Chapter 10

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(gore/violence warning)

Thankfully already dressed in a skirt and sweatshirt, you grabbed a coat and slipped on your shoes. Your heart was beating so fast it could pop out of your chest. Your hands trembled as you tried your best to lace your shoes. 

It didn't seem right to be running out to the scene head-on, but you couldn't just sit here and wait for things to happen on their own. Your mom's life was in danger. There had to be something you could do. 

Your phone began to ring, indicating a phone call. You struggled to get outside quickly before answering. Shivering in the early night air and watching as your breath came out in heaves, fogging up the moonlight space around you. You were trembling so much, you though to might puke. When you looked at your phone to see Shoto calling, the butterflies you usually felt in your stomach when you heard his name, turned to a sinking feeling. 

You felt no choice but to answer as you ran to the nearby train station. 

"Y/n, I heard on the news- Are you okay?" Shoto said as soon as you picked up. 

"Yes..." you heaved, "I'm just running."

"Running where, Y/n? What are you thinking?" Shoto sounded panicked over the phone, but you ignored him, only focused on the task ahead- getting onto the train as fast as you could.

"To the train, Shoto. I have to help my mom!"

At that you hung up before he could change your mind. Like he could anyway... but you hated hearing his concern. 

You continued to run, not minding the constant buzzing coming from your phone. Luckily you were able to get onto the next train quickly, which was more crowded then you had expected, probably because people wanted to get to their homes quickly. 

Settling down in a seat, you couldn't stop your legs from shaking. Cold sweat laced your body knowing your mom could die in the hands of a villain. 

There was a sudden large crash making you jump out of your seat and brace yourself against a pole, not minding if you had bumped into anyone. Screams rang throughout the train as a large monster had smashed through the train, stopping it in it's tracks. You watched in fear as it tore away at bits of the opening it had come through at. People shoved past you, running for their lives, yet you couldn't bring yourself to move an inch. What were you supposed to do? Run? 

Pressure came to the back of the monster's head as a hero had kicked it forward, grabbing it's attention. 

"Everyone run! Get out of here!" the hero yelled as the monster turned it's gaze to the hero, who began to lead it away from the train. 

You rushed towards the opening it had created looking out into the city where it seemed as though chaos had erupted. Hoping down a small slope, you made your way into the heart of the city, brushing past the bodies of people trying to run in the opposite direction. 

Part of you was worried as to what would come forward when you reached the end of the crowd, but you couldn't stop your feet from trudging along the fastest you could go.

You suddenly tripped, bumping into someone before falling to your knees, which were now scraped and bloody after falling to the concrete. 

"What are you doing dumbass! Run away!" the woman you had fallen into yelled to you before rushing past you. You choked o the lump in your throat, stumbling to find your footing as you got to your feet and continued running. Your eyes began to get blurry with tears as you got closer to burning of the city where the chaos had started. Screaming could be heard for miles as people were torn apart and smashed by debris and vicious villains.

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