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alejandro was already getting prepared for his game, all his gear in his soccer bag set to go. he was already wearing his uniform and cleats, he didn't want to say it, but he was nervous. he knew this game was the most important towards his future, all the scouts there and possibly his scholarship/offers watching him, made him worry about the game.

what about if i do bad.

what if we lose.

what if they don't think i have enough talent.

all these 'what if' questions were all alejandro had on his mind. zeala was still in bed, she was awake but was just watching a new show called Grand Army.

"we have to go like around ten." alejandro said to zeala, who was now trying to get the energy to get up.

it was 8:20AM. zeala didn't take long to get ready so they were okay, time-wise.

"ok, should we get breakfast on the way there?" zeala asked, zeala did not like nor want alejandro's mom to cook for them, she didn't like it when people did anything for her, it made her feel guilty.

"i can go get something real quick, what sounds good?" alejandro asked.

"anything to be honest, i'm fine with whatever. ask your mom if she wants anything." zeala said.

"i'll go get dunkin, its the closet. you want the frozen coffee right?" alejandro asked, he already knew zeala's order by heart since that was their go-to breakfast spot.

"yeah, mocha don't forget." zeala said, alejandro letting out a small chuckle as he remembered when he said vanilla instead of mocha for the flavor, mocha was zeala's favorite flavor. anything else just didn't taste right.

as zeala began to get ready, alejandro left to ask whether or not his family wanted something from dunkin.

zeala's outfit was simple, it was baggy mom jeans, paired with a crossed crop top in which was the schools color, purple and white and her shoes were just her trashed air forces, that WERE white when she first got them but were now almost a brownish color. she just left her hair down as she didn't have the energy to deal with it.

there was still two hours left before the game but alejandro had to be there early so they could start warm-ups and practicing.

once alejandro got back from his trip to dunkin, alejandro's mom and little brother came down to the kitchen to eat with zeala and alejandro. alejandro's mom, adriana, was just telling him to not stress so much about the game and pretend its a regular game. emiliano telling him that if alejandro won, he would buy him ice cream whenever the ice cream truck passed by, making alejandro laugh.

adriana also knew how alejandro got when his team lost, she's dealt with it for 17 years. she's always worried about how he would get with others besides his mother, one of her biggest fears was alejandro's anger getting out of control like she knew it could.

they spent about another ten minutes just talking to each other about their past week and it was now time for alejandro and zeala to get going. they exchanged goodbyes with adriana and emiliano, they would be seeing them at the game later but that was still in another hour and a half.

the game was at the other schools field, the school was about twenty minutes from alejandro's house.

before every game, on the ride there, alejandro would always try to calm his nerves with music. he already had a playlist that consisted of songs that got him ready to play at his best, the playlist was made up of songs like:

toxic. alejandro rosarioWhere stories live. Discover now