Episode 6 Part 4 - Mrs Maudsley's rout

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Sidney was delighted when Charlotte agreed to come to Mrs Maudsley's rout. He normally hated these types of events, but knew he would be able to enjoy it much more if Charlotte was there with him. More than that, he felt the need to keep her close to him after everything that had happened. As Charlotte was getting dressed and preened by Jane, Sidney decided to check in on Mr Lambe. He knocked and opened the door to find Mr Lambe was sat up in bed reading.

"Ah, Parker."

"Mr Lambe. I wanted to see if there was anything you need before we head out?" Sidney asked.

"No, thank you. I am being very well cared for by your brother's staff. Have you seen Georgiana?"

"I am afraid not, but Charlotte has been with her."

Mr Lambe offered a smile. "That's good. Miss Heywood really has excelled herself throughout this ordeal. I am sorry that she got dragged into it."

"As am I, but she would not be told otherwise." Said Sidney, as a worried look passed over his face.

"You are fearful for her safety." Stated Mr Lambe.

Sidney nodded, for the thought was playing on his mind. Charlotte had been seen at the boarding house and Howard's man would certainly recognise her if he were to see her again (one would not easily forget being shot at by a woman). It wouldn't take long for them to piece together that Charlotte was his ward and heir to a substantial fortune. Society needed to become aware of this at some point however, as it was surely Mr Heywood's intention for Charlotte to enter high society. The issue was therefore how he could protect her from the trouble that Miss Lambe had found herself in once people knew. Sidney had attempted to mitigate the risks presented by paying the debts Otis owed, but he knew he needed to do more. Beecroft and Howard were the problem yet to be addressed. He wasn't entirely sure how to deal with them at this present time given the authorities were unlikely to pursue and action against them, but he intended to spend his few days in London resolving the matter as best as he could... In conjunction with raising interest in the regatta of course.

"Is that why you wish for Miss Heywood to come back with us to Sanditon?"

"In part, although I still have trepidation about that given Georgiana was snatched there, but I cannot keep Charlotte locked up away inside just because of my anxieties. She would not have it!"

Mr Lambe regarded Sidney a little nervously. "Miss Heywood's safety would be less at risk if she were married." He commented.

Sidney's eyes snapped to his friend and his heart instantly started pounding. "True." He replied. "But Miss Heywood has expressed a wish not to enter matrimony at present."

Mr Lambe considered this. "She has had an offer already?"

"She received an offer of courtship which she declined." Sidney explained.

"Oh I see. Was it an objection to the gentlemen in question or courtship in general."

"A little of both." Sidney replied. Mr Lambe looked down to his hands and Sidney knew there was more to it. "Is there something you wished to discuss with me, Sir?"

Mr Lambe looked back up to Sidney and smiled guiltily. "I cannot deny that the thought of making an offer of marriage to Miss Heywood has crossed my mind. She is a good influence on Georgiana and a loyal companion to her. I know I am not a young man, but I could give her a comfortable life."

"In Antigua?" Sidney replied, feeling rather flustered by this conversation.

"Yes." Mr Lambe sighed. "It was a foolish notion, I know. Let's speak of it no more."

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