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Fenrir couldn't help but keep what Hermione said to Jasper on his mind. He knew she could have been slightly joking, but about something like that. Could it really have been meant as a joke? Or did it meant something more? 

Fenrir's thoughts were interrupted when Jackal's voice billowed through the tent. 

"Aren't you going to head for dinner, Alpha?" Jackal asked him while nervously playing with his fingers. Fenrir didn't enjoy the look on Jackal's face as he pushed himself off of his fur bed and moved to grab his trench coat. 

"I will be out in a moment." Fenrir said to him, grabbing hold of his coat. However he noticed the roll of Jackal's eyes.

"Not with the pack! With that very smoking hot, sexy as hell, brightest witch of her age... how-the-hell-have-you-had-that-much-control-to-not-fucking-bang-her-is-beyond-me Headmistress... Hermione." Jackal explained with a bright smirk. Fenrir shook his head when he finally grasped what the hell Jackal was up to. 

"You know she's not interested in me." Fenrir explained while he fixed the collar of his coat. 

"Well she won't notice you if you don't throw yourself out to her! Come on, Alpha. All you got to do is keep your hair greased back, assert your power, use your rugged good looks and go around shirtless. Women love revealing tone chests." Jackal suggested to him. Fenrir rolled his eyes again. He couldn't believe he was being told what to do from one of his Betas. 

"You know I could rip your throat out with my teeth, right?" Fenrir reminded him. Jackal lightly grinned. 

"Then who is going to tell you how to impress Hermione?" Jackal suggested to him. 

"Again... she not interested in me and why should I be interested in her?" Fenrir claimed to him. 

"Well besides her being one sexy and smart lady, she saved not only your ass but the pack's asses from going to Azkaban and death, she probably the only person we have ever met that gives a damn about our well being, she's great with kids which is a plus if she were to become your mate, she's caring, she's kind-hearted, badass, she skillful in combat I've heard from the tales about the war..." Jackal kept going on, which caused Fenrir to sigh. 

"Alright, Alright, Alright. I will go if you just shut your trap." Fenrir promised him, "I would like it if you told the pack I will be dining with in the Great Hall... just don't make a big deal out of it." 

"Of course, I would never make such a big deal about this whole thing." Jackal stated to him while he head out the tent. Not even a minute later, Fenrir could hear from the top of Jackal's lungs. 

"ALPHA'S GOT A DATE!" He screamed, which earned a bunch of cheers from the whole pack. 

Time Skip

Hermione POV

Hermione was attempting to enjoy her meal but Ron kept trying to talk with  her about the situation of having Fenrir around the kids. Of course, she chose to ignore him and shot him death glares once in awhile if he so much thought of opening his trap. He was lucky she didn't fire his ass from day one. He wasn't the best of teachers and often went teaching the kids how to elude class instead of teaching them what they need to know. 

Hermione went to have another bite of her soup when the doors opened wide and earn everyone's attention. Walking through the doorway was Fenrir Greyback. He had changed his clothes to a pair of leather combat boots with tight ripped jeans that hugged all the right places and his loose gray shirt seemed to be cut even lower to reveal more of his well-built hairy chest and his usual trench coat. This earn a lot of stares from the students (Mostly the girls) as he walked down the row towards where the professors were having their dinner. 

Jasper waved his hands at Fenrir, who returned the wave, and it earned a lot of 'awes' from the girls that saw it. Hermione couldn't help but laugh as he walked over to the edge and headed over to the only empty seat which was right next to Hermione herself. 

"You came." Hermione said, surprising herself with how excited she sounded, as a grin crawled across her. Fenrir sat down and nodded. 

"Jackal was determined to get me in here one way or the other. He threatened to talk my ears off." Fenrir explained to her. Hermione chuckled. 

"So what do we expect to happen from you or your pack tonight? After all it's a full moon." Ron's voice billowed into their talk. Hermione shot him a heated glare but before she could say something, Fenrir stood up. 

"Just stay indoors like Hermione probably and clearly told you earlier... Oh! And don't try anything stupid." Fenrir growled lightly to him. Ron was about to open his trap when Hermione spoke first. 

"It's Ron, he can't help being stupid... and I did explain the situation. He clearly refused to listen." Hermione confirmed what Fenrir said, feeling her blood boil at the thought that Ron didn't listen to her. That was one of her peeves. She does not enjoy not being listened to when she speaks. Most importantly, whenever she has important details they need to know about. 

Remus cleared his throat, trying to avoid any conflict. 

"I believe what Ron is asking about is the children's well being." Remus spoke up, nervously almost. Fenrir's once bright blue eyes started to shift to gold as they glared at Remus. 

"Are you suggesting that my clan may hurt the pups?" Fenrir growled, his hands tightened into fists, "Cause you know better than anyone that does not happen. After all you were once in the pack." 

"Really?" Harry asked from the other side of Ron before turning his gaze to Remus, "You never told us you were in a pack." 

"It never was the right time. We were busy with war." Remus said. 

"Or maybe he was ashamed to admit he enjoyed the pack life." Fenrir stated to him. Hermione started to notice the table was getting the attention of the students, who were getting frightened that there may be a fight. 

Before anyone could go any further, Hermione slapped her hands together. 

"Enough. We are going to behave like adults. You are all scaring the kids." Hermione hissed at them. They did exactly as she had asked of them like little pups to their mother. 

She knew something like this may happen, but she thought they would at least act like adults most importantly around the children. Hermione had no time to be worrying though about those four boys. She had to focus on tonight. When the full moon rises, she has to make sure she keeps an eye on her pups. 

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