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"¿qué hiciste?" adriana said, whisper-yelling as they were still in the urgent care waiting room.

TRANSLATION: "what did you do?"

"me enojé mucho porque ella estaba tratando de consolarme y sabes cómo me pongo cuando ya estoy enojado y ella no me hablaba y yo ... la agarré por la muñeca y la solté, pero la sostuve durante casi un minuto. mamá, lo arruiné mucho, ella nunca más me perdonará." alejandro said, tears slowly falling down his cheek. he was hurt, his anger took control of him in the moment, but it was still his fault. alejandro knew better than to let it get the best of him, he knew how to keep his anger under control but just let it take over and hurt the only person he's truly ever loved.

TRANSLATION: "i got really mad because she was trying to comfort me and you know how i get when i'm already mad and she wasn't talking to me and i....i grabbed her wrist and i let go but i held it for almost a minute. mom i messed up really bad, she's never going to forgive me anymore."

"ay alejandro, tu sabes mejor. te lo dije muchas veces sobre situaciones como esta. ella no debería perdonarte, y eso es algo con lo que vas a tener que vivir, es tu culpa alejandro. te amo, pero toma esto como una lección." adriana said, shaking her head as she rested it on the palm of her hand. alejandro was at fault, and they both knew that.

TRANSLATION: "ay alejandro, you know better. i told you so many times about situations like this. she shouldn't forgive you, and that's something you're going to have to live with, its your fault alejandro. i love you but take this as a lesson."

alejandro just stayed quiet, he knew everything his mom said was true, it always was. she had talked to him many times about his temper and how to control it in times like these. at these times, everything he was taught, were forgotten in the moment, he didn't have a explanation as to why he grabbed her right wrist. he hurt the only girl he has ever loved. he hurt her even with knowing how much she's gone through. they were most likely done, they would never have the bond nor relationship they had before. all the laughs, memories, kisses, deep conversations, were over with. there would never be another relationship between the two.

"rosario? we can take you now." the nurse said, alejandro and his mom following her direction.

zeala was home now, her mom and step-dad weren't home. of course of all times, they choose this day to be gone. she remembered that they were going to one of their friends house, meaning zeala would be alone at her house mostly all day. she didn't have anyone no more, alejandro would be the person she would rant to in situations like these but alejandro was the cause of this now. he was the cause of her hurt and her tears. the only person she truly trusted, broke all the promises he swore to never break. normally, nothing would get to her this bad, she wasn't a sensitive person, but this just broke her. she felt as if no one cared about her, that she didn't matter to anyone. she was left alone, her mind roaming with these thoughts.

she remembered all the memories she and alejandro had, the memories of the two having a good time, sharing laughs, the intimate moments they would have. the thing that hurt zeala the most was losing his family, she wouldn't have the bond she had with adriana and emiliano no more. she wouldn't see them anymore as she used to. this adds on to the feeling of zeala feeling as if she doesn't matter anymore. that she has no meaning in her life and never did.

zeala wished her eighteenth birthday would come faster so she could leave. leave this town, leave everyone, and start a new life elsewhere. somewhere where she could live her best life, but her birthday was still a year and 5 months away. that was far too long for zeala, she couldn't bare the wait anymore.

alejandro was home now as well, he had a sprained ankle just as the medic at the soccer game had told him. just he had crutches now, making him not want to walk no more as it was too much of both a hassle and pain.

today was dreaded to finish, alejandro and zeala were supposed to reveal their relationship at mattia's party. obviously that plan was shut down, alejandro couldn't even go as it is. it was just an unexpected day, both alejandro and zeala were devastated by the end of the day. they were each others happiness and now they were back to being strangers.

alejandro tried to attempt an apology but zeala ignored it, she needed to just live her life alone for a while. she didn't know how she would handle it on her own but she'll figure it out soon.


zeala 💞💞💞

zeala, i'm so sorry. i'm sorry for today, i'm sorry for what i did to you. i didn't mean to do that to you, i regret it so much. i know you're not going to forgive me but please just know i didn't mean for my temper to get the best of me. i'm sorry zeala.

read at 7:38PM

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