Episode 4 Part 1: Acting oddly

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Although Charlotte was enjoying her time in Sanditon, there were still many things that she missed about Willingden and one thing in particular: her friend Alison. Nothing cheered her more than to receive a letter from her in the post giving all the news of home and today was no exception. As the letter was handed to Charlotte at breakfast, her eyes lit up as she recognised Alison's handwriting. Immediately she opened the letter and began to read as Mrs Griffiths inspected her own post and the Beaufort sisters theirs.

The letter from Allison contained some exciting news which caused Charlotte to squeal slightly in delight and her companions looked over to her.

"Charlotte, that is a most unbecoming sound..." Mrs Griffiths began.

"Forgive me Mrs Griffiths, but my friend Alison has the most exciting news. She is to be married next month!"

"Have you met the gentleman she is to wed?" Julia asked.

"No I have not, but she has told me much about him. He is a lawyer, a little older than her, and judging by what she has written about him, very aimable. More than that, she seems very much in love with him. I am so happy for her."

"Well, that is lovely news." Mrs Griffiths said.

"Do you think Mr Parker will let me attend the wedding?" Charlotte asked.

"I cannot see how that will be possible Charlotte, for you cannot attend on your own and I would be unable to accompany you."

Charlotte's heart sank. "Surely we will be able to find a way. Alison is my oldest friend, in fact, she is more like a sister to me than a friend. I should be very disappointed if I were to miss her wedding."

"Then that is something you will need to discuss with Mr Parker, Charlotte."

"Very well, I shall." Charlotte said. "Would you excuse me, for I should like to retire to my room to write a reply."

"Yes, I suppose so." Said Mrs Griffiths. Charlotte got up from the table and made her way to her room.

A couple of hours later, after stopping to post her letter to Alison, Charlotte made her way to Trafalgar House. She had been as good as her word to both Mr Lambe and Sidney regarding the favours they had asked of her. In the days since Sidney's departure, she had visited both Georgiana and Trafalgar House every day. Georgiana was still rather melancholy, but at least she had appeared to have made peace with her father following Mr Stringer's accident and therefore she was now permitted to go on short excursions with Charlotte. They went for strolls on the beach together on two occasions over the past week, and when they did, Charlotte couldn't help but be intrigued by the bathing machines. She would watch as they were led out by the horses into the water, longing to give sea bathing a try herself. She was very much hoping that Sidney would permit her to indulge in that activity on his return, seeing as he had said she could come out of mourning soon.

Every time Charlotte went to Trafalgar House it was a hive of activity, for Tom kept coming up with some incredibly ambitious plans for the regatta and he spent a lot of time talking to her about them. However, Charlotte did still have time to attend to the task Sidney had asked of her and had gone through the paperwork meticulously. There were still a bulk of invoices that she couldn't seem to match up with receipts and in addition to that, she could not find any evidence that the workman had been paid for weeks now. Furthermore, she had found a letter from the insurers requesting payment of the insurance premium, but no confirmation of payment. Charlotte did feel rather uncomfortable in the work she did at Sidney's request. Whilst Tom seemed rather disorganised and overambitious, she did not consider him dishonest. She was sure he must have simply misplaced the paperwork and this was all a misunderstanding, but she didn't feel she should raise this directly with Tom for he may consider she was meddling.

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