Episode 7 Part 2 - Row, row, row your boat

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Sidney's first day back in Sanditon had not gone at all to plan. After he had been dragged away from Charlotte by his infuriating sister towards Eliza, he had returned with her to Trafalgar House where he was hoping to see Charlotte again, but she had already been and gone. Then Tom had insisted that Sidney give Eliza a tour of the town and now he felt he had done his duty and he'd had enough. He knew his family were wondering if a reunion with Eliza was on the cards, but it was quite impossible, not only because of his feelings for Charlotte., but also to go back to her after being her second choice would be somewhat humiliating. However, as Eliza's visit was good for the town, he felt obliged to do play his part, particularly given Tom's financial state.

Feeling pretty exhausted, Sidney joined Tom in the drawing room that evening after dinner. He poured himself a brandy and sunk into an arm chair.

"Mary seemed a little out of sorts today." Sidney remarked.

Tom swirled around his brandy in his glass. "Yes." He responded and then sat forward and rubbed his forehead. "The thing is Sidney... I fear I have lost her trust forever."

Sidney looked at his brother sympathetically. "I cannot pretend to understand the inner workings of a marriage, but I do know this: I would do anything to have a wife such as yours. So you must do all you can to win her trust back."

Tom lifted his head to meet Sidney's gaze. "Yes, you're right. I am just not sure how. As to your own marriage... are we to be expecting an announcement from you soon?"

Sidney looked at Tom wide eyed. Did he know about his feelings for Charlotte? "What makes you think that?" He asked, suddenly very nervous.

"Well, the arrival of Mrs Campion of course! She is just as beautiful as I remember, and rich now too!" Commented Tom.

"Steady on Tom! You do remember what she did to me ten years ago?" Sidney said, taking a gulp of brandy and relishing the feel of it burning the back of his throat.

"But haven't you loved her all this time? And now she is here, in Sanditon... and it's like fate has gifted you a second chance."

"Fate? I do not think fate has anything to do with it! Eliza has just come out of mourning, her husband appears to have been somewhat of a recluse all these years, and so she is now trying to re-establish herself in society. I invited many notable people here, Tom and Eliza is simply following the crowds. In any case, she doesn't even need a husband for she is the wealthiest widow in the country."

"But she came here for you Sidney."

Sidney sighed. "I will not be renewing my attentions to Eliza, Tom. I was young when Eliza and I were betrothed and I had experienced very little of the world. I am a changed man now, and she has changed too. We are not... compatible." He said, smiling slightly as he recalled a conversation with Charlotte some weeks ago.

"Oh. I see." Tom said, clearly not expecting this. "I really thought this was your chance of happiness Sidney, but that is clearly not the case."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Sidney said, a little frostily.

Tom looked at Sidney curiously. "You do not disappoint me Sidney. I only want to see you happy."

"I know." Sidney said, rubbing his temples. "Forgive me, I am tired after a long week. I think I will retire for the night."

"Of course. I am well aware of all the effort you have gone to in the last few days to promote the Regatta, and I am... well, I'm very grateful."

Sidney nodded. "I am sure it will be a good day." He said, downing his drink and rising from his seat. "Goodnight Tom."

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