But we're not part of the pack." The little girl said, a bit sadly. Fenrir lightly grinned to the kids. 

"Well don't you want to? After all, you must join the pack in order to understand the pack." Fenrir told them before messing with their hairs. It earned him a couple of giggles from the two kids as they lightly removed his hands from their heads. 

"So everyone calls you Alpha?" The little girl asked him. Fenrir shook his head here and there. 

"Well... not everyone. Truthfully... if I were to take up a mate or what you guys call a wife, she will be the only one that does not have to follow that rule. Actually it is considered more respectfully of her to call me 'mate' than 'Alpha'." Fenrir nervously explained to the kids. This was not the first time he had to mentioned that word. Everyone in the pack went on wondering when the hell he was going to find one, but he just couldn't find that certain woman that could hold his interest. 

"So what are you to Headmistress? I mean you're Alpha to your pack, but Headmistress is in charge of the school, which you now work in. So what are you to Headmistress?" Jasper suddenly asked. Fenrir bit his lips as he shook his head around. 

"Wouldn't that make you her Beta? That guy over there said those are the second in command of the pack. The ones that watch over when Alpha's away." The little girl asked. Before Fenrir could agree with her, Jasper spoke up. 

"He can't be Beta to Headmistress! I'm Hermione's Beta!" Jasper claimed. Fenrir bent down to the kids level and lightly brushed his fingers under their chins. 

"Kids, there can be multiple Betas and Omegas. There just has to be one Alpha of the pack. So Jasper, you are just top Beta." Fenrir explained to him. That seemed to cheer the two up. 

"Alright children, I think Fenrir answered enough of your questions. It's time to get ready for dinner and I'm sure Fenrir has to catch his pack up with the arrangements." Hermione told them while she outstretched her hands. They moaned in disappointed but still took Hermione's hands. 

"Fenrir, if you could help round the others up for me." Hermione asked him. Fenrir grin and lightly bowed his head. 

"Yes, Alpha." He told her. She chuckled while they were heading up the hill. Suddenly he heard the strangest of things that he heard. 

"Headmistress, tonight's a full moon. You're still going to be watching us right?" Jasper asked her. 

"Of course, just like every other night. I watch over you with my top wolf eyes can." 

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