chapter 7

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Tessa Gray

After Will offered to drive me, I felt that he needed to talk. The more I thought about what could be done, the more I wanted to ask. I grabbed a grocery sack and stuffed it with some pajamas, my toothbrush and toothpaste, and my hairbrush. Then I thought about it, maybe I should bring my journal? I walked over to my nightstand where I hid the key. Aunt Harriet taught me to hide things you don't want to be found, in objects that most people wouldn't care to look in. I took A Tale of Two Cities off the tin box and opened it up. There to my surprise, I found nothing.

Where could the key be? I panicked, feeling less and less like going. Clary and Jace were sleeping in this room, so I had to go. But I needed to find that key. I have had that journal ever since my mom died. Sure, I didn't write in it until I was older. But I wrote my feelings in there, all of them. I have kept track of that thing since I started writing in it. It had my feelings that I had about Will, and Jem, and everyone. Even after I moved to New York, I had kept it. I suddenly felt light headed. I couldn't breath. I ran my shaking hands through my hair, looking around frantically. Tears were streaming out of eyes. I don't ever usually cry.

There was a sudden knock at the door. I whirled around and dropped my hands. Will, was leaning against the doorway, a casual look on his face, but once I turned around, it turned into worry.

"Tess what's wrong?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

"I can't find it! I can't find it!" I cried.

"Find what?"

"The key!"

"What key?"

The key to the nightstand!"

"Why? What is in there?"

"My most prized possession!" I screamed frantically.

I threw a few more things around my room. Will grabbed my shoulders, and pulled me towards him. I struggled at first, but Will is stronger. He pulled me into a hug. One arm in the small of my back, and the other around my head, pushing my head in closer.

"Sshhhhh. Shhhhh. It is okay, It's okay." He said. I felt my shoulders relaxing. We stood there hugging for ten minutes before we broke apart. The tears had stopped coming, and the tear stains on my cheeks had dried. My eyes still were puffy and red though. I had stopped shaking, but I was still upset.

"I have an idea come sit here, on the bed next to me. I'll be right back." Will assured me.

I nodded, not being able to say anything. He came back a few minutes later, carrying a screwdriver.

"Do you have a bobby pin?" he asked me.

I thought abut it then pulled one out of my hair. It came down in long, thick, dark brown curls. Will gladly took it, then knelt down by the drawer. He messed with the lock for a minute until I heard a faint click. Will grabbed the handle of the drawer and pulled it open. I jumped up, and looked inside of the drawer.


I leapt back. I would've fallen back, but thankfully Will caught me. I fell into his arms. He grabbed under my knees and shoulders and carried me over to the bed. He laid down and put me next to him. I curled into his chest, sobbing. I couldn't control it. I has lost my journal. The one thing besides my clockwork angel that I had swore on my life I would never lose. I had lost it.


She sobbed for a long time before she finally fell asleep. She had her head against my chest. She also had one hand against my chest, next to her head; the other was clenched into a fist with a piece of my shirt in it. I couldn't get up, but I had to tell the others of a new plan. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket, trying not to move that much so I didn't wake her up. I texted Cecy telling her to tell Clary an Jace that they can sleep in my room, because Tessa has fallen asleep. Cecy immediately texted me back, "Why can't you do it?"

"Come look for yourself, just be quiet." I text her.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, but it doesn't sound like only Cecy came up. Cecy was the first one I saw though. Then Jem, which was a surprise to me. Cecy blushed, she thought it was so cute.

That was when Magnus sneezed, loudly of course. Tessa stirred, but then to my surprise, she wrapped her leg around mine and snuggled in closer. Everyone, including me, glared at Magnus. He threw up his hands and stalked off down the hall. Clary and Isabelle peered in, and their eyes softened. They thought it was "adorable" as well. I rolled my eyes. Jace and Alec were standing in the doorway, they didn't really care. I'm guessing that Clary and Izzy dragged them up here.

I looked back over at Tessa, she looked really pretty. After a little while, I had to shift somehow. I turned over, really slowly so that I was facing her. She was on her side like me. Her fist was wasn't clenched as tightly as before because she was asleep, but at least I could move unlike before. She stirred a little, but quickly adjusted. She put her arm around my waist and snuggled in even closer. If that's even possible.

After about an hour of watching her and the sun out of the nearby window, I felt my eyelids drooping. I looked down at her face, then thought about it for a second, what would it hurt to do what I was about to do? So I leaned down my head, and moved hers up a little bit, and gave her a long kiss on the lips. Her eyes fluttered, but didn't open. I broke away, feeling pleased. At last I felt like I was going to fall asleep, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her as close as I could, and rested my chin on the top of her head, and slowly fell asleep.

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