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Hi, I know that I should have said this quite a while ago, but Brendon will not be coming back into this story. I just don't feel right about writing him into a story that I wanted to write about my idols and people that I look up to... I don't know what else to say, and I don't know if I will be writing in any other artists.

It makes me so sad to watch the world slowly rot. Even Daniel Curcio was found to be an awful person. The boys handled that situation well, but he still has supporters from being part of Palaye. Brendon still has so much support because he was such a huge part of peoples lives, I know personally that I still have very fond memories of watching his career progress, but I'm working on separating the art from the artist. It hurts my heart to see all of these people that I grew up admiring to end up being such horrible people, but there are still the good people in the world like the Palaye boys and the Parx boys and so many others, and I guess that's all that we can really hope for. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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