Chapter Seventeen

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I almost wanted to kick myself for calling Rhys Black my boyfriend to that hostess. I'm not exactly sure what got into me when I said it, but the way she was staring at him made me feel insane with jealousy.

"Babe, how can you put that shit in your mouth?" he asks as I take a bite of the most amazing bleu cheese burger that I've ever had in my life.

"How can you put a burger called the Swamp Burger anywhere near your mouth?" I question in return.

"It's fucking better than it sounds." He grins and I watch as the sauce drips down his chin. "So you gonna keep ignoring that boyfriend comment?"

I sigh and close my eyes for a second before looking at him again. "It didn't mean anything," I state.


I roll my eyes at him and he grins back at me as I reach out and wipe up the sauce from his chin.

"It was hot as fuck hearing you call me your boyfriend. And I think we should make it a actual thing. Me and you. Boyfriend and girlfriend."

He sets his food down and wipes his hands before reaching out to wrap an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Why? You deserve so much more than what I can give you and all the bullshit that I am dealing with."

He cups my cheek and I feel like I am right where I am meant to be.

"Babe, I don't give a shit about the nonsense with your ex. I'll always do whatever it takes to protect you and I want it all. I want to be the one you can always rely on."

"But you have plenty of options to fall back on and you don't need me to keep you from them."

This time he rolls his eyes at me and I bite the inside of my lip.

"I don't want plenty of options. Sutton, I only want you."

My heart starts to pound in my chest and I want to stop this conversation at any cost. I promised myself that I wouldn't get involved with anyone here when I first came to this school. But there is something about Rhys that I can't seem to say no to.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why wouldn't I?" He retorts.

"You already know. I'm a mess."

His lips come down on mine and I forgot every part of my argument, although I only have one real reason.

"You are not a mess. You are beautiful." He grins against my lips.

"I'll come back..." I hear the waiter say and I can't help but giggle.

"Babe, I already told you I didn't care about the shit with your ex. It doesn't change anything. I still want every part of you." His lips press to my forehead.

Rhys moves from the booth and reaches a hand out to me. Giving him a puzzling look, I take his hand and he pulls me into him.

"Dance with me." He's got a sweet smile on his face this time and I melt a little.

The song changes to a slower song and he starts to sing it to me as we continue to sway to it.

"You are insane," I whisper.

"Baby, if a man doesn't want to dance with a woman who is dressed to the nines in a hole in the wall restaurant, then I don't want it." He kisses me and I can't help but smile against his lips.

His phone starts to ring again, but he still doesn't move to get it.

"What if it's important?" I ask.

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